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This Week in Anime - Hugs for the Good Boys

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John Thacker

Joined: 28 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:31 pm Reply with quote
and a whole lot of hangups with toxic masculinity~

I mean, sort of? I can sort of see the argument that somehow his undercurrent of resentment is extra because he's a guy and it's a girl whose art is surpassing him makes it worse, but it's exactly the kind of passive (and not even passive-aggressive) response you might see to a similar situation in the most female-oriented shoujo manga or show about an all girls school. For example, it's not at all different from Yuri Kuma Arashi, which also features girls feeling guilty that they're happy that someone else (ostensibly their friend) is the target of the collective shaming and ostracism, even while they don't actually join in.

The 2017-ness of it is that it happens with Pixiv and online, but other than that it seems like something I've seen far more often in stereotypical "mean girl" / toxic femininity portrayals than toxic masculinity. The toxic masculinity approach would generally involve at least saying something, even if just some ridiculous pick up artist style negging.

By contrast, it's much easier for me to place Todoroki's father Endeavor in the category of toxic masculinity, what with all the machismo and loud striving to be the best and not showing weakness and not seeing his wife as a person other than a vessel for creating a perfect son, etc.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:48 pm Reply with quote
Hopefully they will explain their comments about Macross Plus.

I loved season one of Symphogear, got to watch the other seasons.
That moment is fantastic; Mikasa's dependence on Eren often comes off unhealthy as hell but there's still some genuine love in there.

Unhealthy.....you make it sound like some kind of crime to love someone. Considering they are not living in our current society, and considering the past trauma they have lived through together and their current circumstances, I consider it quite a beautiful thing. Mikasa knows what she wants and has stood by Erin till he is ready.

Last edited by TarsTarkas on Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Yeah I think shifting to shorter, more up to date pieces instead of one big discussion is the right move. Having other contributors would be interesting as well.

Nice to see someone else liked how Frame Arms Girl ended. I don't know that I would say it was good but it was a fun show. Thanks for letting Micchy talk about it Nick Very Happy

I don't think this will be as big an ask, but whatever else you do next season, cover Symphogear. I'm not betting on it getting picked up for daily streaming reviews (but who knows it could be the first season of the show that was) so it would be nice if you did.

Last edited by zrnzle500 on Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:28 pm Reply with quote
Unhealthy.....you make it sound like some kind of crime to love someone. Considering they are not living in our current society, and considering the past trauma they have lived through together and their current circumstances, I consider it quite a beautiful thing. Mikasa knows what she wants and has stood by Erin till he is ready.

I agree 100%

I'm still surprised by how many people bashed Mikasa after episode 31. Fans were outright calling her an obsessive sociopath. I honestly don't see how her actions could lead anyone to believe something like that. Can you blame her for what she did? She found out these two guys are actually the ones who drove humanity near exctintion and were the ones responsible for the brutal death of her foster mother. On top of that they were trying to kidnap Eren, the only family she has left and humanity's only hope. So what did people expect her to do?

All Might is such an amazing Dad.

All Might is the BEST Dad Razz
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:32 pm Reply with quote
Quite Well, thanks to the gay punching show you roped me into watching.

Hehe. I too am someone Nick got into Symphogear, relatively recently in my case. Good show.

But despite some, uh, interesting parts to Symphogear, I'm gonna have to side with Nick on the Frames Arms Girls comparison. Your plastic anime tiddies aren't the same as my refined Belief in Justice and Determination to Fist. Very Happy Sorry I don't make the rules.

TarsTarkas wrote:
Hopefully they will explain their comments about Macross Plus.

I loved season one of Symphogear, got to watch the other seasons.

You definitely should! In my opinion the first season is overall the weakest, with the 2nd being the best, and the 3rd being more uneven but also having some of the best individual moments and scenes. So a lot to look forward to.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:41 pm Reply with quote
Come to think of it, magical girl anime in the Nanoha vein, like Symphogear, is rife with yuri. I mean Nanoha and one of the other female leads, Fate, spoiler[ have a(n adopted) child together.] And if you've seen Prisma Illya, you know it is no stranger to such things, to say the least.

I'm hoping you guys are going to discuss Anonymous Noise next Thursday, cause I really want to talk about the last two episodes (and the series as a whole).
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:45 pm Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:
Come to think of it, magical girl anime in the Nanoha vein, like Symphogear, is rife with yuri. I mean Nanoha and one of the other female leads, Fate, spoiler[ have a(n adopted) child together.] And if you've seen Prisma Illya, you know it is no stranger to such things, to say the least.

I think any series that tends to have all or majority female casts has the potential for yuri, definitely, and a lot of them at least include some subtext. So it's no surprise. Though a lot of them just leave it at mild subtext, allowing you to easily ship the characters, but not really committing.

Symphogear goes pretty far though (can't comment on Nanoha or Prisma Illya) so I'm fairly satisfied, but I wouldn't mind them going the next step and actually having some of the characters kiss. We'll see if they do that in season 4, which I'm sure will be talked about a lot in this column in the future (assuming Micchy ever finishes GX Razz ).

I didn't mention My Hero Academia yet, but I want to say that I definitely was not expecting the tournament to end the way it did. For Bakugo to take the win, but against an opponent he KNOWS was holding back, and who didn't hold back against Deku. It is the most brilliant, evil, delicious way for life to spite Bakugo, and I adore that.

It was nice to get some emotional catharsis after the end, though next arc is looking to be a bit ominous. Someone please protect Iida, he's a good boy and he deserves all the hugs.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:09 am Reply with quote
Mad_Scientist wrote:
zrnzle500 wrote:
Come to think of it, magical girl anime in the Nanoha vein, like Symphogear, is rife with yuri. I mean Nanoha and one of the other female leads, Fate, spoiler[ have a(n adopted) child together.] And if you've seen Prisma Illya, you know it is no stranger to such things, to say the least.

I think any series that tends to have all or majority female casts has the potential for yuri, definitely, and a lot of them at least include some subtext. So it's no surprise. Though a lot of them just leave it at mild subtext, allowing you to easily ship the characters, but not really committing.

Symphogear goes pretty far though (can't comment on Nanoha or Prisma Illya) so I'm fairly satisfied, but I wouldn't mind them going the next step and actually having some of the characters kiss. We'll see if they do that in season 4, which I'm sure will be talked about a lot in this column in the future (assuming Micchy ever finishes GX Razz ).

I haven't seen Vivid or Vivid Strike, but Nanoha is more mild in that regard from what I remember (aside from the spoiler I mentioned). Prisma Illya however is very strong on such content, particularly after the first season (kissing would be putting several scenes in the show mildly, though it doesn't go beyond very heavy kissing), though the most recent season was more plot oriented and thus had less of that content than some of the previous ones, especially the third season, 2wei Herz. There is some hetero shipping with the male lead though it is far from guarantee to be canonized - he is the titular lead's (adopted) brother - and most of the pairings are not so. Given the characters' ages I don't know that I would recommend the series to most. It has been equated with Super Lovers, and while I think Prisma Illya is a better show and a good one even (I haven't seen Super Lovers but I trust the judgement of the reviewers who have with regard to the quality of the series or lack thereof), I totally understand why some, maybe even many, find it disgusting.
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