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[JP/HK/TW/KR] DVD/Blu-ray Release List with [EngSub] and/or [EngDub]

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Joined: 28 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:58 pm Reply with quote
[R2J DVD] 2013 Tokyo Anime Award Collection [EngSub]

Amazon Japan listing

1575yen, 5/25. Region ALL DVD. 16pg booklet.
1. Time of Cherry Blossoms(蔡旭晟)
2. the Animation Tag Attack(Christen Bach)
3. The Story of Animation(David Tart)
4. 夕化粧 (胡)
5. ナーニとナッタ(青木友香)
6. Lion Dance(段、佳)
7. くつした(加藤郁夫)
8. かくれん坊(白石慶子)
9. 婆ちゃの金魚(岩瀬 夏緒里)
11. STEWPOT PHAPSODY(Soizic Mouton、Charlotte Cambon、Stphanie Mercier、Marion Roussel)
12. かぞくすいっち(秦義人)

Subtitles details via email inquiry with http://modefilms.co.jp/
1,8,10,12 has English-sub.
2,4,5,6,7,11 are Silent movie.
3 is English Dialogue.
Only 9 ,Dialogue is Japanese but NO English-Sub.
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PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2013 6:39 am Reply with quote
[JP] Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet BD-Box 1 [EngSub]


BD-Box 1 has been delayed from 7/26 to 8/28.
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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:28 am Reply with quote
The OVA can still be watched via YouTube and Crunchyroll.

Due to the many requests, Little Witch Academia will be available on Blu-Ray this summer!

Due to the many request, TRIGGER have decided to release a Blu-Ray fro Little Witch Academia!

We plan to throw in some bonus goods to the Blu-Ray as well.

To confirm, yes the Blu-Ray will have subtitles. And, sadly no plans for the Inferno Cop pillow case.

No calls on which region it would be. I'd personally would want it to be region free though.
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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:21 am Reply with quote
[JP] Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Blu-ray BOX Forever Bitch Edition [EngSub] [EngDub]

27300yen, 10/25.

Amazon Japan listing / CD Japan
Blu-ray box release from popular comedy anime series "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt" with English subtitles all housed in a gatefold with transparent trays. Also comes with 30mn special CD such "Fly Away" remix and "Mini DJ Mix" by Taku Takahashi and much more.

Special Features: documentary, short video collection, and more
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Joined: 23 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:00 am Reply with quote
I know I hate speculation, but just to be clear, because I just found this forum topic. I'm looking at the Valvrave releases on both Amazon.co.jp and PlayAsia and I'm not seeing any subtitles. Since it's an Aniplex title, it's probably a forgone conclusion that Aniplex USA is going to BD release it, right? Someone abate my fears.
Can't we pretty much boil the whole forum topic down to studios being EngSub friendly? I'm not seeing any Showgate titles being EngSub friendly, is that pretty much a consensus? I really want to curse them for a BD release of Waiting In The Summer without subs.

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Joined: 26 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 6:12 am Reply with quote
TypicalUsername wrote:
I know I hate speculation, but just to be clear, because I just found this forum topic. I'm looking at the Valvrave releases on both Amazon.co.jp and PlayAsia and I'm not seeing any subtitles. Since it's an Aniplex title, it's probably a forgone conclusion that Aniplex USA is going to BD release it, right? Someone abate my fears.
Can't we pretty much boil the whole forum topic down to studios being EngSub friendly? I'm not seeing any Showgate titles being EngSub friendly, is that pretty much a consensus? I really want to curse them for a BD release of Waiting In The Summer without subs.

If you are referring to the conclusion that Aniplex of America will release an import BD release for Valvrave, it's highly unlikely. AoA's imports have all been blu-ray box style releases. Their other titles with singles have all been domestic releases (Nisemonogatari, Blue Exorcist, Sword Art Online, Madoka Magica (TV series only)). Valvrave will likely be like the latter since NA customers are still unaccustomed to JP singles pricing as well as the logistical issues of importing 12 BD singles and providing a translated booklet/other packaging goodie for each volume.

Showgate is not a studio; they are a company who often licenses titles internationally. Their role in the domestic market for anime is assistance with distribution, but not the actual production of video discs. For example, they're involved with the Ano Natsu TV series you mentioned, but the company who designed the video release in Japan was Geneon, who rarely if ever puts English subtitles on their releases (you may see Eng dubs on BD-Boxes), so they're the ones you should blame if anyone. The lack of a BD release in the NA market comes down to Sentai's fault for directly specifying DVD-only release upon licensing.

You are correct that it boils down to JP distributors and their opinions on English subtitles. Warner Home Video is very good at including English subtitles on their singles as of late and so is Bandai Visual. Kadokawa has added Eng Subs/Eng Dub to a few releases, so they're mixed. Pony Canyon doesn't have a good history of subtitles; the only releases I'm aware of that have EngSubs are Kanon and the two Clannad sets. Aniplex varies as it depends sometimes on what AoA wants to import. VAP won't put Eng. Subs on a release (yet to do so iirc). I think that covers the main distributors in Japan.
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Joined: 23 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:54 pm Reply with quote
ultimatemegax wrote:
TypicalUsername wrote:
I know I hate speculation, but just to be clear, because I just found this forum topic. I'm looking at the Valvrave releases on both Amazon.co.jp and PlayAsia and I'm not seeing any subtitles. Since it's an Aniplex title, it's probably a forgone conclusion that Aniplex USA is going to BD release it, right? Someone abate my fears.
Can't we pretty much boil the whole forum topic down to studios being EngSub friendly? I'm not seeing any Showgate titles being EngSub friendly, is that pretty much a consensus? I really want to curse them for a BD release of Waiting In The Summer without subs.

If you are referring to the conclusion that Aniplex of America will release an import BD release for Valvrave, it's highly unlikely. AoA's imports have all been blu-ray box style releases. Their other titles with singles have all been domestic releases (Nisemonogatari, Blue Exorcist, Sword Art Online, Madoka Magica (TV series only)). Valvrave will likely be like the latter since NA customers are still unaccustomed to JP singles pricing as well as the logistical issues of importing 12 BD singles and providing a translated booklet/other packaging goodie for each volume.

Showgate is not a studio; they are a company who often licenses titles internationally. Their role in the domestic market for anime is assistance with distribution, but not the actual production of video discs. For example, they're involved with the Ano Natsu TV series you mentioned, but the company who designed the video release in Japan was Geneon, who rarely if ever puts English subtitles on their releases (you may see Eng dubs on BD-Boxes), so they're the ones you should blame if anyone. The lack of a BD release in the NA market comes down to Sentai's fault for directly specifying DVD-only release upon licensing.

You are correct that it boils down to JP distributors and their opinions on English subtitles. Warner Home Video is very good at including English subtitles on their singles as of late and so is Bandai Visual. Kadokawa has added Eng Subs/Eng Dub to a few releases, so they're mixed. Pony Canyon doesn't have a good history of subtitles; the only releases I'm aware of that have EngSubs are Kanon and the two Clannad sets. Aniplex varies as it depends sometimes on what AoA wants to import. VAP won't put Eng. Subs on a release (yet to do so iirc). I think that covers the main distributors in Japan.

Hah, thanks. I'm pretty certain I'd see AoA prob do a boxset for it, which is fine by me, I don't care how I get it, as long as it's in 1080. What scares me is it getting the Blue Exorcist treatment, with DVD only.

Well, at this point, it's Po'tato/Potat'o argument for blame. I'm pretty certain that American distributors aren't licensing BDs in volume just because of the market vs cost aspect. Which I don't think we can argue that from NA distributors, which has inherently pushed us all to this post to get what we want.

Appreciate the message, I already knew Bandai Visual was good about it. But, hadn't noticed a trend myself with the others. You probably saved me a couple of hours trying to use my sadly lacking hiragana and katakana skills translating Japanese websites.

Keep up the good work wrx and other peeps, now let me get back to throwing my money at the computer screen.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:29 pm Reply with quote
Amazon Japan lists The Mystical Laws BD & DVD releases with EngSub and EngDub.

July 19th
- Blu-ray: 5980yen
- DVD: 4980yen
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:45 pm Reply with quote
[JP] Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. BD-Boxes [EngDub]

A total of 4 BD-Boxes was released back in 2009 (EngDub as well). The MSRP adds up to the same total. Limited time release until September 24, 2014.

Amazon Japan links: S1 / 2nd GIG

EDIT: Includes a bonus disc with staff interviews and digital archives,...that wasn't included with the previous BD-Boxes.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:40 pm Reply with quote
[JP] Kara no Kyoukai BD-Box [standard edition] | July 10th | 36750yen

More and more retailers are listing the standard edition with EngSub now.
- http://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/12268109/
- http://www.happinetonline.com/NASApp/mnas/MxMProduct?Action=prd_detail&KIND=0&SHOP_ID=1&PRODUCT_ID=4534530066985
- http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/product/detail/5388462
- http://tower.jp/item/3238805
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Joined: 28 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:29 pm Reply with quote
[HK - R3 DVD] A Letter to Momo [EngSub]

DDDHouse.com | Play-Asia.com
DVD Subtitles : Chinese, English
Audio : Dolby Digital
Region/Format : Code 3, NTSC, Widescreen
Language : Japanese
Rating/Genres : Animation
Distributed by : Kam & Ronson
Directed By : Hiroyuki Okiura
Release Date : 25-06-2013
Pre-Order Price : HK$102/US$13.08
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Joined: 01 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:54 am Reply with quote
WTK wrote:
[JP] Kara no Kyoukai BD-Box [standard edition] | July 10th | 36750yen

More and more retailers are listing the standard edition with EngSub now.
- http://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/12268109/
- http://www.happinetonline.com/NASApp/mnas/MxMProduct?Action=prd_detail&KIND=0&SHOP_ID=1&PRODUCT_ID=4534530066985
- http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/product/detail/5388462
- http://tower.jp/item/3238805

I'm so unsure with how to handle this Garden of Sinners situation. There's a ton of interest on my end but I don't know if I'll like it. Also, there's that fear that I'll love it and I'll wind up getting the version I didn't want (cheaper American DVD vs. this Blu-Ray). Regardless, I am glad this is an option.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:28 pm Reply with quote

Ghost in the Shell: ARISE, Vol.2: December 25th | Main Feature: 55 minutes + Video Extras: 5 minutes

Like Vol.1 EngSub is included in both Blu-ray and DVD.

Amazon Japan: Blu-ray, DVD

BV listings:
- Blu-ray: 7140yen
- DVD: 6090yen

via CD Japan (BD)
Special Features: short anime, Surface X Ghost in the Shell ARISE ANOTHER MISSION (full-length ver. / commercial video ver. (15 sec.) / commercial video ver. (30 sec.)), promotional footage, trailer, TV spot

Last edited by WTK on Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 29 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:17 am Reply with quote
^ Awesome. Thanks for the link and update. I'm ordering that right now.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:22 pm Reply with quote
[JP BD] Uchouten Kazoku [EngSub]


Amazon Japan listings (they also list the English series title as: The Eccentric Family)

Bandai Visual has listed Vol.1 BD with EngSub. No EngSub listed for Vol.1 DVD.

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