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White guy gets comic made into movie, Variety calls it manga

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:37 am Reply with quote
Paramount Pictures and Brad Pitt’s Plan B have acquired "Miki Falls," a four-volume manga series created by Mark Crilley.

TV scribe Sera Gamble has been tapped to adapt.

Story chronicles the final year of high school for Miki Yoshida, the series’ protag who tries to befriend handsome new student Hiro Sakurai but is met with resistance. Stubborn Miki, however, refuses to take no for an answer, which leads to a surprising revelation about the secretive young man.

Crilley is best known for his "Akiko" young adult novels and comicbooks. His first "Miki Falls" tome, each of which span a season of the calendar, was published in May 2007 by HarperTeen.

Gamble is a producer of the CW Network series "Supernatural" and was a staff writer on "Eyes," which aired on ABC. She was also a finalist on "Project Greenlight" for her screenplay "Cheeks."

Source: Variety

This is like the equivalent of David Carradine stealing Bruce Lee's show, huh? Rolling Eyes Or maybe it's like Memoirs of a Geisha for teens. [I.E. The writer got it completely wrong, but they bought it as real anyway. Laughing ]
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:20 pm Reply with quote
Wait... looking up this thing.. Harper Collins is the publisher? They jumped on this OEL manga BS too?

Meanwhile, I wouldn't complain the fact that some white guy has a manga. White people, or black or Hispanic or pacific islander or whatever, can have manga made. They just need to go to Japan to do it.
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zanarkand princess

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:36 pm Reply with quote
Yeah most manga fans don't trust any manga that self proclaims it's made in america. It's not about your race it's about your location and hoping that you give us manga not something manga inspired.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:07 pm Reply with quote
Though I kinda get what the original post says about being imitation. Though looking into the author, he did actually live in Japan for a while. Still, it's a book being published in America in English. I have a couple of friends who lived in Japan. If they start writing a comic, does that make it manga? I like to think not. It's not due to that they're white (actually, none of them are white) or not Japanese. It's just that they're being published in America, a country where we speak English. as the common language.

Oh crap. I just realized that this is by the same guy who did Akiko. Only just now recognized the name. I've been hearing good things about that comic for years. How did this new work get picked up before that acclaimed one? Well, it sounds a bit more down to earth, and thus easier to film. Though maybe the manga stamp buzz does get you more notice.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:47 pm Reply with quote
The only people who care are the people who are interested in flaming. I call Troll Thread. SECURITY!
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:56 pm Reply with quote
It's funny. Akiko has been praised for years. I now find there are full text children's novels along with the acclaimed comics series. Yet somehow this newer series gets picked up. I heard about it before, but I didn't realize it was from the same author. Though I'd much rather check out that earlier series first anyway. Not due to the comic vs manga label from the publisher, the story just sounds much more interesting.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:19 am Reply with quote
Speaking of white guys getting manga, Bellos here posted an article on [url]=animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=64035]Stan Lee and Hiroyuki Takei's Ultimo[/url]. Now there's a white guy making a Japanese manga. Can you get more white than Stan Lee? Well, actually Lee is Jewish. His original name was Lieber but shortened it to sound white. Same can be said for many creators and immigrants who didn't want to sound too ethnic. Was that right? Not really, but that was the racism of the day. Meanwhile, today we have creators changing their pen names to sound more Japanese.

Then there's Felipe Smith. An American artist who went over to Japan and is now being published in one of Japan's manga magazines.
So not only are 'white' people making manga, but so are some of the colored folk. Bah! I can't believe this. What's next? Letting them drink at Japanese water fountains? Japan used to be so pure, now it seems they just let anyone in. I'm making horrible jokes, but I've heard some messed up stories from friends who are over there as well as other 'gaijins'.

Hell, not even that. When I was over there, I saw them selling Little Black Sambo plush dolls and cell phone accessories right next to Tin Tin and Mickey Mouse. Isn't that awful? You don't see that in America. Well, unfortunately you don't see Tin Tin stuff either. Still, that's pretty awful.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:33 am Reply with quote
The Xenos wrote:
So not only are 'white' people making manga, but so are some of the colored folk. Bah! I can't believe this.

In this thread: Xenos's worst nightmare. Twisted Evil

Now, that you have a company like "Paramount" on board. The "manga influence" as you and many have called and referred to -- it is spreading. Well, this makes it official. This guy is a mangaka.

The Xenos wrote:
What's next?

Mexican Sushi Chefs. Oh wait, those exist.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:35 am Reply with quote
Xenos wrote:
So not only are 'white' people making manga, but so are some of the colored folk. Bah! I can't believe this. What's next? Letting them drink at Japanese water fountains? Japan used to be so pure, now it seems they just let anyone in. I'm making horrible jokes, but I've heard some messed up stories from friends who are over there as well as other 'gaijins'.

Hell, not even that. When I was over there, I saw them selling Little Black Sambo plush dolls and cell phone accessories right next to Tin Tin and Mickey Mouse. Isn't that awful? You don't see that in America. Well, unfortunately you don't see Tin Tin stuff either. Still, that's pretty awful.

Uh Hello Xenos. It looks like you're attacking this threads also. What's wrong with that? kanye West's music video "Stronger" took inspiration from Akira, and he's a big fan of that movie. According to a ANN article, Kanye West is going to do a manga.


What about Aaron Mcgruder who created the Boondocks, he's black and he's a big fan of anime/manga? His show was made into a "American anime". Madhouse studio even did the animation for his second season.

So what about Erica Awano, a Brazilians-Japanese manga artist in Brazil? She drew a manga in Brazil called Holy Avengers. So you're saying that no other artists can draw a manga, but just Japanese. Wow, you're totally a hater, and a bit of a bully when it comes to OEL manga or manga not made in Japan.

KyuuA4 wrote:
In this thread: Xenos's worst nightmare.

Now, that you have a company like "Paramount" on board. The "manga influence" as you and many have called and referred to -- it is spreading. Well, this makes it official. This guy is a mangaka. Mexican Sushi Chefs. Oh wait, those exist.

LOL, KyuuA4. It's looks like OEL manga is showing off lately. I just saw something on Tokyopop's website about a Princess Ai anime. Recalling if I'm right, Princess Ai is a OEL manga and this OEL is getting a bit of anime adaption.


Just recently, I did read Miki Falls. It was a bit intresting but there are too many things I don't understand. Maybe I'll reread it again when I have the chance. But seeing Miki Falls made into live-action is kind of cool, I hope it can give people a chance of thinking that manga and anime can be made into live-action movie in America.
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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:54 am Reply with quote
You know what's funny? Mark Crilley rarely uses the word manga.

Don't believe me? Check out his website: http://www.markcrilley.com/
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:44 am Reply with quote
Tamaria wrote:
You know what's funny? Mark Crilley rarely uses the word manga.

Don't believe me? Check out his website: http://www.markcrilley.com/

Yeah I read it, He doesn't have to called it a manga. But some other people can called it manga because of it's style and art. I would agree with some people it's OEL manga.
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zanarkand princess

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:35 am Reply with quote
It's like I said they call it manga inspired not manga. That word might scare off any non anime/manga fans from reading it. Lately it's starting to become an evil curse word in the world of manga inspired and american comics. (Maybe I'm exaggerating just a little Crying or Very sad )
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:36 am Reply with quote
Xenos: Lee's had years of experience in the comic industry and is thus entitled to expand his resume. Plus, Ultimo's a collaboration with a Japanese manga artist. I have issues with people who simply copy from the genre in order to cash in, rather than trying to convey their individual takes on the style. IMAGE is the worst offender in that regard. Felipe's work doesn't look like a manga wannabe, but a fan work inspired by manga; he's not cynically trying to make a quick buck off people who can't tell the difference.

And for the record, Warner just released those banned Popeye WW2 propaganda shorts which make fun of the Japanese, as well as "The Jazz Singer"; and Disney's "frog princess" movie was originally going to have her as a maid. Rolling Eyes

mdo: Aaron's a fan, and a writer, not just a guy who thinks he can
only sell his material if it looks like manga, while Holy Avenger appears to be manga-inspired, not a manga wannabe. And frankly, I'm not the only hater of OEL, considering the financial problems at Tokyopop.

Tamaria: I guess that means he's a thief like Tarantino.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:52 pm Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Xenos: Lee's had years of experience in the comic industry and is thus entitled to expand his resume. Plus, Ultimo's a collaboration with a Japanese manga artist. I have issues with people who simply copy from the genre in order to cash in, rather than trying to convey their individual takes on the style. IMAGE is the worst offender in that regard. Felipe's work doesn't look like a manga wannabe, but a fan work inspired by manga; he's not cynically trying to make a quick buck off people who can't tell the difference.

And for the record, Warner just released those banned Popeye WW2 propaganda shorts which make fun of the Japanese, as well as "The Jazz Singer"; and Disney's "frog princess" movie was originally going to have her as a maid. Rolling Eyes

mdo: Aaron's a fan, and a writer, not just a guy who thinks he can
only sell his material if it looks like manga, while Holy Avenger appears to be manga-inspired, not a manga wannabe. And frankly, I'm not the only hater of OEL, considering the financial problems at Tokyopop.

Tamaria: I guess that means he's a thief like Tarantino.

Have you ever look at other OEL manga like from Seven Sea, EigoMANGA, Antartic Press, and other companies. I don't think those OEL sucks, I think they are creative. I don't see any problem. At another forum taking about "OEL jumped the shark". I called Xenos a "Jack Thompson" because he targeted Tokyopop not other companies and countries for their manga-style comic. But you do have a point about manga-inspried comic, But I like OEL manga because it's art and it has some plotline not found in any Japanese manga. You don't want to be called "Jack Thompson" because you target Tokyopop like you have a vendetta against them. Just leave OEL manga alone and Tokyopop alone. I don't see people complaining about manga made in France, Germany, and Asia. They emulate manga art, but still called manga. Manga and comic are the same thing, why hate OEL manga and Tokyopop, but not other companies and countries producing manga. That's pretty weird if you are a OEL hater.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:08 pm Reply with quote
Tamaria wrote:
You know what's funny? Mark Crilley rarely uses the word manga.

Don't believe me? Check out his website: http://www.markcrilley.com/

And I quote:

According to the article: wrote:
"Paramount Pictures and Brad Pitt’s Plan B have acquired "Miki Falls," a four-volume manga series created by Mark Crilley. TV scribe Sera Gamble has been tapped to adapt...

Now, someone else called his work a manga. I'm willing to bet that he doesn't care whether it is "officially" a manga or not. The only thing that matters -- he does good work in an art medium that uses graphics to tell a story using dialogue -- and someone recognizes it enough to pay money to have the story developed in another format. For something to make it to television, that's a bit of extra money there. Ching ching! Elation is more directed towards this big step in his art career. Congrats to him, by the way.

Xenos wrote:
Meanwhile, I wouldn't complain the fact that some white guy has a manga. White people, or black or Hispanic or pacific islander or whatever, can have manga made. They just need to go to Japan to do it.

Oh man. Laughing Laughing Laughing And now, the nation of Japan is renamed as Mangaland.

I'm sorry for the mockery - but - do you realize how ridiculous that sounds now?
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