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Hey, Santaman! [2006-12-08]

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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:35 am Reply with quote
Manga-ka have some control over their anime counterparts. For, example, when bleach originally began production Tite Kubo literally (from what I've heard) hand picked the voice actors for bleach.

Another point in case is with Berserk. Kentaro Miura basically told the writers if he liked the script or not. He's even admitted that the writers hated him for that.

Finally, If I recall dosen't Kouta Hirano play a huge part in the production of the Hellsing ultimate series?

Last edited by LightYagami on Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:46 am; edited 2 times in total
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:38 am Reply with quote
LightYagami wrote:
Manga-ka have control over their anime counterparts. For, example, when bleach originally began production Tite Kubo literally (from what I've heard) hand picked the voice actors for bleach.

Another point in case is with Berserk. Kentaro Miura basically told the writers if he liked the script or not. He's even admitted that the writers hated him for that.

Finally, If I recall dosen't Kouta Hirano play a huge part in the production of the Hellsing ultimate series?

Is this a "correction" or something? Your answer is wrong.

Some do, yes. All the names you mentioned are big names with hugely popular shows. Saying they ALL do is false. If you're Kentaro Miura and you have a hugely popular bestselling manga, yeah, you can call some shots. Or Tite Kubo.

But again, unpopular or unknown mangaka have little authority. It also depends on the company they're working for.

Also, I asked Hirano myself about Hellsing and he leaves it entirely up to Yasuyuki Ueda, the producer. He doesn't do a damn thing with it except come in to the studio sometimes and take a look at what they're doing. He trusts Ueda completely.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:45 am Reply with quote
sorry about that the correction has been made.

and Zac, in the end your are right, it does depend on a wide ranging of factors.
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Malintex Terek

PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:48 am Reply with quote
Thank golly you addressed the issues of OP's appeal, Zac; it's been an enormus burden to constantly regurgitate the same mantra about how One Piece is more popular than Naruto in the United Kingdom and Australia even with the 4Kids dub (and a more heavily edited 4Kids dub at that), yet the show never had all that much appeal in America despite a coveted Saturday-morning timeslot on public TV and nearly a year's start on Naruto.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:57 am Reply with quote
Okay, so I'm not writing so much against violence but against this hypocrisy of complaining about excessive sex but neglecting to mention the violence.

Laughing Which renders most of what I was going to say void.

Show your support for these anime and maybe we can make the anime industry give non-violence a second thought.

Everyone should give Kodocha and Full Moon a try.


I love the Gifts for People You Hate section. I'd like to see what you recommend for the Radical Fundamentalist Christian. Very Happy You know, the ones that were claiming Pokemon was from the devil and burned Pikachu effigies? And I'm completely serious in my desire to see the recomendation for them.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:10 am Reply with quote
Santaman wrote:
As for the fate of the license in America, 4Kids will likely sit on the license until it expires. I think some people are under the impression that 4Kids ceasing production on the dub somehow means now we'll get uncut subtitled boxsets with 50 episodes included in each for $10 from Funimation or something but that isn't the case at all; the show didn't catch on here, and neither did the videogames, so after this I'm not sure if any company - especially in a few years when the license runs out and the heat is completely gone from the show - will want to invest in a 300+ episode expensive juggernaut of a series that already proved it has limited appeal in the American market.

Gee, I wonder which company we have to thank for this. It really could have done something, but now a lot of people are just pissed at the show, and a good 2-3 years was just wasted on this show. I hope some companies learn from this and make sure to get THEIR hands on a big franchise the next time. One Piece simply was too mature for the evil empire.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:10 am Reply with quote
@ Rant on Violence

You know if we wrote those letters we'd have nothing.

Some shows though violent do in the end come out with good morals.

A lot of your arguement sounds to me like anger from bad parenting. (not you but others) if parents taught their kids instead of putting them in front of the tv then things would be a lot different.

most of those titles you mentioned are 15 and up. So if a 10 year old picks it up at best buy is it not the parents responsiblity to make sure they don't get it? Many parents don't even pay attention to those things.

School Violence. Parents need to talk with their kids. I'm sure the violence doesn't start from just from one kid seeing Goku punch Cell. there are many other factors that lead to violence and you seem to be ignoring them.

Childern kill. Wheter it be the kids in Veitnam who walked up to soilders with gernades or the kids who are fighting in Iraq it happens. Its sad. Anime didn't cause any of these kids to fight. Politics and beliefs did. i understand you being concerned about what kids watch but theres a simple solution.

Tunr off the tv. Watch what your kids read.

the flaw with your letter plan is that when you get complaints about numerous things on the shelves most people are too lazy to find the problem sources so they get rid of the whole lot.

I mean I love kingdom hearts but if thats all thats left on the shelf at the end of the day well...I think it'd be a sadder world.

woo i can't read.
The rant made a lot of sense but there were still some things I drew out of it that need to be said.

Last edited by britannicamoore on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:15 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:11 am Reply with quote
This whole rant about excessive violence and children in the war reminds me of general American censorship.

children should not be forced to take part in the atrocities of war

But they are!
Across the world, in Middle East, in Asia, in Africa they are forced to take part in the war. And thankfully Japan unlike America doesn't try to cover it's children's and youth's eyes from the cruelty of everyday life in other parts of the world.

Full Metal Panic was mentioned, and I think it (especially The Second Raid) does a great job at bringing up the problem or children used as soldiers and the emotional problems they face later in their lives. What's wrong with showing it? What's wrong with making people think about these problems?
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Joined: 07 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:12 am Reply with quote
How about Trinity Blood for the atheist relative/friend for a future Gfts for people you Hate column/section?
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Joined: 11 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:16 am Reply with quote
I loved the Christmas gift part, that made my day

I know this has been mentioned a million times in the other threads, but can 4Kids sell their license? I mean, they're losing money, and if they're not going to do anything with the property, I would think they would want to make some money off it.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:23 am Reply with quote
Answerman wrote:
Nobody really likes reading a product catalog, right?

In fact I really enjoy reading catalogs -- not just those pamphlets you get from department stores or specialty stores, but bound, thicker-and-heavier-than-dictionary (usually over 2 inches thick) catalogs from Fisher Scientific or Sigma-Aldrich. Somehow VWR catalogs are not as entertaining, though.

Volyund wrote:
And thankfully Japan unlike America doesn't try to cover it's children's and youth's eyes from the cruelty of everyday life in other parts of the world.

Pfffft. Comedy gold.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:28 am Reply with quote
I think the fans who rant against sex and violence should maybe stick with safe, non-threatening shows and stay away from action, drama, comedy, romance, and mystery programs. What is this, the Christian Anime Alliance, suddenly? Why don't we have the next lecture talk about how sinful it is to have people drinking alcohol in anime or maybe the use of Christian imagery in a non-Chrisitian culture as "blasphemy". If something's too violent or has too much fanservice, don't watch it. But chances are, you won't find many anime or manga without one or the other.

Nobody's boycotting anything here, I guarantee it.

As for the new section, my father's a lot like "Uncle Bob" - he seems my fascination/fandom for Japanese animation as being childish, immature, and a waste of time.

It doesn't bother me, though. I feel the same way about his love for golf.

Edit - Also, I'd like to credit Zac for being reasonable about this whole 4Kids/One Piece thing. Just because they aren't dubbing it anymore, doesn't mean some other company has already bought the rights and is at work re-dubbing it. If that happens at all, it's probably a long way off.

Last edited by penguintruth on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Richard J.

Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:36 am Reply with quote
Rant wrote:
Do we want our children to be like the hardened Kirika from Noir?
Who wouldn't want a daughter like Kirika? She's soft-spoken, thoughtful, artistic, easy to shop for, she cooks and cleans, and she's got a job. What's not to like? Wink

Rant wrote:
For those of you in the US, I encourage you to write a carefully worded letter to your senators, making them aware of such trash on the shelves, while also making it clear that not all anime and manga are evil.
Yeah, that's not going to happen. Ever. You couldn't pay me enough to write such a letter. Maybe a letter about dropping the income tax for a national sales tax, but no way in the devil's playground would I write one to censor or ban anime and manga.

It's not the government's job to police children's minds. If you can't monitor your own kids, it's your problem.

Rant wrote:
Okay, so I'm not writing so much against violence but against this hypocrisy of complaining about excessive sex but neglecting to mention the violence. Society seems to have double standards when it comes to violence and sex.
So to make your point that people are hypocrities you try and get them to start a letter writing champaign? Yeah, that's a GREAT idea. Let's spin the revolver's cyclinder for a little game of political Russian roulette! Rolling Eyes

Insert previous statements about how anime and manga are fiction involving no real images of humans (generally) so the whole rant is pointless.

If people can't tell that this is a fantasy, not even Nii-sama in Washington can save them from their own delusional world.

Aside from what seems like a silly and pointless rant to me, I think this is one of the best columns yet Zac! Timely answers dealing with One Piece and some very interesting, even personal, comments about what it means to be an online journalist. Your comments on journalism were easily the best section of the bunch and quite enjoyable to read.

Too early for a Merry Christmas?
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:50 am Reply with quote
"Dear ADV Films,

I am bored of the porn I already have and would like to let you know that I would really love to be able to wring one out to the animated version of "Slutgirl", which if you didn't know is about a girl who is a slut, which is something that appeals to me as I enjoy girls who are also sluts. Please let me know if you plan on bringing this to DVD."

I need to call my folks now, I just got what I wanted for Xmas already....Slutgirl, way to go Zac that was extremely creepy.

As to the One Piece discussion, I doubt anyone will ever (or Funimation will release Uncut) release DVDs of this series with restored language tracks. Most of the people who are already watching this series probably aren't going to spent a lot of money on buying DVDs that are 150+ episodes behind.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:50 am Reply with quote
Great column, as usual! You are my favorite journalist; and your sensitive side is cute. Embarassed

That rant was incredibly pretentious - especially by the end, when he admitted he enjoys sex and violence himself! I'm a vegetarian don't-kill-anything-under-any-circumstances pacifist to the extreme, but violence in anime or other media certainly doesn't offend me and sexuality even less so (natural human urges - so what?).

What is often forgotten is that violence has always played an important part in human culture and art, long before television was invented... and, in general, violence is actually used as an expression of morality. Humans inherently love the good knight vs. villain/saving the world from evil concept, which is present in The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the earliest known literary works, as well as in Greek mythology, Shakespeare, and... everything.

But there is a point where violence becomes, well, pointless. Violence in the absence of slapstick elements or a moral theme (whether good vs. evil or that violence is so horrible it should be avoided at all costs) can be disturbing bordering on propagandistic. I can't really think of an example... Pulp Fiction, maybe, or am I the only person who disliked that movie? Oh, and all those gory, mentally scarring horror flicks. I haven't seen any anime that I would put in the "bad violence" category, though; certainly not shows like Evangelion.
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