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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
Posts: 1774
Location: Seattle, WA
PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:31 am Reply with quote
I'm not really sure if that's the plural for 'Academy', but let's assume it is for now. There's always unspecified reasons people like certain shows, certain elements or factors that are hard to name or just don't seem to come to mind. I got a copy of Stellvia the other day and loved it to death. It had the most unbelievably realistic sci fi premise I've ever seen in pop culture (when I found something like 2/3 of people couldn't name the lightest element I kinda snapped Confused ). It certainly wasn't perfect in every aspect, but the premise is so realistic I can imagine it actually happening.

The other thing I realized when watching this show is that I seem to just absolutely adore any and every show that seems to have some sort of academy for the gifted (this probably all started when I read Ender's Game and found my favorite book).

Stellvia, Mai-Hime, Mai-Otome, and Tenjou Tenge (I've only seen like 3 episodes so far, but it seems like it might fit, so I figured I'd at least mention it) are the only ones I've seen that come to mind.

I'm not looking for just shows that have some sort of school called an 'academy' in them, nearly every anime does. I'm looking for shows that center around the academy and the special kids that come out of them.

Or... anything similar to Stellvia (I both gained and lost hope when I read that the second season was cancelled, first I read about the second season, the next post said it was cancelled Evil or Very Mad ), i.e. good space shows about the space itself (not just shows that take place in space like Bebop), and god forbid if it's another show with an academy in space. Twisted Evil
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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC
PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:43 am Reply with quote
Good show about space + good show about academic lives + dramatic character development = Futatsu no Spica. The campus is a specialized school for astronauts and other future scientists and engineers for space programs, so the training starts as early as high school. There are all kinds of students: rich ojou-sama, prodigy, your boy/girl-next door, and someone who's too short to wear the smallest space suit available. Yet, the last one attended the school with a reason: her father was part of the designer team of the first Japanese manned spacecraft, yet it crashed into a city, killing all astronauts and many people on the ground, including her mother. Fortunately, she is not alone: a spiritual being whom is only visible by her always provides some constructive advices.

Honorable mention: Gakuen Alice. Having superhuman abilities might not be as handy and happy as you might think. spoiler[A campus is also a prison.]
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