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Joined: 08 Jan 2006
Posts: 1935
Location: Seattle, WA
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:38 am Reply with quote
Arcwave wrote:
ManOfRust, where abouts are you in the Seattle area? I reside in Monroe, but go to the University of Washington-Bothell campus.

I live in the garden paradise of Kent. It's convenient for work, but it's not going to be my first choice when I get around to buying a home. Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop
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Emiya Shirou.

Joined: 21 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:03 am Reply with quote
Greetings, ANN.
(LOL that sounded formal)

I've been here for awhile now, I registered 3 weeks ago I think.
Damn, memory gap, oh well =]

Name: Jeanne Paulin
Gender: Female
Age: 14 years old
Location: Philippines

^^ LOL, I think that's enough of basic information.
Anyway, you can call me Pau for short, if my name is THAT long.
Basically, in my life, I love music and anime. Though, this is an anime fansite, I'll tell you some of my history of obsession and likes about anime.

I loved anime ever since I was a child (the country I'm from is very fond of japanese anime series), unfortunately, I stopped when I reached the ages of 9-12. But I got back again at the age 13 up until the recent. I find Japanese Anime really fun and worth watching. LOL, I even have my 2 requirement before I will get obsessed with one series/ Manga: 1) It must have a good illustration and 2) Of course a good story. Okay, okay, that's enough.
Anime series/ Manga also inspired me to draw. I really like to draw ALOT.

Although, there are only a few of series I adore (hehe, I'm too choos-y), like - FATE/ stay night, Fushigi Yuugi, Fruits Basket, Naruto, some of CLAMP's (xxxHoLic, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and Chobits), Black Cat, Get Backers, Honey and Clover, BLOOD+, Bleach, and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (is that counted?)
Apart from those, I'm also trying to find new series and some Manga series I'm not fond of.

Aside from anime, I like finding/ trying new stuff. I'm also fond of drawing, playing the guitar and making web graphics (basically avatars and signatures for message boards) I'm also training myself reading books, so yeah. Almost like, errr, making it a hobby o.O

I'm very happy to be a part of this wonderful community and hope to make friends someday!

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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
Posts: 3
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Name: Kalle
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Age: 23
Likes: Death Metal & alcohol
Dislikes: narrow-mindness, elitism, goths
Favorite Anime: FMP!, Berserk, Bleach, GTO-
Favorite Authors: Thomas Harris, Arthur Schopenhauer, H.P.Lovecraft,
Favorite Games: Final Fantasy-series
Favorite TV shows: South Park, Family Guy, Lost
Favorite Movies: All Tarantino, psychological, horror, obscure... too much to mention really
Drink: yes please!
Smoke: few packs a week
Non-Alcoholic Drink: is there such?
Favorite Foods: Kebab
Favorite Sites: Deathmetal.us, Devourment fan forum, metal-archives,
Favorite Music: all sorts of extreme metal, alternative, some ambient, post-rock, progressive, experimental,
Job: Warehouseman
Hobbies: MUSIC, drinking, anime, gym
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Joined: 08 Dec 2005
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Location: tampa
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:20 pm Reply with quote
larinon wrote:
thanks to those above whose survey forms I've copied - mainly Ruri-chan Smile

Glad to be of service. It makes me feel all warm and squishy inside Wink

What math do you teach?
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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Location: Midland, TX
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:03 pm Reply with quote
Ruri-chan wrote:
larinon wrote:
thanks to those above whose survey forms I've copied - mainly Ruri-chan Smile

Glad to be of service. It makes me feel all warm and squishy inside Wink

What math do you teach?

This summer I've taught Calculus 3 and Statistics (for the first half), and Differential Equations and College Algebra (for the second half), so you can see I teach a pretty broad range. We have a number of developmental classes offered as well so I teach those from time to time also.

If you want to be a teacher, community/junior college is the place to be. You don't have to deal with parents or students who don't want to be there like in the public schools, and there's no pressure to publish or do research like at Universities. I just get to focus on teaching Smile I can kick people out of class too, if they're being disruptive, it's nice. ^_-

It's kind of nice to put faces and personalities to the different screennames you see here. This is an interesting topic to browse. Good to see people of all ages, too. I'm always afraid I might grow out of anime, but I hope I never do.

Anime 4 Life! Wink
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
Forums Superstar

Joined: 14 Aug 2006
Posts: 16979
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:52 pm Reply with quote
Well here's a proper welcome for larinon, ehrsatzmessiah, Emiya Shirou, and Arcwave. Welcome to ANN. Hopefully your stay here will be informative and fun. As part of the porper welcome it's not my duty to bestow upon you your mystery welcome bag of goodies. ::hands them each a brown bag:: Today we have such wonderful gifts as some cat vomit, 2 fake leaves from a fake bush, a handful of used red tea leaves, and a herring! Don't forget these Words of Wisdom during your stay; "This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends."
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Joined: 22 Apr 2005
Posts: 605
Location: Dallas, Texas
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:09 am Reply with quote
Name: Kyle
Sex: Male
Blood Type: dunno
Marital Status: Single
Age: 15
Likes: TV,reading,anime, and coffee
Dislikes: urgh, hot weather. (texas)
Favorite Anime: Chrono Crusade, Record of Lodoss wars, death note, and Slayers
Favorite Manga: OTHELLO. hands down.
Favorite Authors: Tamora Pierce, Gerald Morris, David Eddings,
Favorite Games: Halo 1 &2&3 super smash bros melee
Favorite TV shows: Family Guy, American Dad, Friends, and trash TV
Favorite Movies: Miyasaki Movies.
Drink: lots
Smoke: quit.
Non-Alcoholic Drink: coffee.
Favorite Foods: mint chocolate chip ice cream, and spaggeti
Favorite Sites: myspace, yahoo.com,
Favorite Music: The killers, gorilaz, AFI, my chem romance
Job: not old enough. dammit.
Hobbies: Reading, watching my TIVO.
Fun facts: Im an identical twin, my back yard opens out to a huge park, lost 70 lbs 2 years ago. Smile
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Joined: 13 Aug 2007
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Location: Palmy, NZ - student central
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:52 am Reply with quote
Arcwave wrote:
...I am a 19 year old identical triplet; and my brothers and I make films. Our company is called Trico Films. We have worked exclusively with multi Emmy Award-winning film composer, Carl Johnson on a few of our films, and have recently been introduced to video game composer, Jeremy Soule. We have also been introduced to Lucasfilm, ltd, Microsoft Studios, and PBS in the past.

Identical triplets...awsome! I know this is probably very cliche but I just have to ask (if you don't mind, of course! Very Happy ): do people find it hard to tell you and your brothers apart?

Haha Jeremy Soule...I've just been playing Morrowind.

It's nice to know people who are into films are now interested in anime. I for one don't mind anime getting a bit more mainstream. From your website I'd say your pretty talented...ever considered making animation?

Anyway it's nice to meet ya!
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Joined: 07 Jul 2007
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Location: Seattle
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:40 pm Reply with quote
nightmaregenie wrote:

Identical triplets...awsome! I know this is probably very cliche but I just have to ask (if you don't mind, of course! Very Happy ): do people find it hard to tell you and your brothers apart?

Haha! Of course I don't mind! And the answer is yes. But it varies; people who have known us the longest can tell us apart (usually by personality), but whenever we meet new people we always have to re-introduce ourselves. I'm so used to it by now that it doesn't even bother me.

Haha Jeremy Soule...I've just been playing Morrowind.

Jeremy Soule is a great guy. He actually lives only 20 or so miles from my house. We've exchanged many emails and he has offered to help us out in the music area of our films. We currently use Carl Johnson, but I'd love to grab Soule for an upcoming project!

It's nice to know people who are into films are now interested in anime. I for one don't mind anime getting a bit more mainstream. From your website I'd say your pretty talented...ever considered making animation?

Thanks! We actually just updated our site a few weeks ago. Hmm, animation? I'd love to get into the anime industry, but from what I hear you need mega-contacts in Japan. We're actually leaving for Japan in March and plan to film around for an upcoming film. I actually wouldn't mind visiting the GAINAX building and Khara studio while we're there. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

Anyway it's nice to meet ya!

Thanks for your interest in Trico Films! And nice to meet you, too. Cool

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Aromatic Grass

Joined: 31 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:20 pm Reply with quote
I finally uploaded a picture on this site here! Thank goodness!
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
Posts: 1996
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:03 pm Reply with quote
Nice pic AG! Looks like we've got another cute girl here, just as I was suspecting! Wink

Anyways, I just updated my profile to show that as of today, I am officially 21 years old. Huzzah! Very Happy
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Joined: 08 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:35 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:
Nice pic AG! Looks like we've got another cute girl here, just as I was suspecting! Wink

Anyways, I just updated my profile to show that as of today, I am officially 21 years old. Huzzah! Very Happy

Whoo! Happy birthday!! If I could, I'd hand you a chocolate cake shot in celebration.

larinon wrote:
If you want to be a teacher, community/junior college is the place to be. You don't have to deal with parents or students who don't want to be there like in the public schools, and there's no pressure to publish or do research like at Universities. I just get to focus on teaching Smile I can kick people out of class too, if they're being disruptive, it's nice. ^_-

That's probably why I had such craptacular bio professors. All they really think about is their research and means to fund it.
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Xenofan 29A

Joined: 09 Aug 2007
Posts: 378
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:29 pm Reply with quote
Ruri-chan wrote:
larinon wrote:
If you want to be a teacher, community/junior college is the place to be. You don't have to deal with parents or students who don't want to be there like in the public schools, and there's no pressure to publish or do research like at Universities. I just get to focus on teaching Smile I can kick people out of class too, if they're being disruptive, it's nice. ^_-

That's probably why I had such craptacular bio professors. All they really think about is their research and means to fund it.

Eh, I like most of my professors, but then again, I go to a small college.
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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Location: Midland, TX
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:53 pm Reply with quote
Ruri-chan wrote:
That's probably why I had such craptacular bio professors. All they really think about is their research and means to fund it.

Yeah, that's not an easy thing to deal with usually. If you're lucky enough, sometimes you can find an adept T.A. or tutor to help you out, but it still feels wrong that your professor is so distracted. This even happens in graduate school. A lot of my summer students are just home for between semesters, working on internships and such, but they tell me the same stories about their schools.

Xenofan 29A wrote:
Eh, I like most of my professors, but then again, I go to a small college.

I was fortunate to get my bachelors degree at a small college (~1200 students at the time), but again I did have to pay for that. Actually I'm still paying for it. Wink Granted, what I paid for a private college 13 years ago is what you typically pay at a public university now, so I'm lucky in that respect. Glad to hear you like your professors, that definitely makes for a better learning environment.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
Posts: 1996
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:00 pm Reply with quote
Ruri-chan wrote:
Whoo! Happy birthday!! If I could, I'd hand you a chocolate cake shot in celebration.

Hey thanks! Smile If I could, I would accept that chocolate cake shot offer. Wink
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