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Everyday Host Short Anime Streams Theme Song's Promotional Video

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Anime helmed by Aggressive Retsuko's Rarecho premieres on April 4

The staff for the short anime of Nimo Gotō's Everyday Host four-panel manga streamed the promotional video for the anime's theme song on Tuesday. EbuHosu Players (EvHos Players), the group of the anime's main characters voiced by Hiro Shimono, Taku Yashiro, Tasuku Hatanaka, and Nobuhiko Okamoto, perform the "Everyday Host" theme song.

Image via Everyday Host anime's X/Twitter

The anime will premiere on the TV Tokyo channel on April 4 at 25:13 JST (effectively, April 5 at 01:13 a.m. or April 4 at 12:13 p.m. EDT), and on BS NTV at 12:56 a.m. The series will air for two cours (quarters of the year).

The anime stars:

  • Hiro Shimono as Kōichi
  • Taku Yashiro as Hajime
  • Tasuku Hatanaka as Ryōichi
  • Nobuhiko Okamoto as Senichi

Rarecho (Aggressive Retsuko, Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai!) writes and directs the series at his Fanworks studio.

The gag comedy about everyday life follows ex-businessman Sekiguchi, who changes careers to become a host at "Club One" after getting sick. The colorful cast of co-workers includes a younger-brother type host who actually has over 20 years of experience in the field, a former idol, a social-game obsessed rough host, and others.

Gotō launched the manga as a series of four-panel comics on their personal site, Nico Nico, and pixiv comics in July 2020. Kadokawa published the fourth and fifth compiled book volume digitally under the Asuka Comics DX label on December 24.

Sources: Everyday Host anime's X/Twitter account, Comic Natalie

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