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NEWS: Little Battlers eXperience/Danbōru Senki's English Dub Previewed in Video

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Joined: 18 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:10 am Reply with quote
If they would of got this earlier they could of released the games with it... for shame...
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:25 am Reply with quote
Honestly, this may be the first time I ever that I will openly admit to preferring the Animax dub of any show.
That was.....kinda bad.
The Animax dub for comparison:

I'm willing to give it a chance but I'm not expecting say usual Ocean/Blue Water quality. I mean, that already sounds worse than the Precure dub (which while it wasn't great due to the changes and all, it was actually bearable.)

Van Ridgeway

Ouch. I can understanding changing Yamada as his last name but changing his first into Van just seems...minor. I mean, other shows have gotten away with keeping names the same (See new Beyblade, new YuGiOh and older shows like Duel Masters.)
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Joined: 09 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:39 am Reply with quote
Lynx Amali wrote:
Honestly, this may be the first time I ever that I will openly admit to preferring the Animax dub of any show.
That was.....kinda bad.
The Animax dub for comparison:

I'm willing to give it a chance but I'm not expecting say usual Ocean/Blue Water quality. I mean, that already sounds worse than the Precure dub (which while it wasn't great due to the changes and all, it was actually bearable.)

Van Ridgeway

Ouch. I can understanding changing Yamada as his last name but changing his first into Van just seems...minor. I mean, other shows have gotten away with keeping names the same (See new Beyblade, new YuGiOh and older shows like Duel Masters.)

Quoted for truth. I can't check my sources, but this is Blue Water dub, right? Geez, I can never understand those guys. When they put their minds to it, they CAN make dubs that sound decent or even good (I dunno, Mega Man MHX, G Gundam), yet they keep on making...this...I mean, which casting director heard that voice coming out of that kids' mouth and said "yep, sounds fantastic"?

That aside, did they mention how are they going to release this? Cartoon Network broadcast? DisneyXD broadcast? Straight to DVD? Obscure Youtube channel release (aka the Cardfight Vanguard method)?
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Joined: 03 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:27 pm Reply with quote
SahgoDN wrote:
Geez, I can never understand those guys. When they put their minds to it, they CAN make dubs that sound decent or even good (I dunno, Mega Man MHX, G Gundam), yet they keep on making...this...I mean, which casting director heard that voice coming out of that kids' mouth and said "yep, sounds fantastic"?

Arrg, what do people SEE in that dub to make them think it sounds good?! Is it purely nostalgia? Because I'm not hearing it. Confused

Just a question: Have you actually listened to the G Gundam dub recently? Because I'm watching it through for the first time, and let me tell you.... it's really rather awful.

Now that I think about it, the only Blue Water dub I've ever even been able to somewhat stomach was the one for Gregory Horror Show. And even that one was borderline. Confused
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:34 pm Reply with quote
SahgoDN wrote:

That aside, did they mention how are they going to release this? Cartoon Network broadcast? DisneyXD broadcast? Straight to DVD? Obscure Youtube channel release (aka the Cardfight Vanguard method)?

I'd hope they'd be gunning for a TV route. I want the models, which even then, are most likely not going to be the same ones Japan gets.

I hope to god they don't obscure Youtube channel a la Vanguard. Due to that, finding a place that actually sells the cards is frustrating.

SpacemanHardy wrote:

Just a question: Have you actually listened to the G Gundam dub recently? Because I'm watching it through for the first time, and let me tell you.... it's really rather awful.

Which goes hand in had with what the show is trying to do?
Original Japanese-track = Hotblooded Super Robot show
English = Takes the ham up to maximum levels, due to the premise.

Both are good, albeit for entirely different reasons.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:53 pm Reply with quote
Lynx Amali wrote:
SpacemanHardy wrote:

Just a question: Have you actually listened to the G Gundam dub recently? Because I'm watching it through for the first time, and let me tell you.... it's really rather awful.

Which goes hand in had with what the show is trying to do?
Original Japanese-track = Hotblooded Super Robot show
English = Takes the ham up to maximum levels, due to the premise.

Both are good, albeit for entirely different reasons.

Don't get me wrong, I love hammy acting. Shows like Gurren Lagann and Godannar are some of my favorites.

But for G Gundam, the acting is just awful. It's hammy, sure, but the dialogue just sounds so stilted and unnatural. It's as if they're reading straight from the page, only adding in some extremely forced yelling when asked to.

And the acting is especially bad during the non-fighting scenes. Rain's actress in particular is just God-awful. It doesn't help that she makes that annoying "tch" noise every time she says a "T" or "D".

And for the love of God, the "W" in "sword" is silent!! Mad
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Joined: 24 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:54 pm Reply with quote
Lynx Amali wrote:
Ouch. I can understanding changing Yamada as his last name but changing his first into Van just seems...minor. I mean, other shows have gotten away with keeping names the same (See new Beyblade, new YuGiOh and older shows like Duel Masters.)

Umm what Yu-Gi-Oh have you been watching? Confused Zexal changes pretty much everyone's name except Yuma's in the dub. I'm kinda saddened we're still doing this in 2013. I guess if they're aiming for the kiddy demographic they're going to censor a lot out from what I've seen of this show. There's a lot of realistic guns and some darker and religious themes going on.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:31 pm Reply with quote
"Bandai signed on to create toys for the franchise in North America"

So that's why /m/ is freaking out Laughing Can't blame them considering how bad of a job Bandai of America does for their Power Rangers toys. Might as well start importing the Japanese kits.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:35 pm Reply with quote
BonusStage wrote:

Umm what Yu-Gi-Oh have you been watching? Confused Zexal changes pretty much everyone's name except Yuma's in the dub. I'm kinda saddened we're still doing this in 2013. I guess if they're aiming for the kiddy demographic they're going to censor a lot out from what I've seen of this show. There's a lot of realistic guns and some darker and religious themes going on.

5Ds doesn't keep the majority of the main cast's names the same?

I'm also a year behind so there's that.

Also; was that point directed at Danball? I don't recall it ever tackling religious themes at all. It's about kids, with tiny robots, saving the world. It's not Eva or anything. Well, Season 1 and W. Not completely sure about Wars as I'm not up to date on that.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:09 am Reply with quote
Jave wrote:
"Bandai signed on to create toys for the franchise in North America"

So that's why /m/ is freaking out Laughing Can't blame them considering how bad of a job Bandai of America does for their Power Rangers toys. Might as well start importing the Japanese kits.

There are no Japanese kits for Power Rangers. You mean Super Sentai, right? I need to reiterate this before I go insane. Power Rangers and Super Sentai are not the same franchise! In Japan, Toei and Bandai Japan consider Power Rangers and separate entity.

@BonusStage Well considering the fact that shows that have far more violence like Gundam 8th MS Team, Gundam 0080 and Gundam Wing were relatively unscathed back in the day, I doubt some stupid Level 5 show has much to censor. Or maybe it's like DBK were the Nicktoons version is moderately edited and on the DVDs, an uncut version. Who knows?
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:22 am Reply with quote
I'm the person that wrote the article that ANN is citing. As far as I know, it's just Blue Water in Calgary working on the show. There shouldn't be any Ocean or Vancouver voice acting regulars in it. They were supposedly hired on to do 78 episodes (three 26 episode seasons) but I'm not sure how far they've reached. They might actually be done with recording. As for Blue Water's quality, well, projects going to Blue Water typically are on a budget. I do want to note that Blue Water likely aren't the people to blame for "Van Ridgeway" or any changes in the dub's script, or video. Dentsu Entertainment USA describes their localization process of anime series like this:

The process of adapting Japanese animation programs for American and European audiences requires a strong sense of current entertainment trends and tastes in each territory. Dentsu Entertainment USA’s unique expertise is combining masterful Japanese animation production with popular Western storytelling techniques. Strong teams of writers, animators, composers, sound, graphics specialists, and editors each lend their talents to customize and revitalize the original stories.

Those involved do want to get the show on TV but seemingly are having a problem getting broadcasters interested. The Wal-Marts, and Toys "R" Us of the world likely won't devote much shelf space for model kits to a Youtube-only show. Card Fight Vanguard being a TCG means it has a low footprint. The games can certainly come over. They were ported to 3DS, and that's a decently viable platform in North America, and Europe.
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Joined: 12 May 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:53 am Reply with quote
YamadaKun wrote:
Jave wrote:
"Bandai signed on to create toys for the franchise in North America"

So that's why /m/ is freaking out Laughing Can't blame them considering how bad of a job Bandai of America does for their Power Rangers toys. Might as well start importing the Japanese kits.

There are no Japanese kits for Power Rangers. You mean Super Sentai, right? I need to reiterate this before I go insane. Power Rangers and Super Sentai are not the same franchise! In Japan, Toei and Bandai Japan consider Power Rangers and separate entity.

I'm pretty sure he means Japanese kits for Danball Senki, which I'm sure Bandai America will be importing anyways like they did with Gundam models way back.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:04 pm Reply with quote
WeirDiE_InC wrote:
I'm pretty sure he means Japanese kits for Danball Senki, which I'm sure Bandai America will be importing anyways like they did with Gundam models way back.

Bingo bingo. Laughing Wishful thinking, but BoA's got a nasty track record for cutting corners and bein' cheapo, especially when they target stuff to children.


Gatta understand there's a different between the way people market anime and products that get an uncut release like Gundam and anime that they only give you hack up and censored version of. Wink Going off this dub and the edits they're aiming for the 5 year olds
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Joined: 12 May 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:37 pm Reply with quote
Jave wrote:
WeirDiE_InC wrote:
I'm pretty sure he means Japanese kits for Danball Senki, which I'm sure Bandai America will be importing anyways like they did with Gundam models way back.

Bingo bingo. Laughing Wishful thinking, but BoA's got a nasty track record for cutting corners and bein' cheapo, especially when they target stuff to children.

Except the LBX's toyline consists primarily of model kits. Action figures and Zords are one thing, but they'd be silly to make new molds for a model kit without the intention of improvement, like with Gunpla or even Zoids.

And say what you will about the quality of Bandai America's Zords, but their "ZordBuilder" gimmick of interchangeably gives them value.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:02 pm Reply with quote
Primus wrote:
As far as I know, it's just Blue Water in Calgary working on the show. There shouldn't be any Ocean or Vancouver voice acting regulars in it.

iirc, Blue Water IS part of Ocean Productions. It's just another studio/division, located in Calgary. They did G Gundam, the Mai shows, Cardfight Vanguard, the Deltora anime, the ___ of the Stars shows and the Pretty Cure dub, some of which actually shared some cast members, albeit not in major roles for every show.

Jave wrote:

Gatta understand there's a different between the way people market anime and products that get an uncut release like Gundam and anime that they only give you hack up and censored version of. Wink Going off this dub and the edits they're aiming for the 5 year olds

Edits? We haven't seen much at all, if ANYTHING, to say they'll be edits, aside from the name changes. Hoping there won't be nonetheless.
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