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Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari (TV) (w/ index).

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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 4:07 pm Reply with quote
Welp, according to today's episode, tsukumogami can transform themselves in accordance with their item of origin's nature. So the one who is some kind of information merchant can peel off layers like a Matroska doll. And one who's based on a mirror could probably play around with their appearance after a little (cough) reflection. On the other hand, also according to today's episode, some really powerful tsukumogami can break the rules.

So basically, this post has accomplished nothing.

As you were then.

(Today I caught myself thinking, maybe this show is doing really well in Japan...)
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 7:41 pm Reply with quote
Episode 11

Well, no surprise that the saenome sartorial shopping experience is a little different from me and thee's. Had to chuckle at the reveal of Poppa Kadomori as a magazine cover model. He certainly wouldn't have been my first choice for that job among the Kadomori clan. Anyway, Kai has finally come out to play and presumably the resolution of this tussle will serve as the season's stopping point. One can only hope that is not a permanent stopping point because I'd have to go all paper umbrella on whatever fools failed to make a second helping happen.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 5:21 am Reply with quote

The episode is a two-parter, but after watching it I realised something was off and had to check back. Turns out the animators are not giving up on keeping this going as more than just a one-season wonder, but whether they've done enough remains to be seen. spoiler[ Bringing forward Botan's past from its original discussion and fleshing it out in this adaptation makes sense, but there's a reason why it's kept back to later volumes. Probably the animators realise it's better to hook the anime-only viewers now while there's still a chance for further adaptation to be had. ]

Tsukumogami can transform, in the sense that their outer appearance can be modified to some degree. After all, Nagi did the same to his arms back in episode on in keeping with his vessel. Uchiki can do the same. In Kagami's case, she's a mirror so how she perceives herself plays on the concept of a reflection being beheld differently in the eye of the beholder. In case viewers didn't notice, she's the only one of the Six who has taken on the appearance of someone younger than a 20-year old human. She doesn't have to, but it's her choice and she's more than willing to change her outward appearance when the circumstances call for it (like ordering alcohol in public). This transformative ability is extended to items created by Tsukumogami, hence the first part on Hyouma getting a new set of clothes. I'm glad the animators focused on the part where he agonises about wearing clothing made by Tsukumogami (which he believes are no different from actual Tsukumogami). He received his kit in the nick of time as well, as it's soon put to the test by Kai.

There's the joke about Hyouma looking more Yakuza than anyone else in this franchise because of his death stare. It's been a running theme for some time, with Botan herself doing the double take during her conversation with Tsubaki. Her excuse that Hyouma is related obviously doesn't fly, since just about everyone teases her that she's with her boyfriend. It's a better cover for the other Nagatsuki members though, since they give off the vibe of being her true family. They certainly taught her enough about Karuta for her to give the fictional Chihayafuru a good run for her money.

As for this week's action, Kai vs. Hyouma isn't too bad. Not overly flashy, but there's work put into it so one cannot dismiss it as cheap. I think they should have gone for more flair though, since the quarter is about to end and they won't have much time before the conclusion unless it was decided beforehand there would be a second quarter to adapt. Hyouma vs. Cloth is a short scene so not much to go on about it.

If they end this next week, the point at which they end it is not a bad spot to pick. If they have one more week after the next episode, it's nailed on what material will be adapted for that week.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 5:55 am Reply with quote
For what it's worth, MyAnimeList has this show at 12 episodes and from what I've seen in the past they have a pretty good track record of being right, so I expect this show to end next week, which I find very sad.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 6:01 am Reply with quote
Never take secondary sources when a primary one is readily available.


It is indeed 12 episodes. I'm certain where the endpoint is, as well as how much is going to be anime-original based on the trailer. I don't really care for external anime-tracking websites unless they provide the primary source for broadcast schedules.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:13 pm Reply with quote
Ah hah hah ha ha! I just saw on multiple sources that Malevolent Spirits: Monogatori is getting a second season! Scheduled for July!

And just to be clear, April 1st isn't until Saturday!
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:26 pm Reply with quote
Episode 12 (Finale)

Normally, today would have been a little sad for me because I'd be saying goodbye to a show I've been enjoying. But as Edjwald has already pointed out, there's no need to be sad - next cours begins in a mere 3 months. I'll blink and it will be here. Nonetheless, I am grateful the finale didn't end on a massive cliff-hanger... that would have made the 3-month wait more painful, for sure.

I would love to have heard the reason for the rumour of Botan's alleged involvement with the paper umbrella but it was not to be. If there is a connection, it certainly isn't the result of anything Botan deliberately did, I'm sure. But yes, Kai is clearly a world class poop disturber.

We now know about and understand Botan's trust issues. I'm sure she takes Hyoma's guarantee that he won't die with the massive grain of salt it deserves, but I'd like to believe she doesn't fear any sort of direct betrayal from Death Glare Boy. But then again, who knows exactly how deep her lack of trust goes?

I rate this show as Very Good and one of my favourites of the season, exceeded only by Vinland Saga 2 which is still ongoing.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:30 pm Reply with quote

As expected, this is the first end-point for this season. What was not expected was the second season being announced so quickly after the first. Good for those who are still watching and love what they see, since this isn't something which is setting the world alight in a crowded season and I thought the decision must have been made regardless of how well this season did in terms of home video sales.

Anime-only viewers will need to watch more or read the source material to find out just how much truth is in Kai's allegations. Hyouma doesn't believe in it, but his declaration is easily misconstrued by bystanders as a marriage proposal. Haori and the others are quite happy to see this relationship continue (Yuu maybe not so keen). Typically for Hyouma, he had the face of absolute indignation when Kai rated him as unworthy, so he spends four days clearing the Kadomori training regimen in its entirety. His siblings might have been prodigies, but he's no slouch himself and he'll have further opportunities to improve as the series progresses.

There is a reason why Botan keeps all humans at arms lengths, and this episode explains why. Filling in the gaps, that's Haori next to her when the relatives come calling, so the grandfather who had initially taken her in after her parents passed on is no longer available to protect her. Viewers will not find out why that's the case; what's more important at this point is that she was a minor who had no legal guardian and the Tsukumogami protecting her were only in place because of Hyouma's grandfather. After the kidnapping and her return, there is no repeat (she mentions she was only kidnapped once, stating the obvious). No repeat either because the Nagatsuki guardians scare off further prospective takers, or the Kunado clan putting a stop to this after the first fiasco.

Since another quarter has been announced and looking at the pace of adaptation, I can estimate how much ground they'll cover in the second season. If this franchise is going to be adapted in its entirety (which is a rarity for anything not top-tier Shounen Jump), then the second season will really make or break this franchise. This week's episode is actually a good example of why it has its core fanbase, because the action scenes are combined with the human relationship between Botan and Hyouma which underpins this as a romance series. Viewers who want to see more can support it any way they can; buying related merchandise or just spreading the word to others to give the show a try. Personally I think the production studio have done a solid job with this adaptation despite not being household names in their own right, and if they continue to improve on the quality it will do the franchise no harm in setting itself apart in an increasingly crowded field.

Looking forward to July. It will be interesting to see if this series gets more attention from this website's powers to be, as it is only discussed on this thread. Anything which improves the reach of this franchise is welcome for me.

spoiler[ I'm going to bet the chapter which is practically begging to be animated as a home video exclusive is going to be done shortly after the last three episodes are available to buy in Japan. It has everything going for it to be treated as such because it doesn't really contribute to the main plot yet has all of the right ingredients for a one-off episode that the production studio would be silly not to go for it as established fans buying the whole set won't be happy if this chapter is missed out. ]
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 5:52 am Reply with quote
For reasons I can't explain well, and is most certainly a me problem, I just don't feel really generous with this show, something peeves me off. I simultaneously think that there is something good there in getting me to care, but also that I should enjoy my time watching.

Not trying to think my feelings into a big complex analysis, I will just rate as So-so (5/10). Perhaps it technically got my attention, I just wish that I enjoyed myself more to fit that. I really hate feeling so negative, especially with something that others really enjoyed.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:29 am Reply with quote
@ DP - you shouldn't feel bad about it, it happens to us all. For example, a number of ANN reviewers cited The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady as a personal favourite this season and I was very "meh" on that show. Also, it's not uncommon to have either a negative or positive view on a show but not really be able to articulate why. All of us bring our individual personalities and experiences to everything we watch and sometimes that intersection results in exactly what you describe above.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:02 am Reply with quote
For me, the show that just didn't resonate was Trigun Stampede. I don't find it incomprehensible that other people probably liked it. I recognize that it had an interesting world, and that a lot of care went into the action scenes. I like pseudo apocalyptic sci fi with an old western feel too, like Firefly . But I just didn't click with the contrast between the grim world and the goofy MC, and the extended, frenetic comedy/action scene in the first episode didn't do it for me either. Instead of being a mix, it felt like it got torn between trying to do two things at once and accomplished neither...not funny enough to be amusing, but lacking any real suspense. But that feels like I'm being unfair, because there are other shows where I love having Looney Toon action heroes I love the Deadpool movies for example.

Anyhow, I never really commented on the last episode of Malevolent spirits. It felt less like a conclusion and more like a bridge, but I'm so happy for the reason for that that I don't mind at all. We got some more background info on Botan and development of the living armor/asswipe (Kai? Cai?) and the complicated relationship between him and his keeper. I said this on another thread, but if I had to pick my favorite romance between Tomo Chan isn't a Girl, Ice Guy and his Cool Colleague, the Angel Next Door Spoils me Rotten, and Kubo Chan Won't Let Me Be Invisible, I'd choose Malevolent Spirits: Monogatori.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2023 1:34 am Reply with quote
This is gonna' make the thread look a little weird, since I didn't concurrently keep up with the show while it was airing, but I'll see if I can get all of these out before Season 2 starts.

I did finish watching this a couple of weeks ago, but will basically have to re-watch it, since there are pretty much no additional resources to help expedite the plot summaries for me. Thank goodness for speed-watching!

Original discussion starts here.

Episode 01: Hyouma


Hyouma, along with his grandfather, Zouhei, are capturing and exorcising tsukumogami, but Zouhei disapproves of his grandson's belief that all tsukumogami are bad. In an effort to make him believe otherwise, Zouhei calls in a favor to have Hyouma live at a compound with a girl named Botan Nagatsuki and her own tsukumogami.


A quick, but tragic beginning for the protagonist. I'm a little surprised he isn't pissed off all the time. But then he'd basically be Bakugo from MHA, so I guess it's good that he's not like that. Hyouma does seem to have this kind of social aloofness, though, which I like in segments. Too much of that, however, and he's basically Yamada-kun. I hope he eventually finds a good balance.

Spirits have always been my favorite sub-genre for the supernatural genre overall. They're mysterious, but exist in this grey line, since they can be good or bad (just like humans). It's unfortunate Hyouma's past was so affected by a bad one, but I look forward to how that might drive him in future scenarios where he encounters some really pompous tsukumogami, or even the ones related to his revenge.

The suits on all of Botan's tsukumogami are a neat design choice. It makes the show feel like a sleek, spirit-themed Japanese Men in Black kind of property. Should be interesting to see what kind of personalities they have and if any of them can make a difference in Hyouma's worldview.

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Last edited by Tony K. on Wed Aug 23, 2023 3:55 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2023 3:37 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
I did finish watching this a couple of weeks ago, but will basically have to re-watch it, since there are pretty much no additional resources to help expedite the plot summaries for me. Thank goodness for speed-watching!

Yah, it felt like this show was the ultimate under-the-radar gem for me. Imma actually looking forward to rewatching it late June so I'll be back up to speed when season 2 rolls around in July. Or that's what I'd say if I was really immature enough and pathetic enough to get excited like some little kid over something like that.

(Lessee, when's the best time to order the gourmet popcorn...)
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2023 10:17 pm Reply with quote
Original discussion started here.

Episode 02: Shoreline


Hyouma is assigned to tag along with some of Botan's tsukumogami to investigate other rogue tsukumogami. He is initially uptight and dismissive of their behavior, but decides to keep an open mind. Of the two they investigates, one is hesitant, while the other more malevolent.


For some reason, this episode actually reminds me a lot of the Star Trek franchise. I think it's the fact that in my formative years (around the early '90s), I grew up on Next Generation, which instilled this mentality of keeping an open mind and taking weird and/or unusual things into consideration before passing judgement on something. I eventually took a bunch of anthropology courses in college, and like to think I'm pretty good at being neutral and just letting things unfold in their natural course.

I'm also reminded a lot of Mushishi in that these spiritual beings exist and are just trying to live their lives. The big difference, though, being that tsukumogami behavior is closer to humans and less primal than mushi. Not to mention the fact that you have tsukumogami picking fights and wreaking havoc with magic and/ or superpowers.

But because tsukumogami are so much more independent, with some needing to be enforced, I'm liking this whole "spirit police" vibe. Hyouma and Botan's crew are unique and quirky enough, the overall production value is more than passable, and the manga is set to end this summer, which means we just might get a nice complete story not spread too far apart.

The whole "don't judge a book by its cover" theme was a nice touch in this episode. The more I re-watch this, the more I'm looking forward to the second season.

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Last edited by Tony K. on Wed Aug 23, 2023 3:55 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 1:29 pm Reply with quote
Original discussion started here.

Episode 03: Overflow


Hyouma is paired with Yuu, but is met by her with belligerence. She claims there's a darkness in him that bothers her and that she's especially unforgiving of the fact that he hurt Botan's feelings on the first day they met. However, another group of tsukumogami who are specifically targeting the Nagatsuki appear.


Yuu felt something was a little off with Hyouma, and he definitely showed his dark side. We saw a glimpse of it in the previous episode. But the look on his face, for this one, appeared to be that of pure bloodlust.

I can appreciate the rageful anti-hero types. I think it's especially cool if they're squeeky-clean, and then, all of a sudden, you're sorry you ever messed with 'em. The one oddity I find with Hyouma, though, is that he seems to be a pretty upstanding person, almost a little formal, but in a socially awkward way, like a spirit-fighting version of Sheldon Cooper from (The) Big Bang Theory. His awkwardness can come off as a tad rude on occasion, but he's really good at what he does and just missing some basic social skills.

The line towards the end about Hyouma giving them a little hope feels like a good indicator of how his character might progress. His anger and resentment are like a volcano. But if he can learn to control that and apply a little more calm and logic, he'd be even better.

Reminds me of the scene in X-Men: First Class (2011) where Charles is teaching Eric how to better control his powers. At that point in the film, Eric was just channeling all his rage every single time he used his powers. But Charles said something to the degree of, "I feel true mastery lies somewhere between rage and serenity." And so he uses his telepathy to do a deep-dive into Eric's memories, pulls out a fond childhood memory, and it calms Eric enough that he was able to utilize his powers even further.

I have high hopes this same kind of thing will eventually apply to Hyouma.

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Last edited by Tony K. on Wed Aug 23, 2023 3:56 pm; edited 6 times in total
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