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REVIEW: Code Geass Complete Series Collector's Edition Blu-Ray Review

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Joined: 12 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:13 pm Reply with quote
The ever increasing prices of Collector's editions, with less and less worthwhile content, has already grown tiresome. I get Capitalism and all, but I wish these were priced somewhat reasonably.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2023
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:42 pm Reply with quote
This set is complete and utter garbage.

Even if you actually like Code Geass, please just stick to vanilla. Crunchyroll shouldn't be allowed to mine precedent and demand out of this bullshit.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2020
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:57 pm Reply with quote
Any chance someone is able to confirm whether the 3 recapish movies were finally dubbed in this collection?
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Joined: 03 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:58 pm Reply with quote
Yeah... I think I'll stick with my Funimation box set released a few years back, I don't need the sequel/compilation films + OVAs all in one set that bad haha. I love a nice box with some striking artwork or design elements that house each individual blu-ray in one set, but there comes a point when its just way too over the top to justify. It's the same reason I ended up selling my Evangelion Ultimate Edition, even though that was a bit more reasonable there compared to this.

That being said, this price seems very unusual for a Funi/CR set, most don't go nearly that high (only thing that comes close would be that FMA 03 box set released under Funi a while ago which came around to $300). Wonder if its just due to the extravagance of the set and/or licensor fees required to re-release it along the newer compilation films.

I do think it's funny that the price is so crazy and they know it that they're also including with purchase a 6-month free CR premium subscription for new members and a $60 discount code at the online store for existing subscribers.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:53 pm Reply with quote
KitKat1721 wrote:
Yeah... I think I'll stick with my Funimation box set released a few years back, I don't need the sequel/compilation films + OVAs all in one set that bad haha.

Yeah, I'm just sticking with the even older Bandai DVD release. That box came with some of the manga, soundtracks, drama CDs, artbooks, and the box itself had a nice sliding feature.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:07 pm Reply with quote
I feel like this set is directly targeted at me Laughing It is absolutely, 100% positively overpriced and I’ll have to save up a few months, but I definitely want this.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2023
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:12 pm Reply with quote
ayashe wrote:
I feel like this set is directly targeted at me Laughing It is absolutely, 100% positively overpriced and I’ll have to save up a few months, but I definitely want this.

This is why we keep getting stuff like this, this is why Aniplex has been able to cockblock licenses for as long as they have.

Triltaison wrote:
Yeah, I'm just sticking with the even older Bandai DVD release. That box came with some of the manga, soundtracks, drama CDs, artbooks, and the box itself had a nice sliding feature.

Exactly this. I could let the Funi blu-ray slide since they were budget re-releases, but this...CR didn't even bother with the most basic inclusions with this horseshittery. No sound episodes, no soundtracks, no booklets, no 4-koma sketches, nothing. And I noticed pretty quickly when they put out the preview images, just from looking at the mouldlines that the chess pieces that came here with the cheapest of the cheapest possible quality they could have gone with.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:48 pm Reply with quote
When this was first revealed, my first thought was, "That reminds me of the Harry Potter set from years back."

As much as I am a fan of Code Geass, I've been a fan for almost 15 years, almost as long as I've been an anime fan, and as much as this series continues to remain among my all-time favorites, this will probably be a pass for me, especially at $550 (roughly $9.32 per episode, a typical price per episode price point for many premium releases). I already have the Bandai LEs of S1, the CE FUNimation put out 7 years ago, and the only releases they put out for the movies and Akito the Exiled.

If they had included the booklet content, or if it were a more "normal" sized Collector's Edition I would have maybe considered it. One of the things that still frustrates me is Bandai didn't give R2 as good of treatment as S1. The LEs for that were manga bundles, and thus we never got the booklet content. Here's a taste of what the booklets exclusive to the S1 DVD LEs were. Also a rarity for that time period, they actually credited the person who translated the booklets on the back cover, that being Satsuki Yamashita.

FUNimation had a chance with the CE to give us the booklet content for S1 and S2 in 2016, and they didn't do it, opting for only art cards. Thus one still needs to learn Japanese and import the singles for that sort of info for R2.​

Want to bet the people who poured 3 years of their lives into making this won't be credited for their work? Crediting graphic designers, why would anybody ever want to do that? Just make people believe a corporation just willed it into existence, no labor required.

BTW, we're still missing a bunch of extras from the Bandai Entertainment DVDs, and there's still a bunch of specials missing... Would have been nice if this was included rather than basically re-use the FUNimation discs. Heck, they should have tried to throw in the dubbed drama CDs for S1 (yes, Bandai Entertainment dubbed those, they went above and beyond with their release of S1, and the Japanese release pales in comparison in certain aspects, like the disc art).

Missing specials and such (I might be missing a few because there's so many...):

KitKat1721 wrote:
That being said, this price seems very unusual for a Funi/CR set, most don't go nearly that high (only thing that comes close would be that FMA 03 box set released under Funi a while ago which came around to $300). Wonder if its just due to the extravagance of the set and/or licensor fees required to re-release it along the newer compilation films.
Not that unusual of a price. It contains 50 episodes of the TV series, 5 OVA episodes, and 4 movies for a total of 59 episodes. $550 divided by 59 episodes is around $9.32 per episode. Allow me to bring up this nearly 8 year old post for the FMA review, which somehow manages to remain relevant...
BigOnAnime wrote:
unusually high MSRP even for a deluxe release
Here we go again, do I really have to get people to realize it's not THAT expensive considering the amount of content in it?Rolling Eyes Also the FMA CE contains more content than what can be found in the Japanese release (Booklet is only 56 pages for them as they're not re-using what was in the singles (Which is where the booklets in our many FMA releases came from) or DVD box), it's one of the rare R1 releases that surpasses its Japanese counterpart.

Consider this, FMA was originally released in 13 singles for $30 MSRP, or $390 MSRP for 51 episodes, which is about $7.64 per episode. FMA's CE at an MSRP of $330 comes down to nearly $6.5 per episode. However compared to other deluxe releases on the market from FUNimation and Sentai, it's actually much, much cheaper.

Tokyo Ghoul's CE has an MSRP of $130 and 12 episodes. That comes down to $10.83 per episode. Kamisama Kiss's Goddess Edition (Which is still not sold out despite the 2,500 unit count, while FMA is sold out at wholesale) is $130 for 13 episodes, that's $10 per episode.

You get about the same price per episode on Sentai CE's that are priced at $130 for 12-13 episodes. The highest you get with them is the Beyond the Boundary CE for $180. Including the OVA, it comes down to nearly $14 per episode.

The FMA CE really is not that expensive compared to other deluxe releases when you do the math. And it should go without saying, compared to Aniplex USA and Ponycan USA BD releases, it's much cheaper than those.

Remember, expensive=/=overpriced. Also of note, to this day, the $800 Legend of the Galactic Heroes release is one of the cheapest premium releases on a price per episode basis. $800 divided by 165 episodes=$4.84 per episode. Your typical one-cour $70 MSRP Blu-ray release from FUNimation or Sentai is $5.83 per episode (12 episodes) or $5.38 per episode (13 episodes). After store discounts it's much cheaper, but the price remains comparable.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:39 pm Reply with quote
^If this had everything that was missing before than MAYBE the price would be worth it but no, it's the exact same Funimation discs that had been out for years with the only thing this set has going for it being the movies being back in print since no Regular Editions came out for them (plus Re;surrection going OOP after less than a year out).....but then again, those movies were trash and only Re;surrection got dubbed.

anime-prime wrote:
Any chance someone is able to confirm whether the 3 recapish movies were finally dubbed in this collection?

With how Crunchyroll has been lately, I wouldn't count on it since aside from Akito, Code Geass was always union, even for Re;surrection.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 5:33 am Reply with quote
No chance at all they dubbed the two recap films for this and just didn’t say anything.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2023
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:52 am Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:
^If this had everything that was missing before than MAYBE the price would be worth it but no, it's the exact same Funimation discs that had been out for years with the only thing this set has going for it being the movies being back in print since no Regular Editions came out for them (plus Re;surrection going OOP after less than a year out).....but then again, those movies were trash and only Re;surrection got dubbed.

Did you notice how this "collector's edition" packed the discs? In plain amaray cases.

There's your standard re-release of the films, a couple of months out from now. Screencap this post. It'll be the exact same thing included with this overpriced turd, right down to the slipcover.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:28 pm Reply with quote
There definitely is a lot in there, so I can kind of understand the price, though it does make me wonder since it includes things like discounts on the CR Store and subscription. I don't know that price-per-episode is necessarily the fairest metric since if that is the most important thing, then the obvious answer is to just buy the standard discs.

It's the kind of thing somebody can maybe justify doing once if they're a huge fan of something. Personally, I bought that FMA '03 set since it is my favorite show, and I also knew that the rights were reverting to Aniplex, so even if it was released again later on Blu-ray, just a regular version could have cost quite a bit. I think Aniplex ended up just quietly forgetting about it and just stuck with Brotherhood, so my feeling like that was my last chance to splurge on my favorite series wasn't far off the mark.
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Cardcaptor Takato

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:44 am Reply with quote
Not that unusual of a price. It contains 50 episodes of the TV series, 5 OVA episodes, and 4 movies for a total of 59 episodes. $550 divided by 59 episodes is around $9.32 per episode. Allow me to bring up this nearly 8 year old post for the FMA review, which somehow manages to remain relevant...
You could probably buy any Discotek release of any 50 episode retro mecha anime for less than $80 and get a better quality release. I suspect the pricing is less because it's proportionate to the amount of content you're getting and more so because CR knows everyone who wanted to own Code Geass probably already owns previous releases and pricing it this high is their way to make up the cost to justify printing it again. But like most all the hardcore fans already own the show and casual fans will just watch on CR and you can easily get other mecha classics at more affordable prices.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:38 pm Reply with quote
Big fan of Code Geass and never bought it on bluray but been meaning to after I didn't get the movies or the original show before the last bluray release Funi did went OOP. Was hoping with this collector's edition they might reprint standard editions for the original show and the films. Kind of sucks this may be the only way I can get the entire series on bluray for the time being.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:55 pm Reply with quote
lmao that price is insanity. I'll stick with my blu-ray S1&2 Collector's Edition along with the movie trilogy & sequel movie steelbook sets.

For that price I'd expect a way more fancy chess set not cheap plastic pieces and just a cardstock board. Should have been metal/glass imo. Also, would have been nice if they threw in a hardcover artbook to show off all the amazing pieces of artwork the show has.
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