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GAME: NES Classic Edition

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:43 am Reply with quote
Good to hear this turned out decent and the games are good sales certainly were impressive
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Joined: 29 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:47 am Reply with quote
Ever since this was first announced, I really wanted to get it as a Christmas gift for my dad. He used to own a NES back in the late 80s and was a big fan of the Super Mario Bros trio. I remember only being about 4-5 years old, and he would be playing those games even into the middle of the night, I'm 32 years old now by the way. For me, I have no reason to get this since it's just easy enough for me to play NES/Famicom games on an emulator on my laptop with a PS4 controller. For my dad though who is in his mid 50s and isn't familiar with emulators & roms and doesn't have any interest in buying actual hardware and games, this is perfect for him.

However, two major things to point out here is one, the length of the controller cord really sucks. Why on earth didn't Nintendo at least make the cords really long or go for wireless controllers as an option is beyond me. My dad has a 65 inch HDTV in his living room, and his couch is about maybe 10-12 feet away from the TV against the wall. I seriously doubt that he's gonna want to have to park himself right in front of his big TV screen just to be able to play any games. The second thing to point out is the lack of availability on this thing at launch. Nintendo really should have did a better job predicting the popularity of this thing. I wouldn't have minded pre-ordering one, but of course it's nigh impossible. You've got people scalping them in hoards, and then selling them on eBay for around the $150-$200 range if I recall, when the retail price is supposed to be $60, and some people are actually stupid enough that they're overpaying by buying from these scalpers just because they're desperate and can't wait a while to get one. Even after the actual release date of November 11th had passed, I went on Walmart's website to see if they finally have it listed, which they did, but of course it's out of stock. Mad

As much as I want to get the NES Classic Edition for my dad, these two major points have really been a huge turn-off for me. It's really lame that I would have to either buy an extension cord or a wireless controller from a third party just for convenience, you get a big thumbs down from me for that Nintendo. I really don't care if the cords are supposed to be that short or not to replicate the original look/feel of the console. Maybe I've been spoiled by the current generations of gaming with wireless controllers, but then again it's still pretty stupid not to at least give that option. Nintendo also really could have did a better job in doing research prior to making and shipping out its supply, because the supply has greatly failed to meet the demand. I know there's a lot of talk about how Nintendo intentionally does this sort of practice to generate hype and awareness, but it's a pretty dick move regardless. All that makes me want to do is give them the middle finger and go use an emulator and roms if they can't properly satisfy what the consumer wants.

Other than that, I definitely would still like to get one, if not just to make my dad happy on Christmas. I guess we'll have to see how easy it is to order one in the next few weeks, and how easy it would be to get a wireless controller for it.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Bubble Bobble:

a Taito arcade puzzle-action title about dinosaurs (or are they dragons?)

They're dragons. Bubble dragons to be exact.

Castlevania II:

Don't bother looking for the Graveyard Duck.

That reminds me: http://legendsoflocalization.com/digging-up-castlevania-iis-graveyard-duck/

Final Fantasy:

Hang on. American kids are DUMB. Better give 'em a handbook.

^This was indeed the unfortunate attitude at the time. On the other hand, it's not like the developers made it very clear where you were supposed to go or what you were supposed to do (at least until the later ports and revisions), so the handbook was a good thing. Otherwise people would have given up and returned the game. Too bad the "American kids are too stupid to play this game designed for the Japanese and their stereotyped obsession with difficulty" attitude was prevalent for a good chunk of the 90s and early 2000s.

Kirby's Adventure: While a tough game in places (I sometimes forget Kirby can't block in this title when I'm playing it), I can definitely agree with it being "a look at how far the NES could go in technical terms" as it's one of the most graphically advanced games of its time. Kirby's Adventure is a great example of what you can do when you push the NES to its limits. Good luck with getting 100% completion on this, the branching paths aren't always obvious in this title, but it's rewarding when you do find them.

Mega Man 2: It was a smart move to include this title instead of the first one considering the latter is just hellishly hard to play and would make most throw their controller in frustration. Even skilled gamers today can have a rough time of it. I would have picked Mega Man 3 personally, but that's just my preference.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:03 pm Reply with quote
I would also like to point out the fact that the original NES controllers have longer cords than the controllers for the NES Classic Edition. Why Nintendo... just why...? Rolling Eyes Are they just idiots, or purposely being cheap and gimping out on us by using shorter cables to cut back on production costs? As for the games, I really have no complaints for the most part. I agree that skipping the original Mega Man in favor of 2, was a wise choice. I also have fond memories of Mega Man 3 & 4 as well. I wouldn't have complained if either of them were on there.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:26 pm Reply with quote
For those concerned about this system's software limitations, you may be interested to learn that because its hardware is much akin to that of a smart phone, the device can in principle be hacked. Only time shall tell what the hobbyist community conjures.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:55 pm Reply with quote
I would love to get this for myself. I looked for this online and it seemed like the damn thing was already unavailable. I was wondering where the hell did it go? Did it ever get released? I'll have to check again.

If I had a nephew to give this to I'd get it. But now a days kids care only for the larger systems.
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Joined: 29 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:30 pm Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:
If I had a nephew to give this to I'd get it. But now a days kids care only for the larger systems.

I've got a nephew who just turned 4 and I was thinking of getting one for him as well, but it's kinda pointless when he can always come over our house and play it if I end up getting my dad one for Christmas. He stays over practically every weekend anyways.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2016
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:27 pm Reply with quote
They are missing out by not having Contra. That was one we always played a lot, mostly because it was one of the few multiplayer ones that both my brother and I liked. I still remember that code.

While the original Final Fantasy doesn't have much of a story, it was one you could go back and play again and again with a different party composition. Playing with 4 mages made you very powerful by the end but made it really hard not to die all the time at the beginning.

I probably won't get this but it's fun to see the old games come back.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:52 am Reply with quote
The length of the cords were always that size, the long cords we got were a decision the US Nintendo made back in the day, the original Famicom controls were built in and that lenght. So now you get to live through what the Famicom players did.

They mentioned NES third party wireless, we all have to wait regardless. It's puzzling, this is not from shortness of an emulator, there is no hardware problem excuse, they just didn't manufacturer enough much like the amibos. It's bullshit, I need 4 of them.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:21 pm Reply with quote
Well I was meh on this until I read it had mother trucking Star Tropics! One nostalgic flashback later and I find myself yearning for this overpriced emulator box.
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Joined: 26 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:30 pm Reply with quote
Looking at the game lineup, 2 questions right off the bat:

-Does Bubble Bobble spoiler[still give you a Bad End if you beat it in single player?]

-How are they handing spoiler[the submerged letter BS] for StarTropics?
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:32 pm Reply with quote
LuScr wrote:
Looking at the game lineup, 2 questions right off the bat:

-Does Bubble Bobble spoiler[still give you a Bad End if you beat it in single player?]

-How are they handing spoiler[the submerged letter BS] for StarTropics?

Bubble Bobble: Yes, that still applies.

StarTropics: you can view the manuals on Nintendo's website (the Classic gives you an on-screen QR code) and the StarTropics one has the letter in both forms.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:54 am Reply with quote
I'm pretty certain the yo-yo's name in StarTropics was changed for legal reasons: In Canada, the word "yo-yo" is trademarked, and Nintendo likely didn't want to pay the legal fees to use the name (especially if they'd demand additional things onto the NES Classic that cannot or shouldn't be changed).

For that same reason, that's probably why licensed but classic games like DuckTales, Popeye, and Mickey Mousecapade are absent.

JDude042 wrote:
Ever since this was first announced, I really wanted to get it as a Christmas gift for my dad. He used to own a NES back in the late 80s and was a big fan of the Super Mario Bros trio. I remember only being about 4-5 years old, and he would be playing those games even into the middle of the night, I'm 32 years old now by the way. For me, I have no reason to get this since it's just easy enough for me to play NES/Famicom games on an emulator on my laptop with a PS4 controller. For my dad though who is in his mid 50s and isn't familiar with emulators & roms and doesn't have any interest in buying actual hardware and games, this is perfect for him.

I'll take that and raise you one: I have a still-working NES. The price of the games used would cost me more than US$60 though.

Chrno2 wrote:
I would love to get this for myself. I looked for this online and it seemed like the damn thing was already unavailable. I was wondering where the hell did it go? Did it ever get released? I'll have to check again.

Yeah, they vanished just as soon as the retailers made them available for sale. Just like the legendary Smash Bros. Rosalina amiibo.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:57 pm Reply with quote
This sounds good. The nostalgia buffs will love this. And if their kids are interested in this,they may like it as well.
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