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NEWS: FUNimation renames Conan

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Joined: 09 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:32 pm Reply with quote
I would think that Conan O Brian would have a field day with it, just because it's his name. Heh.

'Case Closed' reminds me of 'Cold Case' and all those other law shows out there. Although, there is detective work in them. It's almost as if Conan is Cartoon Network's response to the Law & Order/CSI explosion.

Although the title & name changes seem unnecessary, I don't have a big problem with it. However, I don't understand why they're bothering changing them. Ran isn't that hard to remember/recognize... especially in comparison to more complex/longer names, such as Sesshomaru, Totosai, and Tetsusaiga.
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Samurai CDZ

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:50 pm Reply with quote
Ran ran.

Of course, there could be similar issues in Japanese, but I wouldn't know.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:06 pm Reply with quote
Proman wrote:
Perosonally, I don't think anything will ever "top" Samurai X. Whenever I see this title I want to start going around smashing staff.

It's just the title of a cartoon, don't let it get to you and certainly don't take it personal.

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Joined: 18 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:08 pm Reply with quote
Man, not another casualty. Screw Cartoon Network and FUNimation. Anime in English is simply mediocre if not lame.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:13 pm Reply with quote
ManixTT wrote:
Man, not another casualty.

Casualty? A title change and name change in the dub only, yet without any real content edits and the still-open option to watch the show subtitled...where in that do you get "casualty" from?
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Joined: 19 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 1:07 am Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
Proman wrote:
Perosonally, I don't think anything will ever "top" Samurai X. Whenever I see this title I want to start going around smashing staff.

It's just the title of a cartoon, don't let it get to you and certainly don't take it personal.


I was being sarcastic... Why should I take this stuff personally? It does piss of me a little bit though Wink.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 1:17 am Reply with quote
Shorty22 wrote:
'Case Closed' reminds me of 'Cold Case' and all those other law shows out there. Although, there is detective work in them. It's almost as if Conan is Cartoon Network's response to the Law & Order/CSI explosion.

I think Witch Hunter Robin is more true to the Law and Order genre, but now they're showing both shows, and it does get you wondering...

I'm not too worried about the dub name changes. We've been spoiled anime fans lately, and these dub changes have been happening since... anime came to the US. As long as the sub track on the dvds is the original, I don't see the problem.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 1:58 am Reply with quote
I'm not too worried about the dub name changes. We've been spoiled anime fans lately, and these dub changes have been happening since... anime came to the US. As long as the sub track on the dvds is the original, I don't see the problem.[/quote]
Man you don't know how long I've been wantin' to say this. I believe anime fans have been spoiled in the past few years (and I love it Mr. Green ). Although the name and title changes are really annoying, I'll just try not to think anything of it (besides this ain't the first piece of bad news we got this week). To sum up my two cents I just want to say that I fully agree with littlegreenwolf an all aspects of his/her comment
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 2:03 am Reply with quote
KURIous wrote:
To sum up my two cents I just want to say that I fully agree with littlegreenwolf an all aspects of his/her comment

Anime smallmouth Littlegreenwolf is a her.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 12:03 am Reply with quote
I think Funimation just likes to mess up good anime, just take a look at what they did to DBZ!Anime cry They turned into a kiddy show for Toonami. Sure, a name change isn't that big a deal, but is it really necessary to do it at all? If they got sued over it then it gets them free publicity, and there's no such thing as bad publicity.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 12:40 am Reply with quote
Neardawg1979 wrote:
I think Funimation just likes to mess up good anime, just take a look at what they did to DBZ!Anime cry They turned into a kiddy show for Toonami. Sure, a name change isn't that big a deal, but is it really necessary to do it at all? If they got sued over it then it gets them free publicity, and there's no such thing as bad publicity.
[sarcasm]Oh no, Funimation make DBZ kid show. Protest, protest.[/sarcasim] DBZ is a kids show. The plot's so ridiculous and slow paced that it couldn't BE anything else. They edit out some language... oh no... they take out some blood.. wahhh... they change Bra's name to Bulla or whatever... who cares! I think Funimation did a fine job with DBZ. They sold it off as what it is and boy did it pay off for them(and Cartoon Network).

I'm sure Case Closed is gonna be great. Funi handled Blue Gender fine so I doubt they're be a problem here
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 12:42 am Reply with quote
Neardawg1979 wrote:
I think Funimation just likes to mess up good anime,

Where's your proof? Fruits Basket, Blue Gender, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, & FUNi's Lupin acquisitions have all gotten excellent, faithful, unaltered releases, and Kiddy Grade looks to follow in that trend. The entire Dragon Ball franchise, similarly, has gotten a respectable DVD release, and Detective Conan will, too.

Neardawg1979 wrote:
just take a look at what they did to DBZ!Anime cry They turned into a kiddy show for Toonami.

It...was a kiddy show to begin with, genius. And as I said before, they still make the uncut version more than readily available. It's not like the actually rather lightly edited version you see on Toonami is the only one around.

Neardawg1979 wrote:
Sure, a name change isn't that big a deal, but is it really necessary to do it at all? If they got sued over it then it gets them free publicity, and there's no such thing as bad publicity.

Lawsuits also cost money. It's bad business sense to willfully jump into a situation that could potentially cost you many the pretty penny when the chance of something positive coming out of it are very low. Publicity? Do you really think something like this would generate the sort of publicity to make it all worthwhile?
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:25 am Reply with quote
HockeyKamen wrote:
Beatdigga wrote:
What, are they afraid Conan O Brien is gonna sue?
Maybe more like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle(writer of many a Sherlock Holmes novel).
Where he is at the moment, he isn't likely to care. Wink It should prove interesting viewing the Funi Message Board then. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:55 am Reply with quote
Here's MY theory:

Before Funi and CN were discussing putting Conan on, Funi had a section of the site dedicated to DETECTIVE CONAN, with the names Shinichi Kudo and Lan Mouri (Due to bad romanization). When AS on CN announced that they got DC eppies, Funi denied it. Later, it was found that this is because Funi wanted to put DC on Toonami, not Adult Swim...

Thus, the reason for the sudden changes is simply due the fact that Funi wants Conan to be put on Toonami. Thus, they will kiddify it enough for it to be unpopular on AS, thus compelling CN to put it on Toonami.

Brilliant strategy, ne? Course, it's just a theory.

The problem with putting Conan on CN is that 1) the characters and atmosphere are too young and light-hearted for Adult Swim, so it WON'T be popular there, and 2) Conan's too violent for Toonami, which is watched by AMERICAN kids. Even if Funi edits out all of the blood, the fact that a man is decapitated with blood flying outta his head in the first eppy will still be obvious. The only way Funi can edit this is by changing the entire PLOT.

Japan has no problem with this because the kids are used to it.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:12 am Reply with quote
and another note: I think that as long as we view Anime as a legit art form, we should want it translated as accurately as possible.

When you read classic literature (or even non-classics), watch a foreign play or opera, or a foreign movie, look at a foreign piece of visual art or hear foreign music, any translation is done as accurately as possible; it keeps the same feel as the original. If Les Miserables was translated into English to be set in America, while Americanizing the names from Valjean, Javert, Cosette, etc. to something like Bob, Jim, and Sally, then it is doubtful that any high schooler would end up reading it. It loses the feel. Obviously, I'm exaggerating, but this is just an example. Besides, not everyone can pronounce French--and not everyone can pronounce Japanese. (I find French harder.) Even movies, like the old Jackie Chan ones, are usually translated as closely as possible. (Then you have opera, which isn't translated at all...but that's because it's too hard to translate... Anime catgrin )

Of course, this opinion does not apply to people who DON'T view Anime as an art/entertainment form--those people who watch it because it's funny or has fight scenes or something. I'm not saying anything's WRONG with that; it's not the mindset, and everyone is entitled to his own opinion. After all, there are some people who don't think movies or modern art aren't legit art forms.
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