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Lord Geo
Posts: 2746 Location: North Brunswick, New Jersey |
Every single Eggconsole release has received an English release, & Popful Mail is no different. The only guaranteed English will be for the non-game "wrapper" menus, while English within the game itself is 100% dependent on how much the original game itself had from the start. |
![]() Posts: 2259 |
It's a shame Sakaguchi doesn't wanna return to FF when some parts of VII were mainly his creations like Aerith's character or how he sees death.
Meanwhile, Mega Man X gets ridiculous too with sexualizing robots. To make it ridiculous, X, Zero and Axl have never wore clothes so I guess they were born as Nudist Hunters. Probably, the series kinda died since Inafune left Capcom and the remake Maverick Hunter X was actually good unlike x7 but never ported. There was also about Breath of Fire staff members making the RPG spinoff Command Mission but nothing of that game was touched again except for X's cool scarf which even made it to Marvel vs Capcom Infinite |
![]() Posts: 1127 |
Not really sure I'd frame the PS3/360 generation as particularly hostile to JRPGs -- as I recall, the main issues facing the genre were threefold: there simply weren't very many JRPGs being released (especially relative to the golden age that was the prior two generations); of those few that were released, very few were really all that good; and, likewise, of that first few, many were stuck on the Xbox 360, a platform largely catering toward more casual players who were mostly just interested in first-person shooters.
For every genuinely great game like Lost Odyssey or Tales of Vesperia, there were a half-dozen (or more) mediocrities like Resonance of Fate, Infinite Undiscovery, Magna Carta 2, White Knight Chronicles, etc., etc. And it's not like JRPGs were the only genre affected -- 3D platformers and flight combat games likewise were greatly diminished, arguably to an even greater extent, for similar reasons. |
![]() Posts: 4699 Location: New York |
It was primarily JRPG’s that got the most pushback, with games media’s biggest mouthpiece being X-Play, which we’ve already litigated the mask off racism of. |
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 703 |
Yep. And the lack of Japanese RPGs was only on home consoles--they were otherwise thriving on handheld like the DS or PSP. Nostalgia, Phantasy Star Portable/Zero, the Rune Factory games, Avalon Code, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Final Fantasy: Four Heroes of Light... handheld RPG fans ate well in those days while everyone else was convinced the sky was falling. |
![]() Posts: 117 |
End of Eternity/Resonance of Fate was one of the best JRPGs of the generation I have no idea what you're talking about. It had unique combat and fun characters and I'd hardly call it mediocre. Sadly I don't think the anti-Japanese stigma has really gone anywhere given some of the complaints I usually see online. Only now rather than it just being Adam Sessler making outright racist jokes it's reviewers and people dressing up their anti-Japanese takes in progressive language and concern trolling. |
![]() Posts: 2423 |
It's also completely ahistorical and disingenuous to say "The 7th gen wasn't dismissive of Japan!" when JUST LAST YEAR we had a gigantic spotlight shone on the Western press' years long smear campaign against Japan when Yoshida said he felt like "JRPG" was an othering term (and it is) which caused half the gaming press to turn into blubbering pissbabies. The 7th Gen was a Japanophobic era and it's best to just own that, talk about why it was so Japanophobic, and why so many people want to pretend like it never happened. Anyway, it is interesting to see Fantasian hooking up with S-E. And I find it very telling that Yoshida is the one who got the deal rolling as opposed to other people in Square. Pity Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon are stuck in the Microsoft vault. |
Posts: 6466 |
As someone who bought Resonance of Fate for the PS3 and never finished I’d hesitate to call it one of the best RPG’s either precisely because of it’s niche combat system and it’s cliche characters.
It’s hard to take this seriously when you have Assassin’s Creed Shadows being stomped all over by some bad faith actors for having a black samurai with some people accusing the game of blackwashing and being historically inaccurate. Yet no one said anything when both Nioh games published and developed by a Japanese Publisher and Developer had the same character as a Samurai and was rife with historical inaccuracies. |
![]() Posts: 1257 Location: Covington, KY |
I also raised an eyebrow at Resonance being in that list. While I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, it was a damn sight better than the rest of those listed. Thinking about it, I may have even liked it more than Vesperia, and I really liked Versperia. Also, you got to dress the characters up in different outfits. How could you not love that? |
Posts: 206 |
Will always hold out hope for RPGs stuck on past consoles to get ports.
Posts: 133 |
Popful Mail needs more love. And whoa, Yukari Tamura voicing Juliet Starling in Japanese? Which is funny because she already did a high school cheerleader in Project X Zone… Guess we’ve come full circle.
![]() Posts: 3622 Location: Finland |
And hoping it wouldn't be so haphazard at times, every other Star Ocean game is on Steam yes, but try playing any odd number ![]() |
![]() Posts: 584 Location: PA / USA |
I think it's unimaginably tone-deaf of Sakaguchi to snub a Lost Odyssey re-release, but then I recall the idiocracy I'd seen from a dev team interview where they were lamenting putting so much detail into the interior settings in that game when "it slowed down dev time and didn't offer players anything substantial". It's sickening, when the game is possibly one of the most artistic and well-written experiences of its generation, stuck on XB360 without access to all of its DLC no less. On par with the crap you hear about Miyamoto tanking various game series because he doesn't want a story bogging down player experiences, eliminating new chances of things like Paper Mario sequels.
White Knight Chronicles is a tragic case of a game getting rushed to market due to financial issues, and then when its "sequel" released and was the game the original should have been from the start, the mismanagement of the publisher and an extreme lack of interest on Sony's part killed what could have been a main pillar of the Playstation's RPG lineup. For all intent and purpose, it was on par with the Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst experience back in those days, and nothing like it has been seen since. In addition to Sony's reluctance to realise a modern version of Bloodborne, so too would I like to see White Knight return with more QoL and a chance to take things to the next-level. Xenoblade X is another victim of timing and circumstance - it's quickly becoming one of the most-requested WiiU-to-Switch ports in the JRPG community as of late. If an issue keeping that from happening is the online functionality, it was small enough that I'd be fine seeing that left behind just to get it on a modern system with an extra story chapter added. Infinite Undiscovery is dysfunctional garbage design of the highest caliber and does not deserve to be mentioned in any conversation alongside anything even remotely associated with Star Ocean. It's one of the few regrets I have in this lifetime of time & purchase spent on gaming. |
Lord Geo
Posts: 2746 Location: North Brunswick, New Jersey |
Lost Odyssey has literally been a part of the Xbox One & Series BC program since 2016, and often goes on sale alongside Blue Dragon (which is also BC), so to call it "stuck on Xbox 360" is just incorrect. You can play LO better than the 360 ever could right now, as long as you own an Xbox (which makes sense, since Microsoft co-owns both games). Also, I would imagine part of the reason why Sakaguchi isn't interested in porting LO comes down to the simple fact that Mistwalker didn't directly develop the game. Mistwalker planned & produced it, but the actual development was handled by feelplus & Opus (the former of which was absored into what's now Marvelous, while the latter might not be around anymore), so who knows if it's even possible to do a proper port of LO in the first place, similar to how Blue Dragon was co-developed by Artoon (which wound up just like feelplus). More than likely Sakaguchi was just being polite (if a bit blunt) with his answer instead of outright saying "We literally can't do anything with LO or BD outside of full-on remakes, and that's a bit too much of a job for us. Plus, Microsoft would have to get involved, and who the hell knows what they're thinking, at this point". |
![]() Posts: 584 Location: PA / USA |
There's also the chance something was lost in translation, but I still feel the tone of the headlines his comments generated are not particularly helpful to fans of the game. If there's any silver lining, people are maybe taking a bit more notice of it now since a lot of places are covering the topic. Unless things have changed recently, Lost Odyssey was missing DLC story content on XB360. To remedy this back in the day, you had to create a JP Xbox account, download the DLC off of the JP store and then the files existing on your HDD would unlock the episodes on your US version. While these were not dire to miss, one of the main enjoyable parts of the game are these story episodes and the DLC including more of them in general, adds more top-shelf content. If that has been fixed then that's good, but it also leaves anyone without access to one of the newer Xbox consoles high and dry, not to mention the folks that are PC-only. A feature-complete remaster with all DLC included and an engine refresh like Last Remnant got would be pretty nice and hopefully not be too costly. |
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