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Tutorial Re: Over-quoting?

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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:08 am Reply with quote
I've noticed that the new mods are really enforcing the "over-quoting" rule. While I mostly feel grateful for this, it occurs to me that perhaps some of the serial offenders may simply not know how to edit. Some of these people are well mannered otherwise, they just "over quote".

I participate on another forum where there are a couple of members who are truly bad at things like this, but since it is such a small and close-knit community, we are always typing out very detailed step-by-step tutorials to help them out. Sure, it's a hassle, but in the long run it really helps the person function better on line, and we all end up benefitting.

Is there a discussion here in "Talkback" that acts like a tutorial? It might be helpful for certain individuals who want to contribute but aren't terribly tech-savvy.

{I split this off from the original thread due to necroposting. If you want to change the title, then feel free to do so. ~nbahn}
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:49 am Reply with quote
The closest thing to what you are describing that exists currently is...

Tricks, Tips and Tidbits Regarding Using the Site

...in the Bugs & Technical Questions forum (which is helpfully indexed by subject in the OP). There is a section on how to quote properly in that thread.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:06 pm Reply with quote
As a general guideline, I would say that you should never go more than two levels deep in post quoting without a really good reason (such as it being essential for context in a thread where multiple unrelated simultaneous discussions are going on - e.g., sometimes with the Preview Guides). If you have more than two stacked levels of responses in what you're quoting, delete the earlier ones.

Also as a general guideline, when quoting a longer post, delete any paragraphs (or sentences in a long paragraph) that you are not directly responding to.

For instance, if I'm only responding to tuxedocat's question about the Talkback discussion, I would hit the "quote" button and then delete all content from what I'm quoting except this:
tuxedocat wrote:
Is there a discussion here in "Talkback" that acts like a tutorial? It might be helpful for certain individuals who want to contribute but aren't terribly tech-savvy.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:34 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
As a general guideline, I would say that you should never go more than two levels deep in post quoting without a really good reason (such as it being essential for context ...

In the Excessive quoting thread
Tony K. wrote:
To me, "excessive" is any post with more than 3 quotes in it, ...

I think that this needs to be clarified.
"Really good reason" is too subjective and arbitrary.

I admit that I have a personal interest in this because I had a post edited yesterday for excessive quoting, apparently because it had three levels of quotes.
In my opinion the deleted third level was necessary for context, but the moderator who edited the post apparently disagreed.

If the rule is going to be enforced fairly and uniformly the limit needs to stated clearly.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:33 pm Reply with quote
Tony has also said more recently:

Multiple single quotes are fine. It's when a single quote back-quotes 2 or more other posts that become an eyesore.

The limit I've set is no more than 2, like this:

Michael wrote:
Oscar wrote:
I'm tellin' ya', I'm Oscar.. dot com.

[Blank stare].. Not fallin' for it, dad.

Narrator: It's Arrested Development.


So, yeah, there are no hard set rules in terms of quoting. I'll let 3 quotes pass if they aren't long (i.e. the length doesn't take up more than approx. 1/2 the height of my computer screen) and the response isn't just a one-liner/one sentence response. If the person is relatively new to the forums, I normally won't give out warnings either - I'll just edit and make a note in the post. 4 quotes gets an edit and warning (in my experience, almost all response chains I've read didn't needed to go beyond 3 quotes just for people to understand the conversation).

EDIT: Ah, I just saw Tony's 100 posts comment. I'll keep that in mind for the future.

While I agree that more concrete rules would be nice, I think it'd be difficult to set any objective criteria.

I do feel that the Excessive Quoting thread needs to be cleaned up. What rules we do have need to be more clearly stated rather than spread out and contradicting each other within the 5 pages. Also, including the quoting examples in the first post, while effective at showing what he means, also really lengthens the post and forces you to scroll down just to get to the rules. And how many people are actually aware of the Wall of Shame and/or whether or not they're on it? It's way down the first post.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:16 pm Reply with quote
I think I originally went with 3, but then later changed it to 2, but forgot to update the opener. That, or I was subconsciously thinking the reply to the quotes counted as a level in itself. At any rate, my most recent example, the 2-level quote, would seem to suffice. I think I went with that number after seeing enough people essentially "quoting themselves" 2 posts back in replies, which just looked plain annoying to me.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:33 pm Reply with quote
In the case of the example outlined in my previous post, one of the individuals didn't even know how to cut and paste, or highlight the text she wanted to delete. Yes, it can get that bad. Anime dazed
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:53 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
I think I went with that number after seeing enough people essentially "quoting themselves" 2 posts back in replies,

And that is exactly what I did in my post that was edited for excessive quoting.
At the time I thought that quoting my previous post was necessary to show that the other people were replying to me, but looking at it now I guess that it really was not necessary.

I can adapt to the rules however they are written. I just want them to actually be written and enforced consistently.
It looks likes you are all getting that done, so I am satisfied.

I do agree with willag that the Excessive Quoting thread needs to be cleaned up and have clear rules at the beginning.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:56 pm Reply with quote
I want to add something in regards to the 100 posts tidbit. Actually 2 things. I think having under 100 posts should only get a user out of a strike on the wall of shame if they have been here under 1 year. If you've been here over 1 year you've had enough time to read the rules. Also, if you are under 100 posts, and get a warning about this (but no strike on the wall), I think after that initial free warning you don't any more. You got your one mulligan and that's it. You were warned by a moderator and linked to the excessive quotes thread so there's no excuse to give them 2 and 3 and 4 free passes. Those are my thoughts on it. It's Tony baby though so I'll defer to his judgment.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:48 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, the tenure thing sounds good, too. I've seen a few users that have tended to over-quote, but have been here for a year or more and still not really pay attention. And I guess with all the extra man (and woman) power on the Mod Squad, we can actually afford to dish out warnings instead of me outright deleting stuff to save myself time, now.

I'll try to update the opening for that thread by the end of the weekend.
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