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Duel Masters LOST ~Gekka no Shinigami~ Manga Ends in 2nd Volume

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Manga's 2nd volume releases on March 28

Image via Amazon
The first compiled book volume of Shigenobu Matsumoto and Yō Kanebayashi's Duel Masters LOST ~Gekka no Shinigami~ (Duel Masters LOST: Reaper of the Moon) manga revealed on February 27 that it will end with its second volume, which will release on March 28.

The manga launched on the Weekly CoroCoro Comic website on August 8, and ended serialization on February 27. The final chapter stated the Duel Masters LOST manga will have a third part.

The Duel Masters LOST ~Gekka no Shinigami~ anime premiered on the franchise's "DuelTube" channel on YouTube and other venues on December 21. The anime premiered its fourth and final episode on February 28.

Duel Masters LOST ~Gekka no Shinigami~ is the sequel manga to Matsumoto and Kanebayashi's Duel Masters LOST Tsuioku no Suishō (Duel Masters LOST: Crystal of Remembrance) manga. Similarly, the anime adaptation of Duel Masters LOST ~Gekka no Shinigami~ is the sequel to the net anime of Duel Masters LOST Tsuioku no Suishō. Both manga and anime are part of the Duel Masters LOST project.

The Duel Masters LOST Tsuioku no Suishō manga launched on the Weekly CoroCoro Comic website in February 2024. The manga ended in its seventh chapter in March 2024.

The Duel Masters LOST Tsuioku no Suishō anime debuted on the Duel Masters YouTube channel on October 4.

Source: Duel Masters LOST ~Gekka no Shinigami~ volume 1

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