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REVIEW: Comic Party Revolution DVD 1

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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:12 am Reply with quote
I hate to ask, but...any reasons why episodes 4 and 5 aren't mentioned here? I thought that the end of episode 5 was pretty classic, although a bit watered-down on DVD here due to the universal anathema to using "moé" as-is on commercial releases.
CPR focuses specifically on doujinshi and structures itself more like a quasi-harem romantic comedy – in other words, the doujinshi elements are more the setting or gimmick than the actual focus.
Given CP's roots as a ren'ai game, the harem-esque feeling isn't surprising--basically, a wide focus on a lot of girls without much depth to any of them is what to expect from CPR.

This is more of an AoD thing to say, but the background art and character art might look a bit better if it weren't for the innundation of dot-crawl on this disc, though signs indicate the source rather than ADV as the one at fault.
In a clever play on the series’ subject matter, the cover is printed traditional manga-style, so that the case seems to be opening on the left rather than the right.
I wouldn't call it that clever, considering that RightStuf did the same thing with the first series, which makes ADV look like a copycat. OTOH, I kind of like the continuity that it provides... *is torn*

Maybe I'm becoming too soft on dubs these days, but I wasn't too annoyed by this one. I'd agree that "Brooklyn Yuu" wasn't the greatest, but it still doesn't challenge Love Hina's "Drunk Dixie Chick" Kitsune for the title of "worst English localization of a Kansai accent EVAR." Luci Christian's Mizuki was pretty much "angry tsundere girl" role #287 for her, but the character itself is just as stereotypical. I liked the nods to the Japanese eccentricities, like Subaru's "Pagyuu" and Subaru and Chisa referring to themselves in third person, e.g. "Please take it easy on poor little Chisa" in episode 3, so cute Very Happy. I don't think that "hot springs panda" has any deeper meaning (at least I couldn't find any in TRSI's wonderful notes on CP) in Japanese, either, except for emphasizing Eimi's haughty but dim-witted personality.

But regardless of the audio language of choice, I'd sum CPR up by saying that if you aren't a fan of the CP characters and universe from the first series, CPR isn't much of an improvement, aside from some better artwork.
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Joined: 08 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:32 am Reply with quote
From what I've seen of this ON-DEMAND, Tiffany Grant's brooklyn accent was the only thing that I actually liked...

As for the show... uhh... I'm not into it... it felt all disjointed and stuff...

But, I'm only on the first episode, so maybe it gets better? I never know...
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:39 am Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
I hate to ask, but...any reasons why episodes 4 and 5 aren't mentioned here? I thought that the end of episode 5 was pretty classic, although a bit watered-down on DVD here due to the universal anathema to using "moé" as-is on commercial releases.

The 4th and 5th episodes weren't available on the review copy I received, as it wasn't the final version. That's not unusual when we get advance copies of releases, so if you ever see a reviewer (here or elsewhere) not talking about all the episodes on a disc in the future, that's probably why.

As for the dub, this one irritated me even before I heard the Japanese version to compare. For someone like me who's such a dedicated dubbie, that's not a good sign. I do agree that this one is going to be more a matter of personal taste, however.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:22 pm Reply with quote
I find it kinda ironic that the voice actress Larissa Wolcott replaces the original voice actress Jessica Calvello for the voice of Eimi Ohba.

In case anyone doesn't know, Calvello was also replaced by Wolcott for the voice of Excel in the middle of Excel Saga.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:50 pm Reply with quote
prime_pm wrote:
I find it kinda ironic that the voice actress Larissa Wolcott replaces the original voice actress Jessica Calvello for the voice of Eimi Ohba.

In case anyone doesn't know, Calvello was also replaced by Wolcott for the voice of Excel in the middle of Excel Saga.

Only because Calvello injured her vocal cords during the recording of Excel Saga. Excel's hyperactive vocal patterns were too much for Calvello's cords to handle, so she took a break from voice acting for a while before moving to New York (and resumed voice acting under the pseudonym of Zoe Fries).

Outside of that, I think the accent that Tiffany Grant gave to Yu is pretty good in my view. The English voice that really stinks IMO comes from the actress that plays Subaru. Subaru sounds a lot like Nuku Nuku if she was high on catnip. Ugh! Anime hyper
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Joined: 11 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:08 pm Reply with quote
I think "hot spring panda" is a reference to both the original ComiPa and Evangelion. In the orignal ComiPa, Eimi would call everyone she doesn't like a 'panda' and in Evangelion, there was a hot spring penguin named Pen Pen. I could be wrong, though. It's a stupid joke, none the less.

I though Yuu's accent was annoying as well. However, worst Brooklyn accent in a dub goes to Sanji from 'One Piece.' At least with Yuu, they were attempting to localize an accent. I think the best localazation of a Kansai accent in a dub would go to Kira Vincent-Davis in Azumanga Daioh playing Osaka. It was soft, but noticable.
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Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:23 pm Reply with quote
i don't mean to be judgmental, but the point of a review is not to tell the readers whether something is outright good or bad. In my opinion, you did a horrid job on that particular point, and showed an enormous amount of bias to the show. Just because it didn't match your humor doesn't mean it was bad. I think ANN should screen their reviewers a bit more extensively before they let people like you do this sort of work.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 5:35 am Reply with quote
jagerhohenheim wrote:
i don't mean to be judgmental. . .

Oh, I so love this line, because it's almost always followed by someone being judgmental.

Anyway, the entire point of any review is to tell a reader whether a show is good or bad. Without such an evaluation, all you're actually giving is just a synopsis.

Disagreeing with a review is fine; everyone has different tastes. Saying that ANN shouldn't have allowed that review just because it doesn't match your view of the series is not fine, however.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:27 pm Reply with quote
Hm. I find Key's reviews to be spot on, and I've read enough of them to know when I should look for why he didn't like something as opposed to whether he didn' t like something. Meaning, I've got a feel for where our tastes diverge enough to know whether I would be likely to like something he didn' t like absed on reading a negative review. And I wish I had read this one before watching Comic Party Revolution, it would have saved me 40-odd minutes. What more could you really want from a reviewer? Nothing, I think, or I wouldn't keep reading reviews here, or in the Protoculture Addicts. For which I pay good, hard-earned American money, mostly to read the reviews.

Which is to say, fooey on casual use of the term "bias".

Hm, bias is just the way the stripes run in your skirt.... no, gotta work on that one. But there's a comeback in there someplace.
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Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 12:00 am Reply with quote
I was basically stating that there shouldn't be such an overwhelming showing of whether or not the reviewer likes or dislikes something as a whole. point out problems in the show, point out flaws in the creation. But don't tell me that the show was horrible. that's for the viewers to decide, anyways. No good review spends 5 paragraphs stating everything wrong with it, then one to show the good side, and then a summary. and to further back myself, did I ever state I thought differently on the show? There were several reasons I didn't like it myself, but that wouldn't be a good enough reason to simply list all the reasons i hated it, then post that as a review.

and furthermore, pulled from an actual dictionary:
A bias is a prejudice in a general or specific sense, usually in the sense for having a preference to one particular point of view or ideological perspective.

tell me he isn't stating he doesn't like it, and why you won't either, and i'll step down on my argument. thats not using the term too generically, you've just gotten so caught up with people accusing others of overusing the word, you feel every time the word is used its just them being difficult. and i'm not denying i'm being judgmental, i was just stating that wasn't my original intent, but decided to go with it anyways, since its how i really felt on the matter.

So for that matter, show your taste for the show, but don't make it the entire review. And don't get so caught up with yourself. ANN is a fan made website for the fans. You're no better a person than i am. But I don't want to be accused of thinking the versa.
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