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NEWS: Seven Seas Licenses Ayakashi Triangle, Futari Escape, Ramen Wolf and Curry Tiger, More Manga

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Joined: 19 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:19 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
Blanchimont wrote:
I do hope Seven Seas has a proper license and aren't just a 'hired gun' for the volume release, otherwise the fate of the lost chapters might still be up in the air. And we won't know for certain until the 8th volume...

Seven Seas' announcement literally said that Ayakashi Traingle would be "uncut", so I think it's absolutely fair to assume that those "lost chapters" will be included.
I agree, I also think they've been following the discourse around this series which is why they put that emphasis on it being uncut. Ayakashi is pretty tame compared to their other ghost ship stuff so it should make it out alright
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:22 pm Reply with quote
Replica_Rabbit wrote:
Aylon2 wrote:
Replica_Rabbit wrote:
That make zero sense, Viz own the English version only. The Spanish version own by editorial ivrea, Viz can't strong-arm Shueisha to not releasing chapters on Shueisha owned app. I would need more proof than a random person on the internet

See animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=5336044#5336997
Kendall TV wrote:
There is an important piece of information in the response that I think is not getting enough attention: That VIZ Media owns the international license to Ayakashi Triangle. This means that VIZ could potentially stop publishers of this title in other countries from releasing those two chapters.

We already know that VIZ has a hand in other publishers' businesses. VIZ often serves as a licensing agent between those other publishers and Shueisha. Just as an example, I have a manga by the German publisher Carlsen that states the following on its copyright page:

'German translation rights in Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and German-speaking Switzerland arranged by SHUEISHA Inc. through VIZ Media, LLC, U.S.A.'

(By the way, this statement is originally written in English. It is not a translation from German. It is the only English text on the copyright page and I think in the entire book.)

See what? It still a random person on the internet. Also, that for physical release, it a different rules this happened online. Lastly, if Viz is so pro-censorship and have full control over Ayakashi Triangle they wouldn't give the rights to Seven Sea. I don't understand why people make Viz into a super villain that could bully other companies into doing things they don't want to
I mean, they DO have a history of censorship. To this day Rosario Vampire hasn't been released uncensored and what they did with Ayakashi wasn't okay. It was a paid service after all. I'm not saying the others are better but Viz aren't saints.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:32 pm Reply with quote
When you're finally getting what you wanted, but then still cry and argue in this thread about what Viz did, is what they did really the issue? Folks just want to voice their "outrage" rather than be happy another publisher is taking the reins. Seems like a lot of energy for another Kentaro Yabuki work. Confused

Cardcaptor Takato wrote:
It seems contradictory to me that fans are now praising Seven Seas as some radical anti censorship champions when a year ago these same fans were ready to bring out the pitchforks against Seven Seas over censorship in their light novel translations. animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-02-17/seven-seas-addresses-mushoku-tensei-classroom-of-the-elite-light-novel-localization-changes/.169582

Yeah, and 100% this.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:43 pm Reply with quote
09jcg wrote:
Replica_Rabbit wrote:
Aylon2 wrote:
Replica_Rabbit wrote:
That make zero sense, Viz own the English version only. The Spanish version own by editorial ivrea, Viz can't strong-arm Shueisha to not releasing chapters on Shueisha owned app. I would need more proof than a random person on the internet

See animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=5336044#5336997
Kendall TV wrote:
There is an important piece of information in the response that I think is not getting enough attention: That VIZ Media owns the international license to Ayakashi Triangle. This means that VIZ could potentially stop publishers of this title in other countries from releasing those two chapters.

We already know that VIZ has a hand in other publishers' businesses. VIZ often serves as a licensing agent between those other publishers and Shueisha. Just as an example, I have a manga by the German publisher Carlsen that states the following on its copyright page:

'German translation rights in Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and German-speaking Switzerland arranged by SHUEISHA Inc. through VIZ Media, LLC, U.S.A.'

(By the way, this statement is originally written in English. It is not a translation from German. It is the only English text on the copyright page and I think in the entire book.)

See what? It still a random person on the internet. Also, that for physical release, it a different rules this happened online. Lastly, if Viz is so pro-censorship and have full control over Ayakashi Triangle they wouldn't give the rights to Seven Sea. I don't understand why people make Viz into a super villain that could bully other companies into doing things they don't want to
I mean, they DO have a history of censorship. To this day Rosario Vampire hasn't been released uncensored and what they did with Ayakashi wasn't okay. It was a paid service after all. I'm not saying the others are better but Viz aren't saints.

That why they give it to Seven Sea so they don't have to censor the Manga. They should have done it from the beginning so people wouldn't make them into super-villain who love censoring stuff. Also, why do people just go after Viz? Shueisha at fault too, Viz have to have the ok to do anything to the work from the original copyright owners (remember when Shueisha censor Look Back). Lastly, they didn't bring out an uncensorship version of Rosario Vampire because it probably didn't make them money. It like how they didn't finish Ginatama
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Joined: 19 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:25 pm Reply with quote
Replica_Rabbit wrote:

That why they give it to Seven Sea so they don't have to censor the Manga. They should have done it from the beginning so people wouldn't make them into super-villain who love censoring stuff.
I agree. Apparetnly it was some marketing thing about having "All Weekly Shounen Jump Day and Date". I hope theyve learned from this experience

Also, why do people just go after Viz? Shueisha at fault too, Viz have to have the ok to do anything to the work from the original copyright owners (remember when Shueisha censor Look Back).
Viz is owned by Shueisia, so from my perspective its really arguing semantics at that point.

Lastly, they didn't bring out an uncensorship version of Rosario Vampire because it probably didn't make them money. It like how they didn't finish Ginatama
Whatever their reason, it doesnt change the fact that the history of censorship is there. I would prefer fans call it out often and regularly. It was only through fans calling this stuff out that caused Seven Seas to decensor Mushoku Tensei, Classroom of the Elite, and was as other works. Vocal customers also forced yen press to revise a screwed up version of re Zero.It may seem obnoxious or unnecessary, but vocal annoying customers can keep businesses honest.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 7:52 pm Reply with quote
09jcg wrote:

Lastly, they didn't bring out an uncensorship version of Rosario Vampire because it probably didn't make them money. It like how they didn't finish Ginatama
Whatever their reason, it doesnt change the fact that the history of censorship is there. I would prefer fans call it out often and regularly. It was only through fans calling this stuff out that caused Seven Seas to decensor Mushoku Tensei, Classroom of the Elite, and was as other works. Vocal customers also forced yen press to revise a screwed up version of re Zero.It may seem obnoxious or unnecessary, but vocal annoying customers can keep businesses honest.

I would agree, however people are throwing misinformation and demonizing a company that listened and passed the title to someone who could handle the title better. I prefer, fans actually calling things out without the misinfo or the demonizing. It comes off as them making things up to be outrage, instead of them having a real issue
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Joined: 24 Sep 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:13 pm Reply with quote
I'll demonize Viz all day and every day. They've refused to communicate whatsoever regarding Ayakashi Triangle for months on end, deleted comments on chapter discussions regarding the license off the series (including many of my own), didn't publish two entire chapters on their paid service that claims to have all running Jump series, removed the digital versions of the manga volumes from their site with also no communication, etc.

Going radio silent and secretly giving the license to a company that actually gives a shit about the series doesn't magically redeem them, they're still a cowardly company that treated fans and this series like dirt and showed absolutely no respect towards both.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:42 pm Reply with quote
Catsplay wrote:
I'll demonize Viz all day and every day. They've refused to communicate whatsoever regarding Ayakashi Triangle for months on end, deleted comments on chapter discussions regarding the license off the series (including many of my own), didn't publish two entire chapters on their paid service that claims to have all running Jump series, removed the digital versions of the manga volumes from their site with also no communication, etc.

Going radio silent and secretly giving the license to a company that actually gives a shit about the series doesn't magically redeem them, they're still a cowardly company that treated fans and this series like dirt and showed absolutely no respect towards both.

Don't know why you just criticize them, instead of demonize. I agree, that mess up. But the way you talking, I wouldn't listen to you.
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