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Bandai Namco Cross Store Birmingham to Open Spring 2025

Second hub of Japanese entertainment Bandai Namco Cross Store Birmingham to open containing globally revered brands

Richmond, UK – 27th February 2025 – Bandai Namco Amusement Europe Ltd. the owner of the interactive retail experience Bandai Namco Cross Store Camden, London has revealed a second flagship store to open in the UK. Containing a myriad of popular Japanese brands and attractions, the new two-storey store is to open in Birmingham, Midlands as Bandai Namco Cross Store Birmingham in Spring 2025.

Since the initial opening and successful operation of Bandai Namco Cross Store Camden, London, over a year ago, the flagship store heads to the Midlands. Situated in a central location in England, Bandai Namco Cross Store Birmingham on New Street provides customers with an opportunity to ‘see’, ‘touch’ and ‘experience’ characters, products, events and feel part of an experience where guests can smile whilst celebrating community and entertainment.

“Birmingham in the Midlands is a great central location to position our second Bandai Namco Cross Store,” said John McKenzie MD of Bandai Namco Amusement Europe. “With the great success of Bandai Namco Cross Store Camden, London, we are excited to deliver a consistent experience further north in the country to reach the demand from a large and diverse customer base. Guests and fans will have another hub of entertainment to experience the much-loved Japanese IP and brands we offer.”

For more information about Bandai Namco Cross Store visit:
*X – bncrossstoreuk
*Instagram – bncrossstoreuk
*Facebook – BNCrossStoreUK
*TikTok – bncrossstoreuk
*Bandai Namco Cross Store UK Official Website

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