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Black Sun Silver Moon (manga)

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Joined: 16 Aug 2006
Posts: 31
PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:33 pm Reply with quote
The first volume of this manga just came out from Go!Comi and I tried finding it in the encyclopedia and my eyes must be going blind because I do not see it. When I tried adding it as a new amnga it says that it already existed. So could someone please post a link for my poor eyes so I can add the info to this title.

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Joined: 02 Jan 2005
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Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:49 am Reply with quote
Actually, it doesn't completely say "It already exists in the database". It says :
We already have the exact same information!
You should read this as : "Somebody submitted the exact same title before, but we still have to approve it (i.e. look up if the information is correct and that it doesn't exist yet in ANN under another name) or it is already in the database."
Since it's not yet in the database, it needs approval, which can take some time (days...weeks...months...)
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Encyclopedia Editor

Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC
PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:09 am Reply with quote
For the past month, I've been approving new titles at the average speed of five titles per day. However, there are still over 60 anime and 500 manga waiting in the line. That will cost me more than four months to finish, not including dozens of new anime titles every three months.

I try to clean them up starting from the oldest ones so I can be sure to give credits to the first user who submitted the title, for duplication of submissions can happen when 1) in different languages 2) having slightly different spellings e.g. romanization, British/American English, or punctuations 3) having typos. However, this method would be inevitably slow on those "hot" i.e. more visible titles, such as those licensed in North America like Black Sun Silver Moon. While I appreciate your eagerness to see it added to the database as soon as possible, I'm always hesitant to answer posts and/or PM asking when a new title will be added, for if I set an example then lots of people would start filling "hey where is my submission?" into this forum and/or inboxes of Encyclopedists.

Anyway, I've approved it and added some basic info for it. Next time, please include more information regarding the said title so we could perform faster (some users have provided dead links or unreliable forum posts in foreign languages, and I have to spend two more hours Googling around).
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Encyclopedia Editor

Joined: 02 Jan 2005
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Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:30 am Reply with quote
I was thinking on your situation of dead links and unreliable information.
Suppose one user submits a new title with only one dead link as source information.
Suppose then a second user submits the same title with 5 well documented sources with the title in different languages for your convenience.
Would you also see the sources of the second submitter ? Or would his entries be discarded since the title is already submitted before ?
In the first case, it might be usefull to let the system keep all submitted sources, if that would be technically possible. Dan ?
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Encyclopedia Editor

Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC
PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:37 am Reply with quote
woelfie wrote:
Suppose one user submits a new title with only one dead link as source information.
Suppose then a second user submits the same title with 5 well documented sources with the title in different languages for your convenience.
Would you also see the sources of the second submitter ? Or would his entries be discarded since the title is already submitted before ?

Unfortunately, no, because the second user would see
We already have the exact same information!
unless s/he does some "tweaks" to bypass the system and have it into the queue, yet I am not sure if it is appropriate to disclose those tricks here.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2006
Posts: 31
PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:12 am Reply with quote
I believe I know where my confusion now came from. When I see "We already have the exact same information!" I see that as it is already posted in the Encyclopedia and you need to look harder. Not as that this info is in our waiting to be approved pile of work and you need to be patient. i am sorry that I posted this, if I knew exactly what that phrase meant I could have avoid this all together.

very sorry,
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Encyclopedia Editor

Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC
PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:28 pm Reply with quote
Wabbit98 wrote:
I believe I know where my confusion now came from. When I see "We already have the exact same information!" I see that as it is already posted in the Encyclopedia and you need to look harder. Not as that this info is in our waiting to be approved pile of work and you need to be patient.

Hmm, maybe we could ask Dan if he wants to rephrase it a little bit. Wink

Wabbit98 wrote:
i am sorry that I posted this, if I knew exactly what that phrase meant I could have avoid this all together.

very sorry,

No need to be so apologetic, as the Encyclopedia wouldn't exist without its contributors. We just need more time and more accurate and specific source information.
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