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This Week in Anime - The Anime Community's Leak Culture

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ANN Reviewer

Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:35 pm Reply with quote
The rampant desire for clout is part of why I avoid the whole "leak" culture. So much of it doesn't really value the work itself, just the e-peen of being the first who shared it. It reminds me of when scanlators would talk such big game of being a pillar of the community but you'd have sixteen different groups all working on their own translation for freaking Naruto and nobody working on never-before-licensed stuff from the 70s, 80s or 90s (because it's easier to farm clout working on the flavor-of-the-week Shonen Jump stuff than it is working on unknown fare like Eroge no Taiyou).

And Nick is especially right in pointing out how some folks will just outright make something up for the sake of having something to say. Where's the value in that?

Being a Kamen Rider fan, I also side-eye leaks because it especially angers production when folks find out about stuff ahead of time. And that kind of thing can especially sour relationships between production and fans. Case in point, we weren't supposed to know about Kamen Rider Zi-O's Trinity form. Now the American Kamen Rider fanbase has the reputation of being sneaks.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:58 pm Reply with quote
I would be willing to make an uneducated guess that the motive for the hack had very little to do with anime and the leaked episodes were just a byproduct of whatever the actual intent was.

FinalVentCard wrote:
Being a Kamen Rider fan, I also side-eye leaks because it especially angers production when folks find out about stuff ahead of time. And that kind of thing can especially sour relationships between production and fans. Case in point, we weren't supposed to know about Kamen Rider Zi-O's Trinity form. Now the American Kamen Rider fanbase has the reputation of being sneaks.

The US toku scene has multiple sets of baggage.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2024
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:33 pm Reply with quote
I really don't care about anime leaks and I don't really need to search for manga/tv leaks the algorithm just bring them to me, the only ones I actually bother to search are videogame/film leaks of franchises I really care about. I don't mind the spoiler and I like to read about production details that usually go along with those.

On the main topic, the manga leak is a longtime tradition as for more than a decade and way before we had official accesible access to he magazines, it was common to read the Jump chapters an entire week before Japan thanks to groups like Mangastream (dead) and other speedscans. I remember when we used to read the Big 3 on Monday/Thursday in 2008, it was a blast and how long the magazine breaks felt because of the week of difference.
Currently, I have gone official but there's 2 things that worries me:
-Translation quality, I have read wonderful things about certain works translations (My Hero Academia, Dr. Stone) and some worrisome things about another ones (Jujutsu Kaisen).
- No access to the original JP chapter to compare or see the original art (You need to go to specialized pirate websites).
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:18 pm Reply with quote
This Week in Anime - Old Men Yell at Cloud
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Joined: 10 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:10 pm Reply with quote
FinalVentCard wrote:
It reminds me of when scanlators would talk such big game of being a pillar of the community but you'd have sixteen different groups all working on their own translation for freaking Naruto and nobody working on never-before-licensed stuff from the 70s, 80s or 90s (because it's easier to farm clout working on the flavor-of-the-week Shonen Jump stuff than it is working on unknown fare like Eroge no Taiyou).

I fondly remember the late 00's/early 2010's Mangastream doing the big three in WSJ(and others), as well as many other series I came to love that I never would've first seen otherwise. There's tons of clout BS nowadays, but I've been on Viz's excellent reader ever since they launched it. There are so many legit ways of getting into new series now.

AverageAnimeFan wrote:
This Week in Anime - Old Men Yell at Cloud

Excellent comment showcasing an opinion formed by only reading the title. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 06 Jul 2024
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:31 pm Reply with quote
AverageAnimeFan wrote:
This Week in Anime - Old Men Yell at Cloud

If you're an average anime fan then I'd hate to know how hardcore anime fans act.

Joking aside what the leakers did was terrible. I've seen many people on YouTube support piracy all while ignoring the damage that piracy will do to the industry. I can see positives to the piracy like giving series that the big industries ignore a light to shine again, but there's no denying that going the piracy route will harm the industry and supporting piracy doesn't make you come off as just, but entitled.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:36 pm Reply with quote
I also cringe thinking that a contingent of readers has only ever seen smudgy, dogshit-quality versions of Ishida Sui's art.
FTFY. Mangosteen's Tokyo Ghoul scans were downright hate crimes sometimes. Dr. Stone also had some very lovely pages cleaned into oblivion.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 12:58 am Reply with quote
Just out of curiosity I did download some of the leaks. I had, and still have no intention of actually watching them. What I wanted to know was how they looked. And my GOD, I cannot believe anyone would degrade themselves to watch something in that quality.
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Nemu Asahi

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:50 am Reply with quote
As I wrote before:

"People who leak just want "likes" on social media for their ego. They just want to have their "worth" aknowledged by people withour doing anything and don't care about stealing, leaking or whatever if it can get them that.

They don't understand how hard it is to create a piece of art, a work, manga, anime or whatever. They haven't created anything in their life, so they don't understand the dedication, efforts and time needed to create something."

I didn't know when I was 16 yo, so I pirated things. Now, I'm creating a manga (my avatar is the main character of our manga) with a Japanese mangaka and charadesigner and I know now how much work, dedication and effort it is.To make a manga that is ready to hit the market, it's way beyond what people can imagine...

Make them create art and they will understand! Twisted Evil
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Top Gun

Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:55 am Reply with quote
Essedess wrote:
Just out of curiosity I did download some of the leaks. I had, and still have no intention of actually watching them. What I wanted to know was how they looked. And my GOD, I cannot believe anyone would degrade themselves to watch something in that quality.

I haven't seen said leaks, but clearly you weren't around in the time of "Part 1/3" pre-2010 YouTube uploads. Laughing
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Joined: 06 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:51 am Reply with quote
Nemu Asahi wrote:
As I wrote before:

"People who leak just want "likes" on social media for their ego. They just want to have their "worth" aknowledged by people withour doing anything and don't care about stealing, leaking or whatever if it can get them that.

They don't understand how hard it is to create a piece of art, a work, manga, anime or whatever. They haven't created anything in their life, so they don't understand the dedication, efforts and time needed to create something."

I didn't know when I was 16 yo, so I pirated things. Now, I'm creating a manga (my avatar is the main character of our manga) with a Japanese mangaka and charadesigner and I know now how much work, dedication and effort it is.To make a manga that is ready to hit the market, it's way beyond what people can imagine...

Make them create art and they will understand! Twisted Evil

I disagree. I am making my own comics and granted
they aren't exactly the best looking comics but still
I draw everything myself. I "ink" (digitally) everything
myself. I do all the lettering myself. Everything.

If I am ever able to get to the point that people actually
cared enough to pirate my comics then I see that as
a good thing. All I would ask is that they just credit me
for my own original work and not misrepresent me.

Of course there are pirates who don't do that and
would try to pass others work as their own but
they often are looked down upon by the scanlation

People who are anti piracy will often say stuff like
"Why would anyone pay for something they
can get for free?" When really it's pretty simple.
They like the work and they want to support
the author so they can make more.
But not everyone can afford to just dump
money on comics that they end up hating.

Of course I do want to make money from my
comics but I'm just not trying to guilt trip and
bleed poor people dry.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:06 am Reply with quote
Nemu Asahi wrote:

They don't understand how hard it is to create a piece of art, a work, manga, anime or whatever. They haven't created anything in their life, so they don't understand the dedication, efforts and time needed to create something."

I didn't know when I was 16 yo, so I pirated things. Now, I'm creating a manga (my avatar is the main character of our manga) with a Japanese mangaka and charadesigner and I know now how much work, dedication and effort it is.To make a manga that is ready to hit the market, it's way beyond what people can imagine...

Make them create art and they will understand! Twisted Evil

They don't understand because 16-year-olds are broke! Laughing
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King Chicken

Joined: 13 Aug 2022
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:18 am Reply with quote
Anime leaks seems relatively infrequent compared to the manga leak scene. It's more rare we get anime in advance unless a streaming service really bungles up compared to some quick and dirty scans of a manga chapter that breaks the street date. And usually it's only an episode uploaded maybe a week in advance. These recent leaks were certainly something to see Ranma just drop the entire cour all at once ahead of it's premier.

Joe Mello wrote:
The US toku scene has multiple sets of baggage.

The only issues I've ever really seen is from the people who are primarily Power Rangers fans and keep trying to apply a western mindset to toku. The kind of folks who keep trying to cancel Subaru Kimura and Atsuhiro Inukai or complain whenever Toei/Bandai/some other official source refer to Rita Kaniska as a woman. But I've only ever seen those people on X/Twitter so it's easy enough to mute and block those people out of your feed.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:49 am Reply with quote
King Chicken wrote:

Joe Mello wrote:
The US toku scene has multiple sets of baggage.

The only issues I've ever really seen is from the people who are primarily Power Rangers fans and keep trying to apply a western mindset to toku. [...] But I've only ever seen those people on X/Twitter so it's easy enough to mute and block those people out of your feed.

Then you missed fans outing a fansub group to Bandai as an example of a superior product; current Kamen Rider being set up to fail and Americans more than happily taking the bait; Austin St. John; Bluefin as a whole; and Bandai consistently making poor decisions in an attempt to keep more of a pie that they are making shrink faster.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:43 am Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
Essedess wrote:
Just out of curiosity I did download some of the leaks. I had, and still have no intention of actually watching them. What I wanted to know was how they looked. And my GOD, I cannot believe anyone would degrade themselves to watch something in that quality.

I haven't seen said leaks, but clearly you weren't around in the time of "Part 1/3" pre-2010 YouTube uploads. Laughing

It's the problem of the constantly moving goal posts. Quality suddenly doesn't matter if they aren't paying for it. Seeing somebody's work in its best form doesn't matter if they get to see it right now instead of later.
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