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Kanon 2006!

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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:41 am Reply with quote
Well, I got a chance to check out the promo stuff found in the disc. It basically has clean version the OP and ED sequences and 4 promo trailers. I believe the first 3 are already available in some streaming site.

The 4th promo is new and extended, and it shows a montage of some of the scenes of the TV series. You can even hear the characters talking. Animation will not dissappoint (no duh), and some of the scenes like Makoto slapping Yuuichi and Ayu crashing onto a tree look REALLY painful! Shocked

Though I still can't shake off Kyon's image every time Yuuichi starting talking! Laughing

Now the OP sequence......totally mindblowing (especially since I know where those scenes come from)!!! My computer starting lagging a bit because the whole thing brought tears to my eyes! The way they did those moving angle shots while each girl's hair flowing so naturally makes me wonder where the hell does KyoAni get their money and resources. Mai does have a cool, badass pose, and Ayu is still as cute as ever. You need to see it for yourself!

The ED sequence is pretty typical since it shows Ayu running across the snow. I bet someone can makes good use of that though. Wink

I definetely can't wait for it's premiere on October 5th.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:39 pm Reply with quote
Can you direct me to where you're getting your promos for this?

I've started getting interested in this series because of KyoAni's growing reputation for quality (Haruhi and Full Metal Panic! TSR) and my own love of emotional stories.

Also, how will this remake of Kanon affect KyoAni's other projects? If it's a failure, how badly might it hurt them? How much have they put into it?
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:53 pm Reply with quote
I've noticed that KyoAni tends to do one TV series at a time (plus few OVAs). Also according to the translated interview I've posted (under a different screenname Wink ), these guys will give the new Kanon much attention as it needed. Though it would be one interesting experience since they're doing 24 episodes.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:36 pm Reply with quote
As a fan of the first Kanon series (despite its flaws), I'll definitely be checking out the new series. Considering that it's based on one of the most beloved ren'ai games (or should I say, 泣きゲーム Wink ) and surely has a strong otaku fanbase, I don't see it failing. If, against all odds, it got a DVD release over here, I'd certainly buy it, even on 8 discs. I'd buy the previous Kanon incarnation and Air, as well, but fate (and niche market economics Twisted Evil ) are against me on this one Crying or Very sad

Last edited by Zalis116 on Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:52 pm Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
I've noticed that KyoAni tends to do one TV series at a time (plus few OVAs). Also according to the translated interview I've posted (under a different screenname Wink ), these guys will give the new Kanon much attention as it needed. Though it would be one interesting experience since they're doing 24 episodes.

Thanks for the interview link!

Cool to know your other screen name too. Should have guessed it from the great avatars and informative posts.

I hope that KyoAni can expand their operation a little. Get up to two series at a time at least. Only if they can maintain the quality of their product though. So far, everything they put out looks freaking awesome!

Also, I hope that Kanon's 24 episode length will become a habit with them.
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Joined: 30 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 5:52 pm Reply with quote
Yuuichi looks completely different then the older series. The girls stayed almost the same, except for the ill-girl with the blanket, her eyes are blue now.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:00 pm Reply with quote
I really can't see this one failing (and I probably will be found crying in a corner if it does). Above average at the very worst, I'd say. It's KyoAni after all.

I just want to hear the same cute voices come out of the new and improved Kanon characters!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:18 pm Reply with quote
Atenias wrote:
Yuuichi looks completely different then the older series. The girls stayed almost the same, except for the ill-girl with the blanket, her eyes are blue now.

If you're talking about Shiori, then I believe she always had blue eyes in both versions. And yea, Yuuichi looks, in my opinion, A LOT better. I can't get off those Jay Leno jokes a few people mentioned with Toei's Yuuichi. Anime hyper
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:52 pm Reply with quote
So, I caught the first episode of KyoAni's remake of Kanon yesterday. Being the impatient person I am, I immediately had to spill out a long rant about my first impressions the series. Seeing as how the ANN forums were down from yesterday evening until now, I posted a long rant on another forum instead. Since I don't feel like typing out another long rant, I'm just going to copy and paste what I wrote on the other forum.

I must say, I was slightly disappointed, although the episode was certainly not a bad one.

My first and chief complaint is the very first scene in the series (or at least, the first scene in the game), when Nayuki finally arrives after Yuuichi is sitting in the cold waiting for her. In the Toei version, it was a very powerful and moving scene, even with the poor quality animation, and moved at a slow and relaxing pace, projecting a feeling of calamity. The KyoAni version seems to slightly rush through this scene, in which the characters' lines come right after another's, whilst in the original, there was a necessary silence between each line in order to keep the scene at a calm pace and really made it a powerful and moving scene (in fact, one of my favorite scenes in the whole story).

I also have some nitpicks with the seiyuu work. Kouda Mariko seems to be approaching Nayuki's voice in a slightly different way. In the Toei version (and the game as well) she delivered a very characteristic and lazy sounding voice. In the remake, she seems to switch to a more conventional sounding voice, which seems to change Nayuki's character as a whole. Whereas Nayuki was previously a slow, naive, but caring and kind girl, she now seems to be someone with more assertion and possibly slightly more outgoing as well. I am pretty sure I'll get used to her voice eventually, but I'm not sure I really like the change in character of Nayuki. Kouda's new approach to her voice is not entirely a bad thing, but I must say, I really, really enjoyed sleepy-sounding Nayuki in the original.

Sugita Tomokazu, although a very talented seiyuu, doesn't provide the same kind of feel for Yuuichi than Kisaishi Atsushi did. Yuuichi is quite an outgoing character, serious occassionally, but other times is somewhat sarcastic and playful. Now, we know from Suzuharu that Sugita is perfectly capable of injecting sarcasm into his voice (in fact, he is very good at it), but the playfulness seems to be lacking a bit. Also, I can't get used to the fact that he is actually Yuuichi; I am always hearing a Kyon/Rin out of him. I don't know whether logistical reasons or merely a decision on KyoAni's part caused Sugita to replace Kisaishi as Yuuichi, but I personally thought Kisaishi was a better fit for Yuiichi.

Horie Yui was absolutely fine as Ayu. No bones to pick about her.

I also wasn't quite fond of the pacing. The very first scene seemed to go by too fast for me, and the transitions between scenes didn't feel entirely smooth. There never seemed to be a reason given for Yuiichi's staying at the town, whereas in the original version (and I believe the game as well), it was immediately revealed why he was to stay at the town. IIRC, Ayu is introduced earlier in the remake than either the original or the game, and I thought her introduction was somewhat premature. I really liked what the original storyline did, which was to generate a good feel for Nayuki, her life, her friends and classmates, and Yuuichi's personality before introducing another character.

Now, onto the aspects I enjoyed. First is the animation, which is nothing short of wonderful. Backgrounds are lush, detailed, and gorgeous, and character designs are really good as well. Colours are vibrant and the whole vast world is absolutely stunning. A huge step up animation-wise from the original (no Yuuichi chin of death anymore!).

OP and ED themes were both really good. OP and ED animations also fit very well with the song, and I especially enjoyed the slow but somewhat synthetic feel of the OP. Also, it was nice to see an Ayu featurette in the ED. Background music stuck faithful to the original game soundtrack. The music played in each scene is nearly identical to the music played in the corresponding scene of the game, and really fit with what is going on. Seeing as how the game soundtrack is excellent, keeping all the original tracks was definitely a good move on KyoAni's part. My only slight gripe is that one of my favorite tracks from the original series, "Nayuki's Theme," is no longer there, but the wonderful game soundtrack more than compensates.

I really liked the subtle hints and foreshadowing done throughout the series.

spoiler[Just about every integral character involved in the story is introduced in the very first episode, in a way that if it was your first time being exposed to the Kanon storyline, it would probably fly by your head. Mai and Sayuri were featured right before the scene of Nayuki showing Yuuichi around town, Shiori was featured walking right past them. Another character was subtly (or not-so-subtly, depending on how you look at it) hinted at with a certain featured symbol. Although, I would have liked it more if Ayu was featured like the others were in the first episode, and then fully introduced in the second.]

I was incredibly disappointed in the very beginning (mainly because of the very first scene), but became less so as the episode continued on. Some scenes were done incredibly well. The Ayu-wing-turn-around was more hilarious than ever, the childhood "flashbacks" more touching than ever, and the happenings between Kaori and the blonde boy (I can't seem to recall his name) were quite interesting. Overall, certainly not bad, although I would definitely prefer Kouda's old voice acting style and Kisaishi back. Great animation and music really brings Kanon to life!

One thing I'd like to add is that I have already watched the episode three times between yesterday night and now, and I enjoy it more and more each time I watch it. I also am, to some level, being unnecessarily harsh, as I have been exposed to the Kanon storyline at least 6 times (with 2 being from playing all the way through the game), and went into the series expecting perfection.

Overall, a good first episode, and a very promising series.
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:44 pm Reply with quote
Atenias wrote:
Yuuichi looks completely different then the older series. The girls stayed almost the same, except for the ill-girl with the blanket, her eyes are blue now.

thought she always had blue eyes?
atleast the promo poster on my wall from the old Kanon has her with blue eyes just a dark blue almost purple.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:17 pm Reply with quote
If you played the game before, or have already watched the Toei version, then the emotional impact it will have on those individuals will be severely dampened. That seems to be the case with frentymon. I haven't played the game, nor have I watched the original anime, so I wasn't constantly comparing the different versions. I'm glad this is my first exposure, or else I'd be doing the same thing.

Some reason I want to compare this anime to Air. After I watched the first episode of Kanon, it didn't leave that big of an impression on me, unlike the first time I watched Air, which left me in awe. Anyways a descent first episode. I really like the intro song.
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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:42 pm Reply with quote
I liked the show but some of the dialogue was just soooo Rolling Eyes What I liked about the old series was that the dialogue felt more real like a conversation between you and a friend but some of the characters this time around are just really overdone and feel annoying but they're still likeable and I hope that bad aspect goes away.

I did enjoy the show though, it has incredible animation! I fear the Haruhi fans will hate this show since KyoAni left it for Kanon and it only got 13 episodes while Kanon is getting 24.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:37 pm Reply with quote
I've never seen the original version or played the game, so I have nothing to comparte Kanon (2006) to except AIR which I never finished (not because I lost interest, but because the fansub group fell behind and ultimately dropped it).

As such, I didn't have any complaints about the first episode. I enjoyed it and look forward to seeing how things turn out.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:51 am Reply with quote
I've never had any exposure to kanon, but I am interested in it due to Air. This is one of the titles that I am really excited about for this season.
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 2:34 am Reply with quote
I guess for me I cant get into it becouse other then better animation it seems to be just the same as the old one. Oh well atleast this version has a better chance of getting liscened.
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