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NEWS: Website: 2nd Tokyo Ghoul Anime Season Begins in January

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Joined: 29 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:54 am Reply with quote
Wow, given how all I heard was that they launched themselves through the manga, cutting pieces, changing things, skipping character development etc. I really wasn't expecting a second season. Seems like if they had more episodes in the works that they would be slightly more faithful to the original work.

This does make me ask though, I heard they adapted around half of the manga chapters, so is it feasible that they would try and squeeze the rest of the chapters into another 12 episodes? How bad would that be compared to Season 1?
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Joined: 07 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:09 am Reply with quote
I hope it's fake since adaptation was downright terrible. Everyone who read manga bashes it for being utter garbage.

Last edited by bastek66 on Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:16 am Reply with quote
Well... I sure as hell didn't expect it. Maybe it was 2-cour from the start.
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Felicity dash

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:23 am Reply with quote
The official Chinese website for the television anime adaptation of Sui Ishida's Tokyo Ghoul horror manga is listing that a second season of the anime will begin in January.

If that website is correct, then yay more Tokyo Ghoul!
Although the mere thought at it having a second season that`s likely going to be rushed like the first season is making my stomach kinda turn...
Also how are they going to spoiler[complete the Aogiri arc, when the ending was left with Kaneki eating Yamori`s Kakuja?]
..Eh regardless just as long I get to see more badass white-haired Kaneki & Juuzou, I`ll still be happy to watch.

Original creator Sui Ishida had mentioned on Twitter earlier this week that an important announcement "might" be uploaded to the Young Jump or Tokyo Ghoul websites.

PLEASE LET THIS BE A SEQUEL!!! THAT ENDING MADE ME HAVE A HEART ATTACK! I`m not even kidding when I say that, I literally had a heart attack later on after I was done reading the ending chapter.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:28 am Reply with quote
[quote="bastek66"]I hope it's fake since adaptation was downrigh terrible. Everyone who read manga bashes it for being utter garbage.[/quote]

The show isn't bad at all. The adaptation is. There is a very big difference.

The original FMA adaptation is bad, but it's still a classic series from beginning to end.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:50 am Reply with quote
KidOblivion wrote:
bastek66 wrote:
I hope it's fake since adaptation was downrigh terrible. Everyone who read manga bashes it for being utter garbage.

The show isn't bad at all. The adaptation is. There is a very big difference.

The original FMA adaptation is bad, but it's still a classic series from beginning to end.

Original FMA had good pacing, character development, and decent filler, Tokyo Ghoul didn't have any of those things(and i noticed this without even reading the manga)
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:12 am Reply with quote
As a manga reader myself I was actually pleasantly surprised with the adaption. It sped through a lot of material no doubt but the direction was really well done and it stuck to the strengths of the manga pretty well. I'm all up for another season and I'm curious to see if they'll actually have the guts to do the manga ending. Laughing Laughing
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Joined: 02 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:18 am Reply with quote
Divineking wrote:
As a manga reader myself I was actually pleasantly surprised with the adaption. It sped through a lot of material no doubt but the direction was really well done and it stuck to the strengths of the manga pretty well. I'm all up for another season and I'm curious to see if they'll actually have the guts to do the manga ending. Laughing Laughing

I disagree entirely - the strength of the manga lies in its use of symbolic imagery and insight into Kaneki's mind. The action is secondary a lot of the time, despite the fact that it's also very well drawn and is also a strength of the series; however I think the psychology and the use of imagery outside of the fights is far more important to Ghoul. Which is why I think the anime adaptation doesn't play to the strengths of the series - it takes the parts which will appeal to a wide audience ( the violence) and uses those as a base.
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Felicity dash

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:24 am Reply with quote
KidOblivion wrote:
bastek66 wrote:
I hope it's fake since adaptation was downrigh terrible. Everyone who read manga bashes it for being utter garbage.

The show isn't bad at all. The adaptation is. There is a very big difference.

The original FMA adaptation is bad, but it's still a classic series from beginning to end.

Yes, you are right the synopsis for the story isn`t bad, but where as in the original fma they had good characterization & decent pacing...thats what Tokyo Ghoul lacks in. Its hard to connect with the characters when the anime leaves out key parts for those characters in the manga. As for the pacing well Attack on Titan took 24 episodes to complete 2 arcs, Tokyo Ghoul however...lets just say 12 episodes are just not enough to complete 2 and 1/2 arcs. To be honest with the way how they were flying through these arcs it would`ve made sense to make 13 episodes just to finish off the 3rd arc rather than leaving it at an effing cliffhanger.
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Joined: 29 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:25 am Reply with quote
I can't bring myself to trust information from a Chinese video streaming website because of two things:

1. Nearly 95% of video streaming sites in China are illegal.
2. Why would China has such information earlier than Japan, especially when there isn't any official news out yet in the magazines etc.

That being said, even though the first season was horrible in my opinion, I would still watch the second season if there's any to see how everything would end.

They should have stopped at the Dove arc since they have already built up spoiler[the white-haired Dove as the main antagonist in the first half of the season. Maybe with 1 more episode to foreshadow the events of the 11th Ward arc.] But nope, they made an awkward pacing decision and so the season ends spoiler[right in the middle of the 11th Ward arc with no proper conclusion whatsoever.]
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:29 am Reply with quote
Kreion wrote:
Divineking wrote:
As a manga reader myself I was actually pleasantly surprised with the adaption. It sped through a lot of material no doubt but the direction was really well done and it stuck to the strengths of the manga pretty well. I'm all up for another season and I'm curious to see if they'll actually have the guts to do the manga ending. Laughing Laughing

I disagree entirely - the strength of the manga lies in its use of symbolic imagery and insight into Kaneki's mind. The action is secondary a lot of the time, despite the fact that it's also very well drawn and is also a strength of the series; however I think the psychology and the use of imagery outside of the fights is far more important to Ghoul. Which is why I think the anime adaptation doesn't play to the strengths of the series - it takes the parts which will appeal to a wide audience ( the violence) and uses those as a base.

I agree the anime misses out on some of the psychological stuff but to me the real core of the series was in the cycle of violence between humans and ghouls and in that area the anime prevailed pretty well. It also got a lot of the horror across pretty strongly even if they obviously couldn't replicate some of the art from the manga in a few instances

I've mostly separated the anime and the manga in my head as two seperate entities and enjoy both. The anime's a more cinematic version of the story (obviously) where the manga is more novel-like with a lot more world building. I don't think there's much wrong with either approach and while the cinematic approach obviously lacks in detail it can make certain scenes (like the final episode) work really well.

Honestly I was expecting to despise the anime when I figured out how much they'd be covering in 12 episodes but given that limitation, the anime holds up a lot better on it's own than it should as opposed to other series that tried the same thing *cough*Zetman*cough*
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Joined: 23 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:46 am Reply with quote
It was bad as an adaption but most people don't read the manga so for them this news is gold. I didn't mind the art and VA so a second season would be nice. It's always nice to watch full colored moving art of what you read.
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Joined: 30 May 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:47 am Reply with quote
Although it was incredibly rushed, changed parts & wasn't as good as the manga; I still love it and look forward to a second season Wink
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Joined: 02 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:09 am Reply with quote
It all depends on how you look at Tokyo Ghoul(and all anime in general)

Some people look at TG as an adaptation of the manga and as that it failed horribly

Some people look at it as an stand-alone adaptation and don't compare it to the manga and like that TG is quite enjoyable with nice story but has its flaws in rushing and some other things(for me at least)

But in the end TG(and all adaptations that adapt some kind of source material) is only just like a huge commercial for the manga and as like that it succeeds and it did amazing job.

I though am interested how the 2nd season will be. I'm guessing it goes as fast as the first season but we'll see.
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Joined: 14 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:11 am Reply with quote
If this is true... Please don’t censor it.

The fandom has hope now, i guess?
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