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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV).

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:40 am Reply with quote
frentymon wrote:
fighterholic wrote:
She does want to know however (I'm sure this has been asked), why spoiler[Haruhi cut her hair in ep 2,] which I wasn't really able to explain to her because I'm somewhat stopped on that myself.

I think spoiler[Kyon said to Haruhi in Episode 2 (air order) that he thought Haruhi would look better with short hair, and then Haruhi shows up to school the next day with her hair cut short. This type of "Kyon slips in a comment, Haruhi reacts" routine will happen a lot more in the series, and is speculated to mean something...]

Not completely sure on this though, as I don't remember the series too well. To tell the truth, I've not watched anymore Haruhi at all after following the series and then rewatching it once in the chronological order back in...July?

Okay, I thought of a theory, but it's probably incorrect. I have only watch the first 5 episodes (and lovin' it!).

spoiler[I think Haruhi has a crush on Kyon. He says something about her hair, she makes a move. And in episode 5 (chronologically Episode 3) that Kyon has been "chosen" by Haruhi. By chosen, maybe they mean she likes him.
And in episode 5 also, when they were drawing sticks (?) she never got Kyon, and she always acted angry and/or disappointed aferwards. But hey, I just thought of this a few minutes ago.]

And also, this is an amazing series. I'll probably watch it all fansubbed, but I am most definetely buying the American DVDs. Who ever licenses it better do it right!
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Joined: 05 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:16 am Reply with quote
I had to jump to the 2nd episode to make sure the whole thing didn't look like the 1st ep after it stuck with the crappy-looking-amateur-movie theme for several minutes. Once I found out that it was just the one ep, I went back & watched it.

This ended up being one of my top 5's, easily. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And now I love Mikuru's singing. Very Happy


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:46 am Reply with quote
The first episode is an interesting attempt to try and get the characters out into the open, especially when you get the Super Director coming out in the end. I was confused at first but then as the episode progressed and I remembered the discussion of how this whole series is not aired in chronological order, it made sense all the way.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:05 am Reply with quote
Do you know what would absolutely rock? If they did a full-length version of that movie. Extended it out just a bit because Haruhi wanted to make a "director's cut."

Can't you just imagine it? A nice, hour and change film, done in exactly that same terrible quality that you can't help but love, screwed up Kyon voiceovers and all. They could make a few extras with it, like a "behind the scenes" interview with the cast and crew.

Haruhi can be going on and on about how great the film is while Kyon questions his part in making it as it might be illegal to film such a terrible movie. Wouldn't you just love to know what was going through Yuki's head while they were filming that?

Add in a "director's commentary" with insanely fun Haruhi lines and maybe a few outakes, and you would have a truly great release.

I wish I worked for KyoAni, I'd so push them to do this.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:19 am Reply with quote
My sister e-mailed me from Japan to tell me that she has picked up volumes 4 & 5 for me. She got a 10% discount for some odd reason. Just realized she must of bought the limited edition versions (given the ¥6600 price per disc she said that she paid). Anyways, I'm looking forward to these DVDs. For me it'll be interesting to see what other stories came from "Suzumiya Haruhi no Taikutsu" (aside from the baseball game episode).
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Joined: 12 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:31 am Reply with quote
d.yaro wrote:
My sister e-mailed me from Japan to tell me that she has picked up volumes 4 & 5 for me. She got a 10% discount for some odd reason. Just realized she must of bought the limited edition versions (given the ¥6600 price per disc she said that she paid). Anyways, I'm looking forward to these DVDs. For me it'll be interesting to see what other stories came from "Suzumiya Haruhi no Taikutsu" (aside from the baseball game episode).

ahhh, your lucky. I wished i had a relative in japan that can buy me dvds and Anime merchandise etc etc

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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:28 am Reply with quote
I preordered the entire set of LEs from Yesasia* so I don't need a relative in Japan (I do have one, but not in frequent contact and don't want to put upon him), get free postage and no import duties.

Regarding the haircut.. I just think that she had been waiting for someone to point it out and once they had, there was no point going through all the effort.
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Forums Superstar

Joined: 27 Nov 2005
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Location: San Francisco
PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:02 am Reply with quote
Okay, I'm really bored, and I also hate seeing this only go up to page 45 or so when there's over 70 pages in this thread, so I'm going to update this.

So here it is, Suzumiya Haruhi Thread Guide - Holiday Makeover! Cool

An outline of this entire thread for any newcomers or anyone in general who wants to look back on this incredibly long and popular thread:

For Quick Navigation

(Page 5)
(Page 10)
(Page 15)
(Page 20)
(Page 25)
(Page 30)
(Page 35)
(Page 40)
(Page 45)
(Page 50)
(Page 55)
(Page 60)
(Page 65)
(Page 70)
(Page 75)

Main Discussion

Starts at...
(Look for posts by darkchibi07)

Episode 1 - (Pg. 1)
Episode 2 - (Pg. 2)
Episode 3 - (Pg. 4)
Episode 4 - (Pg. 5)
Episode 5 - (Pg. 10)
Episode 6 - (Pg. 13)
Episode 7 - (Pg. 15)
Episode 8 - (Pg. 17)
Episode 9 - (Pg. 19)
Episode 10 - (Pg. 22)
Episode 11 - (Pg. 24)
Episode 12 - (Pg. 27)
Episode 13 - (Pg. 31)
Episode 14 - (Pg. 34)

Side Discussion

Spans from...

Initial thoughts - (Pg. 1 - Current)

Shamisen the Cat - (Pg. 2 -3)

Haruhi climbs up to Top 10 Anime list too fast? - (Pg. 4 (Bottom))

What is the "ISM" in Haruhiism? - (Pg. 6)

First Episode - Great or Disappointing? - (Pg. 7-8)

Sitting in the Corner... - (Pg. 11-14)

Intricacy of OP Animation - (Pg. 12)

Abbreviating the name of this series - (Pg. 14)

Nani kore!? - (Pg. 14-15, 44)

How many episodes is Haruhi anyway? Is it really 14? - (Pg. 19-20)

New Math - (Pg. 20-21)

Pacing of the series - (Pg. 21-22)

Do Yuki and Ryoko have a personality? - (Pg. 23-24)

Haruhi Manga? - (Pg. 26-27)

Are the episodes supposed to be mixed up? Why are they mixed up anyway? - (Pg. 28-29)

"Ecchi ni nattara otona ni nareru no kana" - (Pg. 29-30)

Dubbed Haruhi!? - (Pg. 30-34)

What is the chronological order of the episodes? - (Pg. 36)

Haruhi - One of the best? Not one of the best? - (Pg. 37-39)

Discussion on Ask John's (from AnimeNation) opinion of Haruhi - (Pg. 39)

Iconoclasm/Buzz/Conformism - (Pg. 39-41)

Easy to Manipulate Ratings? Fabricated Ratings? - (Pg. 43-44)

Are characters from Haruhi original or sterotypes? - (Pg. 43-44)

Chinese Curse - (Pg. 44-Current)

Who is more Moe? Yuki or Mikuru? - (Pg. 40-42, 57-58)

Haruhi's personality and "divine will" - (Pg. 46-47)

Koizumi and Haruhi - (Pg. 48)

Suzumiya Haruhi - Christian Perspective? + The CAA - (Pg. 48-50)

Suzumiya Haruhi season 2? - (Pg. 51-52)

Suzumiya Haruhi and troll ratings - (Pg. 52-55)

hay guys. Mikuru PVC figurines are on their way. - (Pg. 54)

Kyon/Itsuki yaoi. Conceivable within this reality or theoretically impossible? - (Pg. 55, 57, 62)

Suzumiya Haruhi Dub? - (Pg. 55-56)

Tomokazu Sugita as Kyon - (Pg. 59)

The True Story Behind Shamisen... - (Pg. 59-60)

SHnY Live Action AV! Hm, just what is "SHnY" anyway? - (Pg. 60-61)

R2 Suzumiya Haruhi DVDs - (Pg. 61-62, 70)

Haruhi x Mikuru? - (Pg. 62-65)

ED Dance - (Pg. 65-67)

MoHS? SHnY? MoSH??? Mosh Mosh Mosh... - (Pg. 65)

SHnY Live Action AV! Hm, just what is "SHnY" anyway? - (Pg. 60-61, 72-73)

Episode Order and Ratings - (Pg. 68-70)

Suzumiya Haruhi - No special feelings attached - (Pg. 69-70)

Playboy gets in the way of Suzumiya Haruhi's license!? - (Pg. 71-74)

Moonphase says it! Haruhi's New Season! - (Pg. 73-74)

Ugly Crossplayers... - (Pg. 73-74)

Why did Haruhi cut her hair? - (Pg. 74-Current)

Interesting Stuff

Information on the novel series - (Pg. 5)

The meaning of the announced episodes in the preview - (Pg. 5)

Why the animation is brilliant - (Pg. 7 (Bottom))

what does that orange arm band Haruhi has on in the intro and the credits say? - (Pg. 11)

Tanabata Festival - (Pg. 15)

Henohenomoheji - (Pg. 25)

Day of Sagittarius - (Pg. 26)

Haruhi Cosplay! - (Pg. 33 (Bottom))

Kyon ASCII Art! - (Pg. 37)

Cool Haruhi Trivia; makes sense only if you know a bit of Japanese - (Pg. 58)

Cool Stepmania Snapshot - (Pg. 67)

Haruhi Train Pics! - (Pg. 70)

Random Facts

Up Until Now...

Pages - 75

Posts - 1116

Date thread started - 4/6/06

Days thread has spanned - 241

Average Number of posts per day - 4.63
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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Location: Florida, Jacksonvile
PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:23 am Reply with quote
Thanks frentymon this is really helpful especially since I have been meaning to look through some of the pages I have skipped...ha bored...how long did this take you.
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Forums Superstar

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Location: San Francisco
PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:26 am Reply with quote
omar235 wrote:
ha bored...how long did this take you.

About an hour. I'm really sick of studying for finals, so I thought I'd take a "break". Heh heh, "break"... Anime catgrin + sweatdrop

Last edited by frentymon on Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:29 am Reply with quote
frentymon wrote:
omar235 wrote:
ha bored...how long did this take you.

About an hour. I'm really sick of studying for finals, so I thought I'd take a "break". Heh heh, "break"...

Well I'm glad you took a "break" since this thread was really needing something like this. Wink
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Joined: 02 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:31 am Reply with quote
I finished this series over Thanksgiving. Truly amazing! When I get my MyAnime list up, this is going under Masterpiece!
The whole deal with the episodes going out of order, in my opinion, was great. After watching the real episode 14 and the "other" episode 14 (the broadcast-order), I felt that spoiler[the other episode 14 had much more closure and climax than the real one. I thought about the real episode 14 and I thought it was quite an unsatisfactory ending.]
I'm itching to know what American company will pick up this title. Some companies I think maybe a little worried about the fanbase- don't do it perfectly and fans will most likely rage. And I also wonder whether thast company will distribute it in Broadcast or the Japanese DVD order. They know people like both.
And the whole thing with only 14 episodes? I can't see this show with more. I felt closure at the end of the final episode.
But that by no means doesn't mean I am not yearning for a second season Wink .
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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:53 am Reply with quote
With omake like these, I'd say even the most stingy American anime buyers (i.e. those who prefer high episode numbers per disc) would be willing to pay $25 for just two episodes per volume. Laughing

When it comes to anime and manga, Taiwan is always the best place outside Japan (with the exception of 18+ titles, that is). Wink
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:57 pm Reply with quote
Yep, I'm sold. I've never gotten the singles for a new show as it came out... but Haruhi looks like it'll get my money, and aside from the decision to release it in Haruhi order... 'all signs point to yes'.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:54 pm Reply with quote
Very nice. Are those limited or do they come with every DVD including later pressings? Because I'm tempted to get those at some point, but I can't now or in the immediate future.
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