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REVIEW: Gurren Lagann Complete Box Set Blu-Ray

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Peter Hunt

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:17 am Reply with quote

The music is excellent. The OP gets me pumped every time.

Sure, I watched Now and Then, Here and There many years later and picked the series' music composer as the same from a segment that was very similar, but maybe I wouldn't've picked it unless I had listened to the TTGL score dozens of times, going so far as buying CDs of the soundtrack.

But then again, I'm the guy who thinks the K-ON!/!! Hokago Tea Time music is tops too.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:04 am Reply with quote
It's a solid dub that sounds good on its own, though it may simply have the handicap of being unable to match the passion of the original Japanese version.

I figured this would get mentioned, but at least the review says "may". XD
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:32 am Reply with quote
review wrote:
Even a series as storied as Gurren Lagann probably doesn't need to cost quite what Aniplex is charging for this set, especially without any extras. It may be worth it for those who want to revisit the series in the best way possible for the anniversary, but given my earlier point about this series only working for a particular audience, that price moves this firmly into hardcore-fans-only purchasing territory

Actually, compared to Aniplex USA's typical pricing, $150 for this Gurren Lagann set is not terrible; a two-cours show from AoA on BD typically costs up to $300. By this point it is clear that AoA does not cater towards the general market, but this BD set is a rare exception.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:45 am Reply with quote
I'm personally INCREDIBLY amused that the reviewer has such a negative impression of the 3rd quarter of the series. One interpretation of the series (given to me by a giant robot fan) is that the series as a whole is a love letter to Giant Robot series in japan, with the 1st quarter covering the earliest 70s style shows like Mazinger & Getter Robo. The 2nd quarter is the 80s like Macross & Gundam. Which would put the third quarter SQUARELY in that fan-beloved melodramatic Evangelion era. Laughing (the final quarter is of course pointing to the future)
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:00 pm Reply with quote
I remember watching the finale of this at 03.00 in the morning when I had work at 06.00 and simply could not stop watching it. I got maybe one hour of sleep that night and I still recall the occasion. The series not could represent this feat years later when I purchased it, but cannot forget the impact it left. Shows with such impressive energy are hard to come by these days.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:59 pm Reply with quote
For fans out there balking at the price, a legitimate option is to import Anime Limited's region B boxset of the series and movies, which is currently retailing for...probably less than half the cost, if my mental currency conversions can be trusted.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
For fans out there balking at the price, a legitimate option is to import Anime Limited's region B boxset of the series and movies, which is currently retailing for...probably less than half the cost, if my mental currency conversions can be trusted.

No one in this thread has complained about the price. The reviewer is the one making it a bigger deal than it is. $300 for 27 episodes and two movies would be too much, $150 is not bad.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:01 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:

No one in this thread has complained about the price. The reviewer is the one making it a bigger deal than it is. $300 for 27 episodes and two movies would be too much, $150 is not bad.

Eh. I won't complain, but I still think it's a bit much.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:07 pm Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
For fans out there balking at the price, a legitimate option is to import Anime Limited's region B boxset of the series and movies, which is currently retailing for...probably less than half the cost, if my mental currency conversions can be trusted.

What, the actual price a barebones ten year old series and two clip movies should be?

"It's reasonable... for them."

Reasonable would be using tent pole titles like this one to keep their lesser catalogue titles in print, reasonable would be issuing a cheaper DVD set alongside this one that's not in competition with Japan's region, reasonable would be not charging an arm and a leg for someone else's work.

This is just greed. I used to think it was only about protecting Japan IP and Region A BDs but that doesn't explains limited print runs now, does it?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:41 pm Reply with quote
I just checked price Japanese import version of Gurren Lagaan Complete Blu-ray Box from Amazon Japan:

New: 49,006 Yen (About US $480)
Used: 35,118 Yen (About US $340)

In few years, this US release will likely to become serious collector's item and it will be likely to sell for almost twice of the original price. It's already happening to AoA titles like Puella Magi Madoka Magica TV Limited Edition DVD/Blu-Ray/CD.

Welcome to niche market.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:15 pm Reply with quote
reanimator wrote:
I just checked price Japanese import version of Gurren Lagaan Complete Blu-ray Box from Amazon Japan:

New: 49,006 Yen (About US $480)
Used: 35,118 Yen (About US $340)

In few years, this US release will likely to become serious collector's item and it will be likely to sell for almost twice of the original price. It's already happening to AoA titles like Puella Magi Madoka Magica TV Limited Edition DVD/Blu-Ray/CD.

Welcome to niche market.

Safe for the fact the Japanese BD set went for 64,000 yen on release, meaning, the current price is cheaper than when it was released. I doubt the USA version will double its price when the more complete, filled with extras and superb quality Japanese version is out there with a price tag slightly higher than twice the price the USA version has, moreso when this USA version is so barebones it doesn't include anything besides the episodes themselves and the creditless OPs/EDs. Oh, and there's also the UK version, which includes the same things, but costs... 75$! And this one also includes a 40 page collector's booklet and a collector's slipcase.

Given the circumstances, I don't believe many people will choose the USA version if they know what's out there; if they're looking for a cheap version, the UK one costs 75$ off of Amazon UK, but from their sellers, the price is even lower, going for 55$; if, on the other hand, they're looking for a high quality version with lots of extras, look no further, the Japanese version is going for 450$ on Amazon JP, and it includes both English dub and Subtitles. Who would, given these two choices, get the USA version?

USA Edition: 189.98 (149.98): 26 episodes + 6 alternate episodes + 2 movies
UK Edition: 75$ (55$) version which includes some juicy extras like a 40 page booklet while including everything the USA version includes
JP Limited Edition: 592$ (448$): 26 episodes + alternate versions + broadcast versions + movies + TV ads + specials + shorts + full OST + Hardcover Artbook + Hardcover history book + lotsofotherthings, and a crazy box to keep it all.
(All are new and unopened editions, retail price + available price between parenthese)

The only thing that could make someone purchase the USA version is the dub, if it was superb or if it has some sentimental value, or simply because they hate UK dubs. Otherwise, I see no reason to purchase the USA version, really.

Oh, and keep in mind this is based only off of the information available on the internet, I haven't touched the USA nor the UK versions, but I own the Japanese version (thing's heavy too, around 5Kg alltogether, the shipment was expensive...)
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:29 am Reply with quote
chronos02 wrote:
The only thing that could make someone purchase the USA version is the dub, if it was superb or if it has some sentimental value, or simply because they hate UK dubs. Otherwise, I see no reason to purchase the USA version, really.

The only English dubs I know of for Gurren Lagann are the U.S. and Animax Asia versions. AFAIK there is no UK dub; the UK Blu-rays just re-use the U.S. dub. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Japanese Blu-ray set have the U.S. English dub?
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Joined: 27 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:57 am Reply with quote
UK Edition: 75$ (55$) version which includes some juicy extras like a 40 page booklet while including everything the USA version includes

I bought the UK BD set at a price of around 55 €.

The design of the box and BD cases looks good. The set includes the entire series, both movies, Parallel Works and comes with a nice booklet. It doesn't have the English dub, but to be honest, I don't really care. Japanese audio and English subtitles all the way.
I regret nothing.
10/10. Would buy again.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:46 am Reply with quote
I'd buy the UK BD boxset except while I can play International DVDs can't seem to find a good system to play international Blurays. If anyone has any suggestions.
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Joined: 25 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:55 am Reply with quote
Maciste wrote:
UK Edition: 75$ (55$) version which includes some juicy extras like a 40 page booklet while including everything the USA version includes

I bought the UK BD set at a price of around 55 €.

The design of the box and BD cases looks good. The set includes the entire series, both movies, Parallel Works and comes with a nice booklet. It doesn't have the English dub, but to be honest, I don't really care. Japanese audio and English subtitles all the way.
I regret nothing.
10/10. Would buy again.

Interesting, the Amazon UK page says it is dubbed to English, what a fun way to trick their customers, lol. Here's the link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gurren-Lagann-Collection-Boxset-Blu-ray/dp/B01N1V7QP3/ref=sr_1_1?s
Also, yes, the JP version includes both the english subs and the dub, can't say I have ever listened or even heard the english dub, I got spooked by the dubs of many series in my life and outright expelled them from my viewing experience of any jp titles.
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