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Summer 2016 Anime expectations

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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:02 am Reply with quote
Spring's about to end so I thought it was time to make the regular topic of what we're all most looking foward to (apparently Food Wars, based on that poll




Nanatsu no Taizai specials + Arslan S2: Whatever the hell is going on with that timeslot, both are shows I loved so nothing much to say here. I'm curious about the original story they're doing for NanaTai and how they're gonna wrap up Arslan with so few episodes

Handa-kun: To be honest I'm not that excited about this one. Barakamon was my favorite anime of 2014, but much of its charm came from Handa's development and his relationship with the island folk, especially Naru. Not sure if a prequel will be that interesting to watch, but we'll see. Could surprise me.

D. Grayman Hallow: While I'm still bitter about not getting Takahiro Sakurai for the ultimate husbando Kanda, they're doing one of my favorite arcs of the manga, so I'm super pumped about it. The character design and colors look great, like they're really taking from Hoshino's newer style. Very excited.

Berserk: Another one I'm not really excited about. I think the original 1997 anime was brilliant and it's one of my all-time favorites, but when I read the manga I found so much unnecessarily gross stuff it put me off terribly. But who knows, maybe there's good stuff coming, everyone's so hyped about Guts wearing the Berserk armor so I'll check it out. Also not looking forward to the shitty CGI, but at least Puck looks cute in the PVs

Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE LOVE: After chugging down three seasons of Sailor Moon, I'm ready to see a Magical girl show that's actually well written and with good character development. I'm curious to see where it'll go, given how S1 ended. I hope they're able to reproduce the magic of S1.

Definitely watching:

91 Days: One thing that always frustrated me about Reborn is how it kind of skirted over all the dirty bloody shit that the mafia actually involves. It had the potential to do interesting stuff with that theme and I feel they missed a lot of chances. So I'm excited to see a more serious approach to mafia and gangsters, and in a period piece with adult protagonists? I'm completely down for this. I really hope it won't turn out a disappointment.

Battery: It's sports anime season! As a declared lover of the genre, I'm hoping the three entries we're getting this season won't disappoint. This one I'm particularly excited about since it's from the author of No. 6. The art looks lovely too. I say this every season, but maybe this will be the show that pulls noitaminA out of its slump and back to what it was always supposed to be. (BokuMachi kinda jumped the shark at the end and Kabaneri's gone off the rails lately)

Cheer Danshi!: This is the sports show I'm most excited about because it's a novel sport, it has different body types in the main cast, and the sport featured actually challenges gender stereotypes, so it's even more wonderful! I'm not a huge fan of the character designs but they don't repel me either. And I love sports about acrobatics (the only stuff I watch in the Olympics is gymnastics and diving... volleyball occassionally). I really really hope this won't disappoint

Mob Psycho 100: I really dug One Punch Man, so I'm excited to see what other stories ONE can cook up. I also love superpowers stuff, and BONES is doing it, so it's gonna look fantastic for sure. Much hype for this.

Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu: In Anichart it's listed as a short, and I can imagine it'd work that way, but I really hope it's a full 20 minutes, it sounds really fun. It's kind of rare to see fudanshi featured in anime or manga. OTOH it could also turn out to be full of horrible demeaning or homophobic jokes about fudanshi, but I'm hoping it won't get there.

High expectations:

DAYS: This is the sports show I'm less excited about (not a big fan of soccer) and it's still one of my most anticipated shows of the season. I also trust MAPPA. The manga got an award recently too, so there's got to be something good there.

Fukigen na Mononokean: Since Kuma Miko turned out to be a doozy, I'm hoping this will fill my fix of cute Japanese folklore anime. I'm loving the character designs, I'm expecting this to be simple and funny

Orange: Lots of hype around this one. I must say I find myself repelled by the very romance shojo designs, but the plot sounds very interesting, and I certainly like to know the anime will include the complete story of the manga. Like this season's Sakamoto, I'm interested given how well-regarded the manga is.

Tales of Zestiria: I've always been lowkey interested in the Tales franchise but never actually got around to play the games (and if there's an anime prior to this one I'm not aware of it). It's been a while since I picked up a good fantasy anime (there was Grimgar last season, but I wasn't a big fan of it) and with ufotable at least it's guaranteed to look nice. I'm hoping for good things.

Will check out:

[url]Amanchu[/url]!: This sounds like a mighty cute and unique premise. I'm interested, I like the color palette and the whole diving theme, but I might drop it if it's too much cute-girls-doing-cute-things fluff

Amaama to Inazuma: There's already a lot of cute looking shows this season so I'm not sure if I want another one in my plate, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. I do very much love a story about families just promise it won't have an Usagi Drop manga ending

B-Project + Tsukiuta: So the two boy idol shows of the season. I mean both have all the signs of being terrible, but if they're Starmyu terrible I'll probably love them so... yeah, I'm hoping at least one of them is fun, hopefully both since I quite like the character designs.

ReLIFE: The manga for this is very popular and I've heard good things about it. Not really interested in the 30 going 17 premise, but it could surprise me. I do like that both of the sorta rom-com high school SOL things have a small supernatural element to them that might keep them from being boring. Let's see how it goes.

Servamp: This one's really popular with tumblr fujoshi, so that alone peaks my interest, even if the title sounds super dumb tween twilighter. I'm not asking for much, give me enough fujoshi-bait and good characters, that's all I hope for.

May check out (if the reviews and reactions are good)

Danganropa: I ended really disliking the first season (particularly because all my favorite characters ended up dead) but who knows? Maybe the new one will be okay? If I hear good things about it I'll check it out

[url]Hatsukoi Monster[/url]: This sounds like the creepy offering of the season, but I think it can have potential if it's not played as a straight romance, but rather as a comedy. Could be fun. I mean, no one ever expected Shonen Maid to be so cute and here we are. Could surprise us.

Hitori no Shita: I'm only interested in seeing what'll come out of this Japan-China collab. Doesn't look very promising, but I'll be looking forward to people's reactions

Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan: This is a WSJ property so I feel compelled by instinct to check it out, but I'm not feeling the character designs. The premise sounds kinda fun, but with my schedule so packed, I'll wait and see what people say about it first.

Scared Riders Xechs: The premise sounds like absolute garbage (the dull kind of garbage, not the funny one). Since it's an otome show I could see myself getting interested if the guys have good looks and aren't Amnesia-level horrible people, but I won't go out of my way to watch it unless i hear it's the second coming of otome!christ or something.

Taboo Tattoo: Tbh I was only drawn to this by the title even though it sounds very edgelord. Premise sounds very meh and unoriginal, there's honestly no reason for me to want to watch it, but I still kind of want to see if there's some surprise underneath all that garbage looking cover

I feel like my plate keeps getting fuller and fuller each season. I was following 19 shows for spring and I have 20 that I want to check out for summer (not counting the ones in the last category). And even at this point the Fall season is looking packed! I might need to slow down my seasonal anime consumption if I ever hope to do something about my ever-growing pile of shame though.

Last edited by CrowLia on Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Akane the Catgirl

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:54 am Reply with quote
I don't really watch a lot of anime when it comes out, with a few exceptions such as Space Dandy's simulcast. However, I am really looking forward to the Dangan Ronpa anime coming out. I'd like to give fair warning though that this installment is for fans of the games only. You need to have good knowledge about what happened in the first two games to really understand what's happening.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:06 am Reply with quote
CrowLia wrote:
Tales of Zestiria: I've always been lowkey interested in the Tales franchise but never actually got around to play the games (and if there's an anime prior to this one I'm not aware of it).

Tales of the Abyss is the only other title to get a full TV series adaptation. Phantasia and Symphonia have OVAs, Vesperia has a prequel movie, and Eternia has a side story TV anime.

There's already a Zestiria special that covers the beginning of the game. Not sure if the TV series is going to cover those events again, or assume people have seen it.

I've not played Zestiria yet, but I'm a huge Tales fan so I'm looking forward to watching it. As for other shows, I'll certainly be watching the season 2s of shows I watched the first seasons of but new content wise the only thing I have any expectations for is New Game.
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Joined: 13 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:27 am Reply with quote
I'll certainly be watching:

Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya 3rei to rile up those predatory senses. Actually, I'm joking. Seriously, I was joking. I've heard it'll have a lot of awesome battles so I'm looking forward to all that. I waited for the previous seasons of this anime to finish airing before I watched them, but I think I'll watch it weekly this time. Enjoy the company of fellow viewers here and that one guy who will probably complain about the show being anti-loli.

Most likely will watch:

Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin. Sounds kinda interesting. Madhouse is doing it so that's promising, I think.

Masou Gakuen HxH. Ugh. Sounds awful. SOLD. I can just lay down on my bed like a corpse and enjoy the shenanigans.

orange. Generally speaking I'm not into shoujo, but the premise sounds interesting.

I might watch something else as well, but I haven't decided yet. I'll watch Food Wars! 2nd season once it has finished airing. Oh and D.Gray-man, I'll wait for that to finish as well.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:42 pm Reply with quote
Hmm, well for sure I'll watch the sequels D. Grayman Hallow, because from obviouse reason that took me 5 months to finish the "prequel" but seeing 13 episodes I'm bit afraid to not be rushed or things left out

Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu, but 8 episodes? Hm I ujust noticed now checking the chart.


91 Days - sounds decent just curious how it is.

Days Sport, been a time since saw one regarding football/soccer because last I seen let me a bitter taste. Hope this will keep me on full attention.

Fukigen na Mononokean
- seemed cute in the PV saw few weeks ago or so.

Hitori no Shita: The Outcast - interesting plus i'm asucker for super powers animes and zombie type just to ot be any type of fanservice thrown there randomly

Orange/ Servamp - on both I read the manga at some point and I'll check both
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:17 pm Reply with quote
I normally watch the first episode of each new series before I decide which ones to drop, but the few I'm excited for:

Masou Gakuen HxH: From the trailers, it'll either be very good or very bad... there will be no in-between. But it looks as if they've gone as close to Hentai as possible without crossing the line. It'll definitely be interesting for the fan-service, even if the story is pants.

Arslan Senki: Only 8 episodes has me thinking that they should have just released a film instead and worked on the fighting animation for the final battle for Pars.

Nantasu no Taizai: Want this pretty badly as the first season was incredible.

Love Live! Sunshine!!: Let's be honest here, Aqours will be arriving to mop up the competition and leave no survivors. Seriously looking forward to this. They've done everything right so far in the build-up to the first series; the singles are great, the sub-groups well perceived and the characters are loved. Just hurry up and start already!
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:59 am Reply with quote
CrowLia wrote:
While I'm still bitter about not getting Takahiro Sakurai for Kanda

Have you heard anything about why? He hasn't been in more than a handful of series this season, in generally minor roles, so it doesn't seem like he's too busy (compared to last year), unless he's got some other major project taking up his time. Is he doing an album or something?
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Joined: 19 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:00 am Reply with quote
Looks like a pretty weak season to me, nothing to be excited about. The only one I'll be watching for sure is Berserk, because hey, it's still Berserk and CR has it so I might as well give a whirl.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:14 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
Have you heard anything about why? He hasn't been in more than a handful of series this season, in generally minor roles, so it doesn't seem like he's too busy (compared to last year), unless he's got some other major project taking up his time. Is he doing an album or something?

They just decided to recast everyone. While rare in anime such things do happen. Would be odd if they recasted all the characters except for one guy.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:27 am Reply with quote
I see. I just assumed they got everyone back except him, since they tend not to recast unless they have to.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:36 am Reply with quote
I can see how CrowLia's wording would lead you to think that. But yeah, the entire cast was changed.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:06 am Reply with quote
Yeah, sorry for the confusion, they did change everyone, it's just Sakurai that I'm most bitter about because I can't imagine Kanda with any other voice. I hadn't noticed it, but you're right, Sakurai hasn't gotten any big roles recently. Hope everything's okay, he's a brilliant voice actor, but it feels like they're flooding the market with newbies. I'm actually concerned with the recasting thing, I worry that they didn't even have the budget to afford the original cast, which makes me fear for the whole production at large
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:20 am Reply with quote
Sakurai's still in plenty of shows, perhaps just not ones you watch. He's in 5 shows starting this season alone.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:40 am Reply with quote
I was looking forward to another 26 episodes of Arslan Senki. Now that it has been cut to eight, I'm a lot less enthusiastic.
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Joined: 24 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:00 pm Reply with quote
CrowLia wrote:
it's just Sakurai that I'm most bitter about because I can't imagine Kanda with any other voice.

Agreed, to be honest. I just recently did a reread/catch-up on the manga in anticipation of the anime, and no matter how hard I tried, I could only hear Sakurai whenever Kanda said anything (even when I got past the point where the first anime stopped). I actually do like replacement Takuya Satou, and removed from the context of the original cast, I'd even say he was reasonably well-suited to the role, but...I just can't forget Sakurai's voice. Crying or Very sad

I'd be more understanding if they were doing a reboot, a la Hunter x Hunter 2011, but starting where the last anime left off means the voice whiplash is gonna be pretty bad no matter what... Anime dazed
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