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NEWS: ADV Suspends Anime ADVocates Club Program Indefinitely

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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:19 pm Reply with quote
That's too bad. A lot of these clubs relied upon ADV's support for doing these showings. Now there will be a lot more showing of bootleg material instead since all official support has been withdrawn, and I am sure a few will close forever unfortunately.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:31 pm Reply with quote
is anyone else concerned about all these cutbacks?. i hope ADV's not in financial trouble. of course they could just be streamlining.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:42 pm Reply with quote
kokuryu wrote:
That's too bad. A lot of these clubs relied upon ADV's support for doing these showings. Now there will be a lot more showing of bootleg material instead since all official support has been withdrawn, and I am sure a few will close forever unfortunately.

clubs still can request materials...but probably will be cutting back on number of materials sent out to individual clubs...

i hope ADV isn't having too much problem...they have some of the best titles and dubbing of any studios...Funimation comes second....
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Joined: 04 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:46 pm Reply with quote
Well, 3,000 clubs are a lot, and must've been really expensive to keep all of those supplied with anime.

I just hope that ADV doesn't go the Geneon way :S
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:57 pm Reply with quote
This was only advertising anyway, and it apparently was advertising that they thought wasn't getting them a return on their investment. I wonder if a lot of these clubs just ended up with people watching together and therefore not buying any DVDs of their own?

Considering that most people just don't want to collect DVDs for the sake of doing so, I think this is likely the problem with those clubs never becoming "self-supporting." ADV isn't a charity, they probably initially thought there was a business advantage here, and they probably found out that there wasn't.

Whether it's legal or illegal, watching without supporting isn't beneficial to the industry.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:40 pm Reply with quote
Between ADVocates, Animenetwork, Anime On Demand and Newtype Magazine, sponsored by ADV -- all of which are peripheral expenditures, on top of licensing costs, dubbing costs, and everything else that comes with the dubbing business...

Combined with the state of the economy and the state of the industry... It shouldn't come as a shock to us that studios are starting to streamline their costs and services. Extras like ADVocates are what will be cut, and eventually all the DVD extras may start disappearing as well. I just wish more people would buy legal copies of DVD's - it would do wonders for these studios.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:47 pm Reply with quote
I've never been to or seen an anime club, but I would have liked to have been in one supported by a publisher like ADV.

Supplying all those clubs the way they did is expensive, but I wonder if both would have benefited if ADV supplied them with torrents or exclusive downloads instead of produced materials.

It would have been a nice opportunity to experiment with that idea.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:07 pm Reply with quote
Too bad, although the ADVocates program was never available to Canadian anime clubs, still sad to see a support program like this go.

Just thought I'd mention that Rightstuf has their own Anime Club Support program going on!

Go to Rightstuf.com and click on the "Anime Clubs" links in the left navigational bar for more info ... but there isn't really much other than a small paragraph saying that eligible clubs can get screener DVD/discounts/etc ... email [email protected] to sign up or for more info!
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Aki Ameko

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:16 pm Reply with quote
Ah. Well this explains it. I was wondering why I'd stopped receiving materials for my club... (Of course we've found alternatives, but I was still wondering) But eh. Oh well. We'll find other things to do...
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:27 pm Reply with quote
Xanas wrote:
ADV isn't a charity, they probably initially thought there was a business advantage here, and they probably found out that there wasn't. Whether it's legal or illegal, watching without supporting isn't beneficial to the industry.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I think they simply went down a path that looked smart at the time but ended up being a net loss in their view and so when it came time to slash costs this welfare for anime clubs system was among the easier programs to cut. I just wonder how much more will be lost before it gets better.

Last edited by daxomni on Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:38 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
is anyone else concerned about all these cutbacks?. i hope ADV's not in financial trouble. of course they could just be streamlining.

I am.

Hopefully they are just locking down the hatches. I think we will be able to tell when the first big con comes around. If they license their 'normal' amount of shows, I think they will be fine. Of course that little theory I just made is total BS, since Geneon licensed an assload of new shows right up till it shut down. Crying or Very sad I guess I am just hoping ADV would have more class than that.

I think it is also a positive sign that ADV Manga is still planning releases. I think they are making money with the smaller amount of quality choices. Buy Yotsuba&! people! Sure some people were upset they didn't bring back every manga that they were doing before. But I think it is an example of streamlining as you put it.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:51 pm Reply with quote
well, I was gonna ask, but ifthey wanna make my life hard, I can dig it.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:54 pm Reply with quote
Xanas wrote:
This was only advertising anyway, and it apparently was advertising that they thought wasn't getting them a return on their investment. I wonder if a lot of these clubs just ended up with people watching together and therefore not buying any DVDs of their own?

Considering that most people just don't want to collect DVDs for the sake of doing so, I think this is likely the problem with those clubs never becoming "self-supporting." ADV isn't a charity, they probably initially thought there was a business advantage here, and they probably found out that there wasn't.

Whether it's legal or illegal, watching without supporting isn't beneficial to the industry.

Interesting theory but I don't believe that was the main reason for what is going on here. While I may not be the norm here, my club was part of the program and I know I did buy several shows via seeing episodes on Advocate disks that I would never have picked up otherwise (Utawarerumono, Nemon Daikon Brothers, Godannar, just to name a few). So I'm not so sure it was a poor advertising tactic on ADV's part or that it didn't work.

What I think may be more important to the demise of the disk side of the program is the demise of NewTypeUSA and their disks. I'm reading that the new magazine PiQ (or PiG as several club members mentioned last meeting that they first thought it was called - Twisted Evil ) will not have the disks as part of its package. I've always had a feeling the pressing of the Advocate disks had something to do with the NewTypeUSA disks and I wasn't surprised that they dropped both at the same time. Also, ADV has really been pushing the online option for their product. I have a feeling they think TAN Online Player will get them more results than the club program was with less expense (and maybe force people to start buying and renting downloads from them). I personally think the Online Player may help take up some of the slack but I don't know if their push to make people move to online delivery is going to be helped by it. I know in my case the online player just re-enforce my belief that I want nothing to do with buying digital media via the internet (I'm sticking with hard copies (i.e. DVDs)) Mad .

Still, ADV continuing to give clubs screening permission is a huge deal here for many of the clubs involved. In the case of my club it is run by a county library and they must have permission to show things. Having legal permission to show material is a requirement for most libraries and schools who have clubs officially run through them. This is because schools and libraries do get audited by groups who enforce copyright on a regular basis and if they get caught they do get fined for breaking the law.

Anyway, I don't see this situation as a case of the Advocate program not working but more a situation that the actual Advocate disks may be too expensive at this point to continue verse the potential return they give ADV. I just hope this turn of events doesn't effect the other club programs in a adverse way Sad .
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Joined: 14 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:06 pm Reply with quote
this is kind of a bummer. i was really hoping that program would still be arround because i was really looking forward to trying to re-animate the anime club at my college. sadly it closed the year before i came to school. but i actualy had found a few people to try to restart the club but we have a saver lack of material to show. but i guess at least we can still get the permision to show it.
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ruro niko

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:07 am Reply with quote
Now this is really starting to look bad for ADV. First they close doen the 24/7 version of Anime Network, which could make sense as streaming content online is probably a better way to go. Then there's Newtype ending and being replaced with the new "PiQ," which also could be explained away since the Newtype name is most likely very costly and restrictive in terms on content. But now Anime Advocates is going by the wayside?

As an outside viewer who isn't privy to all the matters inside ADV, it looks very worrisome, especially with all this happening within a matter of a month or two. If it's not all that bad, then ADV probably should have waited a bit before ending at least one of the three things they've ended recently (24/7 Anime Network, Newtype, and now Anime Advocates), if for nothing else than to make it not look like everything is falling apart at once.

I wish the best of luck to ADV and hope everything is ok. After all, I'm really looking forward to Gurren Lagann on DVD.
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