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Mayor: All Houston Conventions Canceled, Rescheduled to 2021 (Update)

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Joined: 03 Nov 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:46 am Reply with quote
"in this city, all other conferences and conventions have canceled or been rescheduled to next year with the exception of" the July 16-18 Texas State Republican Convention“
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Joined: 22 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:39 am Reply with quote
It speaks volumes about the convention's leadership that, up to now, they were downplaying the idea the convention might not happen. The actual AM site and Facebook still reflect the 2020 plans. Their social media was last active a couple weeks ago, when they touted an exhibit hall vendor selling masks and retweeted a post by a Vic Mignogna ally cheering the con chair's support for him.

Of course, it's not the worst thing Anime Matsuri or John Leigh have done.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:45 am Reply with quote
Houston is actually pretty liberal (comparatively) as is Houston's current mayor. They're only prioritizing the republican convention because higher powers are involved.

I'm glad they cancelled Anime Matsuri, it's clear it was only still going because it's owners cared more about money than the safety of convention attendees. (As they always do)

As someone who still lives and still working in Houston, the rise in Covid-19 cases here really has me scared and I wish everyone here would take it more seriously.
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Lactobacillus yogurti

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:47 am Reply with quote
kawaiibunny3 wrote:
Houston is actually pretty liberal (comparatively) as is Houston's current mayor. They're only prioritizing the republican convention because higher powers are involved.

I'm glad they cancelled Anime Matsuri, it's clear it was only still going because it's owners cared more about money than the safety of convention attendees.

As someone who still lives and still working in Houston, the rise in Covid-19 cases here really has me scared and I wish everyone here would take it more seriously.

I hope you stay safe. My father, some of my relatives and some good friends live in Houston, and I'm constantly worried about them.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:39 pm Reply with quote
Blanchimont wrote:
kinghumanity wrote:
"in this city, all other conferences and conventions have canceled or been rescheduled to next year with the exception of" the July 16-18 Texas State Republican Convention“

I didn’t know republicans were immune to covid-19.

Is it bad of me to wish they aren't? After all, it would simply be karma if it went that way Smile ...

Joke or not, what a nasty comment. Wishing bad karma on people just because of their political affiliation.

Anime Matsuri isn’t canceled from what I’ve seen. I’m going and I haven’t received any notification about it being canceled yet, just the changing do the dates. I’d actually appreciate if they kept it going, and they’re already discussing taking proper health precautions like mandatory masks and temperature checks.

The virus has increased cases but apparently less deaths/hospitalizations. There’s even a lot of speculation that the numbers have been falsely reported (you can die from something else, but if you’re positive for COVID-19, it counts as a COVID-19 death.)

We can’t afford to shut down our lives in fear of it, imo. There are artists, guests and vendors who are dependent on anime cons for a part of their income, and it wouldn’t surprise me if all these cancellations of big cons really affected their livelihoods. Matsuri staying open would help both these people and the anime fans who need some leisure, even just a little.
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Cardcaptor Takato

Joined: 27 Jan 2018
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:48 pm Reply with quote
We can’t afford to shut down our lives in fear of it, imo. There are artists, guests and vendors who are dependent on anime cons for a part of their income, and it wouldn’t surprise me if all these cancellations of big cons really affected their livelihoods. Matsuri staying open would help both these people and the anime fans who need some leisure, even just a little.
I don't understand this mindset that we shouldn't be afraid of a deadly disease because money is more important. There are a lot of artists and vendors hurting yes but most are actually understanding and supportive of cons being closed. If you want to support these independent artists, most have ways of buying their goods through online means.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:18 pm Reply with quote
#889766 wrote:

Joke or not, what a nasty comment. Wishing bad karma on people just because of their political affiliation.

In the interest of fairness these people were the ones protesting against their state’s decision to shut down because of the virus, they were the ones who wanted to reopen without any solid safety measures in place, they have been demonizing people who have encouraged the wearing of masks and social distancing, they have been insisting the virus is a hoax designed for a completely illogical purpose, they have been open to attacking people with more credibility and first hand experience regarding the virus who have spoken on the dangers of the virus and the threat it poses, they or someone they know has caught the virus (showing that they are in fact not immune to it), on top of promoting quack medicine that doesn’t actually work to slow or end the spread of the virus the results of which have been fatal or caused the sick to get worse.

And the thing that makes this all the more aggravating is that even with the virus surging in Texas with the Houston Area being one of the hardest hit areas the State’s Republican Party wants to hold an in person state convention there pretty much demonstrates what I just mentioned. Of course some of the local officials and politicians pushing for this won’t be in attendance.
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Joined: 10 Jan 2019
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Cardcaptor Takato wrote:
We can’t afford to shut down our lives in fear of it, imo. There are artists, guests and vendors who are dependent on anime cons for a part of their income, and it wouldn’t surprise me if all these cancellations of big cons really affected their livelihoods. Matsuri staying open would help both these people and the anime fans who need some leisure, even just a little.
I don't understand this mindset that we shouldn't be afraid of a deadly disease because money is more important. There are a lot of artists and vendors hurting yes but most are actually understanding and supportive of cons being closed. If you want to support these independent artists, most have ways of buying their goods through online means.

Agreed completely. And there's also the obvious point that if people are not more careful about this deadly disease now then the economic losses will be even higher in the future. Keeping cons open will help some people's livelihoods, but it will also help make others sick, some of whom will die from it. Safety versus entertainment is always an easy choice--especially, as you pointed out, when one can still support their favorite artists/vendors/etc without putting anyone at risk.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:37 pm Reply with quote
#889766 wrote:

We can’t afford to shut down our lives in fear of it, imo. There are artists, guests and vendors who are dependent on anime cons for a part of their income, and it wouldn’t surprise me if all these cancellations of big cons really affected their livelihoods. Matsuri staying open would help both these people and the anime fans who need some leisure, even just a little.

All of that is dependent upon people feeling comfortable enough to A) travel to the location B) Find lodging C), attend a convention. Opened locations during the pandemic have seen decreased foot traffic, plane travel is still decreased, hotel occupancy is down enough that most hotels are on skeleton crews, if theyre even opened...

I dont know if even holding a convention in the current climate is logical or financial feasible even without shutting down. Remember the Tulsa Rally for the president's reelection campaign. It wasn't full and delayed plans for other indoor conventions leading to the organizers reassignment to another part of the organization.

People are smart and aren't going to do things that don't make them feel safe and a convention, that costs attendees hundreds of dollars, is something most will happily sacrifice, especially in light of the financial climate.

-Guests would value the opportunity to keep working, I dont think a voice actor would really want to get covid and lose working for 7 to 14 days, or suffer from six weeks of feeling winded.

-Artists, well while it could be a chance to earn money, decreased foot traffic at a con would just lead to decreased money making

Con prestige: Well any con wouldn't want to be in the headlines for being like that one LGBT celebration (Miami festival) that ended up being the source of a covid outbreak, imagine the headlines of YOUR FAVORITE con responsible for hundreds of covid cases and several deaths. bad look for you con, and would sour people.

-most if not everyone's livelihoods been affected. It is the gov'ts responsibility to protect our livelihoods and support us in the time of crisis to tide us over. Sadly, they haven't.
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Joined: 14 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:48 pm Reply with quote
#889766 wrote:
The virus has increased cases but apparently less deaths/hospitalizations.

Increased testing means we're testing people earlier than previously and finding cases earlier. That means there's a larger lag between detection and hospitalizations/deaths than there was previously. The effectiveness of lock downs and quarantines has also decreased the total of deaths along with the total number of cases across the entire country.

But make no mistake, once you stop looking at the big picture (which is very misleading), and actually examine the individual outbreaks - you discover that hospitalizations and deaths continue to march unabated. In Florida, Texas, Arizona - people are getting ill and dying in record numbers.

There’s even a lot of speculation that the numbers have been falsely reported (you can die from something else, but if you’re positive for COVID-19, it counts as a COVID-19 death.)

No, there's no speculation to that end. There's a great of propaganda and outright lies, but no speculation.
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Joined: 23 May 2018
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:07 pm Reply with quote
Even if you don't die from the virus, we still don't know the full scale of the after effects. I heard one person who had it and lived will need to have dialysis for a good portion of the rest of his life. And in America Healthcare is a joke because of how stupidly expensive it is.
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Joined: 25 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:34 pm Reply with quote
Well, headline may not be accurate anymore, the mayor of Houston just gave an order to cancel the in-person GOP convention and recommended it to be held virtually instead. A wise move;
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El Hermano

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:43 pm Reply with quote
#889766 wrote:
Joke or not, what a nasty comment. Wishing bad karma on people just because of their political affiliation.

"People I personally don't like should suffer and die" is sadly a commonly held belief among those with hatred in their heart.

Яeverse wrote:
I dont know if even holding a convention in the current climate is logical or financial feasible even without shutting down.

It almost certainly isn't. Most conventions struggle to break even every year. A lot of the smaller cons are not coming back next year, if ever again. Anime Matsuri might since it's one of the larger ones, Anime Expo certainly will, and of course things like ComicCon and the like, but this is definitely a turning point in the convention scene.
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Joined: 21 Dec 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:34 pm Reply with quote
#889766 wrote:

The virus has increased cases but apparently less deaths/hospitalizations. There’s even a lot of speculation that the numbers have been falsely reported (you can die from something else, but if you’re positive for COVID-19, it counts as a COVID-19 death.)

This speculation happened when the pandemic was at its peak in New York (and elsewhere). There wasn't enough resources to accurately ascertain how a person died unless a COVID-19 test was actually administered or it was obvious (i.e. gunshot wound or car accident). The instruction from the CDC was to categorize the death as a possible COVID death; however, the computer code to record a definite COVID death and a possible COVID death is very, very similar. That made things a little confusing if you weren't reading the instructions carefully. The codes were like (for example) COVID-19 and COVID-19X. That one letter through people into a tizzy and accuse the CDC in inflating the numbers.
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Joined: 14 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:48 pm Reply with quote
Wasureta wrote:
This speculation happened when the pandemic was at its peak in New York (and elsewhere). There wasn't enough resources to accurately ascertain how a person died unless a COVID-19 test was actually administered or it was obvious (i.e. gunshot wound or car accident). The instruction from the CDC was to categorize the death as a possible COVID death; however, the computer code to record a definite COVID death and a possible COVID death is very, very similar. That made things a little confusing if you weren't reading the instructions carefully. The codes were like (for example) COVID-19 and COVID-19X. That one letter through people into a tizzy and accuse the CDC in inflating the numbers.

Citation from a reputable source please.
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