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Anime Central Hosts Eriko Nakamura in Illinois

posted on by Anita Tai
THE IDOLM@STER voice actress attends May 16-18 convention


The staff for the Anime Central (ACen) event announced on Monday that this year's convention will host voice actress Eriko Nakamura.

Nakamura is known for her role as Haruka Amami in The IDOLM@STER franchise. She has performed in theme songs for numerous series across the franchise and has also performed in stage events and live concerts.

Her past roles include Mikage Kiryuu in the Space Battleship Yamato 2199 series and subsequent sequels, Chisato Sumiyoshi in Love, Elections, and Chocolate, Beatrice “Lilium” Anastasi in the game Freedom Wars and Freedom Wars Remastered, Belgium from Hetalia - Axis Powers and numerous others.

She also appeared in one episode of Pop Team Epic, along with Asami Imai, who is also a guest at this year's Anime Central.

The convention will also host director Keiichirō Saitō, producer Takafumi Nakame, animator Kaoru Tanimoto, and animator Mana Kudō as part of its partnership with Japan's Global Anime Challenge (GAC)

This year's ACen event will take place at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center at Rosemont, Illinois on May 16-18.

Source: Press release

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