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This Week in Games - Leonardo Leads, Donatello Does Machines

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Joined: 01 May 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:06 am Reply with quote
Square-Enix's statement on NFTs basically boils down to:

"We know 2022 was a tough year for bank robbers, as many bank robbers were arrested and jailed. We absolutely think this justifies our decision to double down on bank robbery, as we've now seen and learned from the many different ways it can go wrong."
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Joined: 01 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:30 am Reply with quote
At what point is an intervention for Squenix not only necessary, but a moral imperative?
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Joined: 16 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:29 am Reply with quote
While making an accessible controller is pretty cool, it's kinda insane how inaccessible games still are to people with poor vision, when it's trivial to even just make sure the text and UI are plenty big. But even still, the text and ui elements are usually TINY, especially if you're playing on a console in the living room at a normal living room distance from the screen. Some games allow you to scale up, but often the biggest size is at best comparable to the size of standard sized closed captions. My eyesight is theoretically 20/20 when corrected with glasses which I wear all the time, yet still sometimes some elements are uncomfortably small. My roommate has vision issues and cannot see certain things at all. I can't help but wonder if I'm like a dinosaur for playing my consoles that way, like does everyone just use them by sitting right in front of a monitor now?
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Joined: 12 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:21 pm Reply with quote
The comment about live-service games comes off as odd given the author also cites Final Fantasy XIV as a massive success and a showcase of Square-Enix doing right since XIV is actually a live service game. A few cherrypicked failures doesn't really change the fact their mobile division is bringing in lots of revenue for them. The only takeaway I find is people don't want action-oriented battle-royal style games like First Soldier or Babylon's Fall, they want more traditional GAAS titles like Brave Exvius and Dragon Quest Tact.

I feel Square-Enix has become the new Konami in the sense they get a lot of random hate and misinformation said about them by bitter fans. Konami of course being more profitable than ever these days, but it's from GAAS titles like Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel and their pachinko stuff rather than Metal Gear or Castlevania so people will say they're a failure of a company despite the numbers. Square-Enix reported a record 71% profit gain last year so I trust they know what they're doing to make money, even if it's not something some traditional gamers are happy with. Even with all the praise FF14 gets, most people refuse to try it at all on the principle of it being an MMO.
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ANN Reviewer

Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:00 pm Reply with quote
Fedora-san wrote:
The comment about live-service games comes off as odd given the author also cites Final Fantasy XIV as a massive success and a showcase of Square-Enix doing right since XIV is actually a live service game. A few cherrypicked failures doesn't really change the fact their mobile division is bringing in lots of revenue for them. The only takeaway I find is people don't want action-oriented battle-royal style games like First Soldier or Babylon's Fall, they want more traditional GAAS titles like Brave Exvius and Dragon Quest Tact.

I feel Square-Enix has become the new Konami in the sense they get a lot of random hate and misinformation said about them by bitter fans. Konami of course being more profitable than ever these days, but it's from GAAS titles like Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel and their pachinko stuff rather than Metal Gear or Castlevania so people will say they're a failure of a company despite the numbers. Square-Enix reported a record 71% profit gain last year so I trust they know what they're doing to make money, even if it's not something some traditional gamers are happy with. Even with all the praise FF14 gets, most people refuse to try it at all on the principle of it being an MMO.

Hi, it's me, The Author.

We give FFXIV the nod because it manages to offer a complete experience in spite of its monetization. It isn't exploitative in its offerings, even allowing for people to take extended breaks from the game without losing on progress or "content". Battle passes are anathema to that, you need to constantly pay AND play in order to receive new hats. I don't know where you're getting that "most people refuse to try FFXIV because it's an mmo" is coming from seeing as it's supplanted World of Warcraft as the top dog in the MMO sphere. It's not that people want "traditional" GAAS (there's nothing "traditional" about it, it's a very recent thing in gaming). People just want to play fun games. Just so happens that FFXIV offers that for a modest subscription fee.

Also, the hatred towards Konami is not "random" or "misinformed" in light of the rampant employee abuse or disrespect towards fans and their own properties. We here at This Week In Games do not value the almighty dollar over the human or emotional cost of game development, to say nothing of the fact that this 71% profit increase from Square Enix didn't translate to any of its big announced Live Service games lasting more than 12 months. We at This Week In Games reject the notion that games are purely economic means for studios and while we acknowledge the economic cost of developing games we reject exploitative monetization and the sacrifice of narrative or good gameplay in the name of companies desperately finding the easiest way of putting money from our wallets into theirs. If these games are so expensive and they have to nickle and dime us to "stay afloat" then we at This Week In Games believe the studios are bad at making games.
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Joined: 13 Nov 2021
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:05 pm Reply with quote
I wonder how Fate/Samurai Remnant will stack up to the non-KOEI-Tecmo Fate musou-likes (assuming it sticks to some version of their usual gameplay formula). I must admit that I prefer Extella Link's Sengoku Basara-esque equippable skills over the standard Musou branching combo system (excepting the One Piece games, where characters had so many combos that the system felt less limiting). I suppose there's a good chance they'll treat this like a musou and feature mostly a lineup of established characters, but I think it would be more interesting if they went the way of the various LN series and gave us a primarily new cast.

With a feudal-Japanese setting, I wonder if we'll see more of the Asian magecraft introduced in The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II, since it's pretty different from what the European (and European-influenced) mages we're used to seeing in TYPE-MOON works do. I'm also curious who invented the Grail War system and what it's peculiarities will be, since in the established timelines it was invented much more recently than this appears to be set.

With female Musashi showing up, it will be interesting to see if this is her original world or just one of the ones she traveled through (and if the latter, whether it's spoiler[before or after she became a Servant]).
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:24 pm Reply with quote
FinalVentCard wrote:

Also, the hatred towards Konami is not "random" or "misinformed" in light of the rampant employee abuse or disrespect towards fans and their own properties. We here at This Week In Games do not value the almighty dollar over the human or emotional cost of game development, to say nothing of the fact that this 71% profit increase from Square Enix didn't translate to any of its big announced Live Service games lasting more than 12 months. We at This Week In Games reject the notion that games are purely economic means for studios and while we acknowledge the economic cost of developing games we reject exploitative monetization and the sacrifice of narrative or good gameplay in the name of companies desperately finding the easiest way of putting money from our wallets into theirs. If these games are so expensive and they have to nickle and dime us to "stay afloat" then we at This Week In Games believe the studios are bad at making games.

Pretty much; a lot of companies that are profitable are also bad places to work at, like ActiBlizz. Just chucking out numbers as a sign of success isn't being a fan, it's just being a shill. It's like watching Avatar sycophants using its box office numbers as an objective metric.

Anyway, I have a theory that the reason Matsuda is pushing NFTs is because he couldn't go to pachinko and mahjong parlors during COVID spikes so he has to find some other outlet to gamble. It's honestly pretty pathetic.

In other news, apparently Microsoft has walked back their statement claiming the FTC is unconstitutional. My guess is an actual lawyer told them that wasn't as harmless as MS' executives believed. What a clown show
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 6:48 pm Reply with quote
meruru wrote:
While making an accessible controller is pretty cool, it's kinda insane how inaccessible games still are to people with poor vision, when it's trivial to even just make sure the text and UI are plenty big. But even still, the text and ui elements are usually TINY, especially if you're playing on a console in the living room at a normal living room distance from the screen. Some games allow you to scale up, but often the biggest size is at best comparable to the size of standard sized closed captions. My eyesight is theoretically 20/20 when corrected with glasses which I wear all the time, yet still sometimes some elements are uncomfortably small. My roommate has vision issues and cannot see certain things at all. I can't help but wonder if I'm like a dinosaur for playing my consoles that way, like does everyone just use them by sitting right in front of a monitor now?
No and no one should if they are as it makes u more susceptible to health issues such as Seizures and also might hurt ur eye sight though this last one am not entirely sure on, but health issues like the 1st one I mentioned are a thing. Its also another reason they say to play in a well lit room. (I also say watch in a well lit room too)
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Joined: 23 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:43 am Reply with quote
The first thing that came to mind when I heard about Project Leonardo was Microsoft's own Xbox Adaptive Controller. Anyone remember that? Yeah, didn't think so. Leonardo looks to be all of that, but with some out-of-the-box usability that the Xbox's tentacled monstrosity was sorely lacking.

The new Fate looks... interesting. It's an interesting 'verse, but for too long the only way to experience it has been Grand Order, which I am pretty well and truly over. Being able to hang with Musashi outside of that cash-grab, though? Tempting. If they announce Fuuma Kotarou it might turn into an instabuy. (Shimosa was still the best FGO chapter.)

And... what's this about a Puzzle Bobble collection? The local movie theater where I grew up had precisely one arcade machine worth playing, and that was it. Probably my favorite vs puzzler, even compared to the almighty Puyo Puyo.

But most importantly, please keep up reporting on your Xeonoblade 3 progress. I need my weekly does of "Aww, he still thinks it's about that." Laughing

Happy new year!
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Joined: 13 Nov 2021
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:42 pm Reply with quote
wolf10 wrote:
The new Fate looks... interesting. It's an interesting 'verse, but for too long the only way to experience it has been Grand Order, which I am pretty well and truly over. Being able to hang with Musashi outside of that cash-grab, though? Tempting. If they announce Fuuma Kotarou it might turn into an instabuy. (Shimosa was still the best FGO chapter.)

FGO definitely wore out its welcome with me too. I still pop back in for the main story occasionally, but only because I long since leveled past the need to ever grind for anything again.

If you liked Shimosa, I highly recommend Makai Tenshou (魔界転生), the Yamada Fuutarou novel it was very closely based on (and which was also the direct inspiration for Fate/Stay Night).
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Tunod Denrub

Joined: 24 Mar 2021
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:25 pm Reply with quote
W/re the Fate/ game and Gudaguda Servants appearing, it all depends entirely on when the game is set. Nasuverse stuff has some hard rules, and one of those is that (barring Counter Guardians and Merlin, both of which are special cases), you cannot summon someone as a Servant in a time period before they have died.

Looking at the trailer, it is almost certainly set in a time before the Shinsengumi, which means that the odds of Okita, Hijikata, Saito or Sakamoto showing up are extremely low. However, if it's set in the era of the Tokugawa Shogunate or later, that might still leave the door open for Nobbu, Nobukatsu, Chacha, etc. since it would fall after they died. Oryou... technically Oryou could probably show up regardless, being what she is. Okita Alter is also more likely than base Okita, since Alter is a Counter Guardian.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:26 pm Reply with quote
Tunod Denrub wrote:
W/re the Fate/ game and Gudaguda Servants appearing, it all depends entirely on when the game is set. Nasuverse stuff has some hard rules, and one of those is that (barring Counter Guardians and Merlin, both of which are special cases), you cannot summon someone as a Servant in a time period before they have died.

Looking at the trailer, it is almost certainly set in a time before the Shinsengumi, which means that the odds of Okita, Hijikata, Saito or Sakamoto showing up are extremely low. However, if it's set in the era of the Tokugawa Shogunate or later, that might still leave the door open for Nobbu, Nobukatsu, Chacha, etc. since it would fall after they died. Oryou... technically Oryou could probably show up regardless, being what she is. Okita Alter is also more likely than base Okita, since Alter is a Counter Guardian.

Gotta say it's very funny to see "there are hard rules against this... except all the times they did it and made up new reasons why it's okay this time" as logic against it happening again and not proof that they'll just do whatever.
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Tunod Denrub

Joined: 24 Mar 2021
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:58 pm Reply with quote
Gotta say it's very funny to see "there are hard rules against this... except all the times they did it and made up new reasons why it's okay this time" as logic against it happening again and not proof that they'll just do whatever.

I mean, pretty much the only reason Kinoko Nasu ever invents a rule is so that he can have someone come up with a way to break it that makes them look cool. That's almost all his protagonists (except, amusingly, the protag of FGO, who is Very Thoroughly Normal), and several side characters besides.


He is also generally very good about keeping the exceptions to a minimum. When he lays down a rule, it is followed pretty solidly outside of those "make this one single person look cool" moments.

Or, in Merlin's case, "make this person look like the smug, cheating jerk he is". Merlin friggin' cheats at everything.

Last edited by Tunod Denrub on Mon Jan 09, 2023 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 13 Nov 2021
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:40 pm Reply with quote
Tunod Denrub wrote:
W/re the Fate/ game and Gudaguda Servants appearing, it all depends entirely on when the game is set. Nasuverse stuff has some hard rules, and one of those is that (barring Counter Guardians and Merlin, both of which are special cases), you cannot summon someone as a Servant in a time period before they have died.

Looking at the trailer, it is almost certainly set in a time before the Shinsengumi, which means that the odds of Okita, Hijikata, Saito or Sakamoto showing up are extremely low. However, if it's set in the era of the Tokugawa Shogunate or later, that might still leave the door open for Nobbu, Nobukatsu, Chacha, etc. since it would fall after they died. Oryou... technically Oryou could probably show up regardless, being what she is. Okita Alter is also more likely than base Okita, since Alter is a Counter Guardian.

I thought it was just a question of whether someone has died at all, not whether they've died yet (hence Merlin being able to fudge the rules only because he hadn't been born yet in that time period and otherwise projecting his living self rather than appearing as a Servant). And even that rule isn't 100%, since Voyager did things that hinged on him never having died in Requiem.

Of course, different summoning rituals have different rules too (e.g. no Ruler class in FSN), and those can change over time (e.g. the Fuyuki Grail not being able to summon anti-heroes originally), so with a new setup, potentially anything goes.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:22 am Reply with quote
Just deleted an ad. Smile
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