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The Click - April 12 - 18

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Joined: 09 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:25 am Reply with quote
Well, the final episode of 'Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage' aired tonight on G4 in Canada. I mention this not to complain again about how The Click completely failed to mention it last week, but instead to point out that this likely means the end of anime on G4 in Canada for the forseeable future.

The 'Anime Current' block was programmed completely with shows from Geneon, such as 'Last Exile,' 'Paranoia Agent' and 'Ergo Proxy.' Now that Geneon is essentially no more and these shows have all run their course, we're left with G4's usual tactics of repeating everything else in their schedule all the more.

However, there may be the opportunity to run some non-Geneon programming that was already in the works. For example, 'RaXephon' was apparently made available through video-on-demand so as not to conflict with the Geneon agreement, but now presumably G4 would be free to air it on the main channel.

They were also considering airing another Geneon show, 'Daphne in the Brilliant Blue,' though it's hardly worth getting excited about whether or not they bother with that one.

Anyway, all speculation aside, I just wanted to mention this milestone. It was a great ride while it lasted.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:03 am Reply with quote
Hello! Cool

I am happy that Black Lagoon The Second Barrage is being shown in America. I am hoping that some company will get Black Lagoon an official DVD release. Hint. Hint. However in the mean time I am happy to have Starz Edge to see it. Now if I only had ImaginAsianTV I could also get to see Kyo Kara Maoh!. I would love to have a DVD-R copy of the final episodes of the dub of the show. Although an official DVD release of the show would be even better. Hint. Hint. I can only hope that those who have this channel are watching Kyo Kara Maoh! and any of Geneon's other great titles.

It would be great if some company will get Geneon's titles. I feel that these titles are still important and need to be saved somehow. I would love for more of them to come on other networks. I am not going to comment on Adult Swim or Cartoon Network. However it would be great if IFC and Sci-Fi could get anime from other companies like ADV, Bandai, or whatever form Geneon is in or will take on.

I also hope that for Canada there will be more anime that will air in the future.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:28 am Reply with quote
Actually, according to Media Life Magazine, AS's overall average is over 20% up since they revamped half the weekday schedule.


You can check that site weekly for cable network ratings in all the household and adult demos. Cynopsis.com has similar ratings, and also carries ratings for kid demos.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:17 am Reply with quote
Awesome open letter to Adult Swim, though it will likely just fall on deaf ears.

Marcus and his fellow grade-school digital freedom fighters are captured, and its up to their Digi-pals, the Digimon, to save the day! Or night, depending upon the time of viewing.

I know this is just nit-picky, but bah, I can't help it. The Data Squad cast was actually aged to be much more mature then seasons' past. Marcus is 14, while Yoshino is a whopping 18 years old. Hardly grade-schoolers. Anime catgrin + sweatdrop
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Joined: 17 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:32 am Reply with quote
Oh man - that's awful, Vok. My sympathies to Canadian anime fans, really.

Castle of Cagliostro on WAM this week? Nice. It sounds like it might be alot of fun.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:12 am Reply with quote
In regards to Adult Swim, there is one gigantic difference between stuff like Aqua Teen and Robot Chicken versus anime.

They OWN it.

That's right. They get a share of DVD revenue. They get to resyndicate it. They get to sell it to foreign TV markets. They get to claim it as an asset on the company accounting ledgers. They don't have to put up with fussy neurotic American anime companies, or the Japanese companies' painfully slow and humorless committee approval process on everything they do with the show.

So even if they pull in the same ratings, the value to [as] of non-anime programming is faaaar greater than the anime programming. It has little to do with the fans and much more to do with business.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:29 am Reply with quote
Brian wrote:
Man, a DVD release for Black Lagoon's 2nd season would sure be great, huh? Gee, I wonder if strong TV ratings would possibly convince certain possibly-interested companies to think about doing such a thing? Hint Hint.

A fascinating notion. I'm one of those people that added Starz to their programming just to get Second Barrage after reading last week's column. I'm not a Nielsen house though. *shrug*
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Joined: 25 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:45 pm Reply with quote
"Now if I only had ImaginAsianTV"

Now that AZN is gone and Adult Swim failing me, I have become moody and depressed.

And what's with showing just part 1 of The Real Folk Blues? If I watch that I'll have to put the DVD in and watch part 2!
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:51 pm Reply with quote
jsevakis wrote:
They get to sell it to foreign TV markets.

Always good to know that we only export the best of the best to our friends overseas. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:32 pm Reply with quote
ManOfRust wrote:
jsevakis wrote:
They get to sell it to foreign TV markets.

Always good to know that we only export the best of the best to our friends overseas. Rolling Eyes
After the gems perpetually listed in Movies/Specials ... turnabout is fair play. Though I would wonder if CN gets even the tiniest cut for those volumes bearing the "As seen on CN/AS" stickers.

As to the grand reveal in GX ... they showed us this shocking turn last week (for those that couldn't figure it out by the silhouette a couple weeks ago.)

Finally, would somebody mind PMing a short description (in non-ruffian swordplay form) of last week's Bleach? TiVo, in its infinite wisdom, decided that was a repeat and skipped both showings. Pity that one isn't on Jetstream (or whatever (if anything) they call AS' streamer) either. My own fault for not having both DVRs record the important stuff, but at least I could catch (after a fashion) DeathNote online.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:46 pm Reply with quote
eviltimes wrote:
And what's with showing just part 1 of The Real Folk Blues? If I watch that I'll have to put the DVD in and watch part 2!

Because...part 2 is on next week? Razz
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:09 pm Reply with quote
TheVok wrote:
Well, the final episode of 'Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage' aired tonight on G4 in Canada. I mention this not to complain again about how The Click completely failed to mention it last week,


Canadian TV listings are impossibly vague and make my head hurt, and all the nice people at G4TechTV bother to list on their website is "Anime Current." But then, I also from the looks of it forgot to copy/paste over the anime on IFC this week here in America, so my neglect works over both countries!!! Cough.

jsevakis wrote:
They OWN it.

That's right. They get a share of DVD revenue. They get to resyndicate it. They get to sell it to foreign TV markets. They get to claim it as an asset on the company accounting ledgers. They don't have to put up with fussy neurotic American anime companies, or the Japanese companies' painfully slow and humorless committee approval process on everything they do with the show.

Despite sinking a ton of money into both Home Movies and The Boondocks, Adult Swim doesn't see a dime from DVD sales of either.

For the rest of their catalog, yeah, that's true enough. Though I've heard that Adult Swim usually works alongside the "fussy neurotic" anime companies when there's a show they've got their eye on - Funimation's Shin Chan being the prime example - and that they're pretty chill all around.

Probably because they are all high.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:18 pm Reply with quote
The Boondocks is produced by Sony, but then, so is Robot Chicken, isn't it? Is it some kind of co-production with Time Warner (which owns CN/AS)?

Home Movies, of course, began life very briefly on UPN. Yes, back when there was a UPN. So it perhaps more understandably originated from outside Time Warner.

Of course, as mentioned, AS's biggest hits were reruns of shows produced separately again by Fox: Family Guy and Futurama.

Anyway, between those examples and anime, I don't think it's really all that fair to accuse AS of blinkered self-interest at the expense of anything produced outside its own walls ...
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Joined: 02 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:16 pm Reply with quote
Beyond even the business/revenue advantages of mostly home-grown programing vs. licensed (and just from all the chatter I see on this forum on the subject of Adult Swims anime line-up, not necessarily the letter in the article) I think centrally a lot of folks have to simply square themselves to the reality that anime is just nowhere as popular/broadly appealing as they would wish, and that Cartoon Network is a business, not a civic institution dedicated to spreading the gospel of anime. Adult, professional network programmers also do not 'hate' their own programming. Nor do they spend their time crafting grossly elaborate and nonsensically ways to passive aggressively 'ruin' their own programming, if they didn't want something they just wouldn't program it in to the schedule in the first place.

If fans want to make their case that anime other then tween fighting fantasies and 'Seiji Takeda Showcase' would be more widely appealing, thats understandable. Oddly conspiratorial tomes about how professional network programmers are secretly scheming to ruin anime, or how Adult Swim 'owes' the anime community, paints anime fandom in a pretty wacky light. Again, thats just general issue sentiments re. making a mountain out of a molehill in regards to Adult Swim/anime, not negative to anything specifically in the thread/article.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:40 pm Reply with quote
Goodpenguin wrote:
Cartoon Network is a business, not a civic institution dedicated to spreading the gospel of anime. Adult, professional network programmers also do not 'hate' their own programming.

Cartoon Network's Adult Swim is a business that developed to a large degree specifically by spreading the gospel of anime. The two ideas aren't mutually exclusive ... they're directly connected.

As for the network's programmers, they aren't all necessarily in consensus. Some of them may indeed hate anime. And while scheduling changes usually have a lot more to do with ratings and business than with executives' preferences, they don't always. For that matter, anime would never have aired on Adult Swim in the first place without someone on staff to champion it.
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