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This Week in Games - Heart ToHeart in Lumiose City

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Joined: 01 Apr 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 3:16 pm Reply with quote
Personally, the real-time combat reminded me of NiNoKuni rather than Xenoblade. Regarding starters, i'm fine with the choices. I believe they'll get regional forms so it makes sense gamefreak wants to complete the johto set quickly. Totodile will probably be my pick on a first playthrough. Poor totodile, chikorita is more popular amongst anime fans while cyndaquil is more popular amongst game fans.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 3:24 pm Reply with quote
Samurai Pizza Cats sounds like a real labor of love. I’ve never seen the show myself, but this makes it tempting.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 4:18 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, anyone hoping that China was going to bring Japanese back to the "good ol' days" was just huffing nonsense. They're just doing the same capitalist crap America was doing and they don't care how much damage they do. Y'all got punked.

As for Z-A (side note: I find it find it funny that it shares a subtitle with the Twin Peaks Blu-Ray boxed seat), looks cool, I like the idea of going Like a Dragon with keeping largely to one metropolis and exploring parts of the city unseen in XY. I expect a showdown at Prism Tower where the opposing Pokemon tear their shirts off that they were wearing exclusively for tearing off. As for the "performance" dweebery, I say let them sulk in their obsolete tech wankery. Hey guys, unless a game is genuinely, completely busted, most people don't care. Especially now that Game Freak has shown not just one but TWO updated versions of the Hex Maniac. You are powerless before the yandere Goth girls!

Currently I'm just dissecting the latest Xenoblade X trailer and stuff shown on the website getting into the new epilogue story. One particular clip on the website confirmed what I always suspected about the Ghosts spoiler[that they're substitutes for the Gnosis from Xenosaga]. Definitely lots of implications going on
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Joined: 31 Jan 2025
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 4:31 pm Reply with quote
AiddonValentine wrote:
As for the "performance" dweebery, I say let them sulk in their obsolete tech wankery. Hey guys, unless a game is genuinely, completely busted, most people don't care.

One of the biggest things to come out of Scarlet and Violet were the performance hiccups, and that wasn't just from people too into Pokemon. Regular people were posting how (sometimes hilariously) messed up the game was

And now that they are going with a more real time battle system where you're expected to dodge attacks and time cooldowns, I think people are perfectly in their rights to question performance and expect something more stable
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 5:09 pm Reply with quote
I'm a classic To Heart fan who played the original game in my teens in high school, and it solidified my interest in dating sims that I hold to this day. I bought the disc release years ago in Japan. The 3D of the remake is off-putting to me, sadly. I'd have been fine with 2D moving sprite portraits with an upgraded design, but every time a VN tries to "modernize" itself with 3D, the standard I hold to that 3D shoots up exponentially. There's no drive for me to play a visually aesthetic game I used to love at a visual downgrade when I can just go back and play the original. I do want more remakes of VNs, but this trend is worrisome...
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Joined: 24 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 5:28 pm Reply with quote
EmeraldSaucer wrote:
One of the biggest things to come out of Scarlet and Violet were the performance hiccups, and that wasn't just from people too into Pokemon. Regular people were posting how (sometimes hilariously) messed up the game was

And now that they are going with a more real time battle system where you're expected to dodge attacks and time cooldowns, I think people are perfectly in their rights to question performance and expect something more stable

Legends came after and it ran pretty perfectly for me. My impression is they got really ambitious with the large open world of S/V because the performance is always worse in areas with a large number of assets displaying at once and that they will better understand how to optimize it in the next one like that. Since the last Legends game ran perfectly and this is a Legends game though I feel like they won't have the same issues. I will say I would rather a game swing for the fences than remain a repetitive iteration on the exact same gameplay even if there are hilarious glitches though.

Speaking of which, I am so hype for Legends ZA! Pokemon towns have always been shrunk to fit better with the overworld. This is the only time I can think of where an entire game is dedicated to a single location, seeing the city in full size so you can explore it like a real visitor and not a cross country trekker sounds amazing. I also feel like such a game could have a lot of neat side stories that are focused on everyday life since there is less of a focus on traveling to new cities. I do really hope there's customization though, you can't have a fictional Paris without clothes!
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Joined: 31 Jan 2025
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 5:38 pm Reply with quote
FishLion wrote:
Legends came after and it ran pretty perfectly for me. My impression is they got really ambitious with the large open world of S/V because the performance is always worse in areas with a large number of assets displaying at once and that they will better understand how to optimize it in the next one like that. Since the last Legends game ran perfectly and this is a Legends game though I feel like they won't have the same issues. I will say I would rather a game swing for the fences than remain a repetitive iteration on the exact same gameplay even if there are hilarious glitches though.

Arceus was before SV and also ran at a fairly inconsistent 30 FPS. Which is fine when you're just running around and then getting into turn-based battles, not so much when you're expected to perform specific actions like in a more action-oriented battle system. There's a reason why all the boss fights in Arceus were in closed off sections, and even then they could get really choppy
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 5:45 pm Reply with quote
malvarez1 wrote:
Samurai Pizza Cats sounds like a real labor of love. I’ve never seen the show myself, but this makes it tempting.

For all of the doom that makes up the current games industry (and anyone with eyes can see that it's bad out there) SPC feels like such a genuinely positive thing. The mood just immediately improved.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 6:02 pm Reply with quote
EmeraldSaucer wrote:
Arceus was before SV and also ran at a fairly inconsistent 30 FPS. Which is fine when you're just running around and then getting into turn-based battles, not so much when you're expected to perform specific actions like in a more action-oriented battle system. There's a reason why all the boss fights in Arceus were in closed off sections, and even then they could get really choppy

You're so right on the release date, I honestly don't remember performance issues at all though. Of course, I have never cared about FPS, I only really notice it in games where it drops incredibly low (mostly at brief times during loading in resource heavy games, such as very brief moments in S/V) or in games like Elden Ring/Smash Bros. where those milliseconds are life and death. Games like Ni no Kuni (which people compare the gameplay to) originally came out at much less than 60 FPS and I never noticed them being slowed down by not having enough frames.

Hopefully they optimize better and it isn't a concern regardless, but people assuming that Pokemon games are so busted a real time battle system will never work are probably worrying too much. Game Freak has always made gameplay that hits for me despite the code being held together by duct tape, I trust them perfectly to create a fun to play experience no matter how hilarious the visuals get at times.
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An Unchosen One

Joined: 07 Dec 2024
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 9:41 pm Reply with quote
It's kinda funny to see ToHeart being remade in 3D when TokiMemo's botched transition to 3D was so bad that it practically killed the series, though Aquaplus does at least seem to be avoiding the most common criticism of TokiMemo 3 by not just using the same base model for every girl. Also, the producer means it when he says it needs to sell well, as according to him, they actually lowered the price from what was originally planned, meaning it probably needs to sell at least as much as the second Utawerumono did.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 9:43 pm Reply with quote
I worried about something over the week: I take my time exploring in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, which means that I'm a few levels stronger than they are when I get around to fighting bosses. I've seen some people talking about the Xenoblade 3 battle system and how tough certain fights were, and now I'm wondering if all that exploration didn't ruin the battle system for me.

Life is a series of choices. Sometimes that choice is between forcing your way up a cliffside with Wyrdeer, catching a bunch of Pokemon two to three times your team's level, and snapping Legends Arceus's difficulty curve over your knee or leaving an area unexplored.

Anyways, I'm super excited for Legends Z-A. Meganium has long deserved justice and I pray it gets it here. I'd like for the starters to get Kalosian forms, but I assume they'll just get Megas. Hopefully we get Mega Charizard Z and A for the sole reason that it'd be really, really funny. The presence of Zygarde implies a hunt for Zygarde Cells which I really hope is less torturous than the search for Spiritomb wisps. I'm curious how much variation there will be in Wild Zones since they're all in a city. We see an alley and some sand and can easily imagine some parks/groves and ponds, but what about other biomes? It's hard to imagine a tundra or a volcano in the middle of Lumiose City. Perhaps they'll just handwave it away with forcefields. It'd be really nice to have zones based off of the Paris Catacombs for Ghost types or maybe sewers/subways for Poison/Steel/Rock/Ground types.
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