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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV).

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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:55 pm Reply with quote
I'll tell you the one thing that stuck with me most from this episode: spoiler[The part where Yuki was like "You can't come in. I've receieved orders not to open the door for any person." and everyone tries but no one can get her to budge, and then Kyon walked up and was like "I'm overriding Haruhi's order. Open the door." and she opened the door. On the surface it seems innocent enough, but considering who/what Yuki is, it made me pause in thought. Clearly Yuki considers Kyon special for some reason. I mean, we already sort of knew that, but the fact that he was the only one she would listen to made me ponder. Smile]
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:10 am Reply with quote
spoiler[YAHAHAH!!! A new dimension to Kyon's role in this universe. Perhaps some medieval theology may be needed after all, iota or no iota. Although I think Hindu theology may be handier. ] Damn, I love this show.

spoiler[In fact, a whole lot of yummy extra info about Kyon's place in Haruhi's life & heart. I love the way they are fleshing out the characters and their relationships ever so delicately in the middle of all the hijinks.

And it seems that Nagato's hair color is meaningful after all, even if not quite the way I thought. ]

You gotta wonder if whoever does KyoAni's storyboards used to be a live-action cameraperson. Most meaningful camerawork I've seen in anime in quite a while (and they did it for FMP F & SR too). Loved the Rotoscoping, too.
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Anthony P

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:22 am Reply with quote
Exaar wrote:
I'll tell you the one thing that stuck with me most from this episode: spoiler[The part where Yuki was like "You can't come in. I've receieved orders not to open the door for any person." and everyone tries but no one can get her to budge, and then Kyon walked up and was like "I'm overriding Haruhi's order. Open the door." and she opened the door. On the surface it seems innocent enough, but considering who/what Yuki is, it made me pause in thought. Clearly Yuki considers Kyon special for some reason. I mean, we already sort of knew that, but the fact that he was the only one she would listen to made me ponder. Smile]

I agree. Also, the way Yuki seemed to be smiling ever so faintly after she opened the door for them; something's going on underneath her stoic exterior.
xuebaochai wrote:
spoiler[YAHAHAH!!! A new dimension to Kyon's role in this universe. Perhaps some medieval theology may be needed after all, iota or no iota. Although I think Hindu theology may be handier. ] Damn, I love this show.

Care to further iterate whatever theological parallels you've drawn? An uncultured schmuck such as myself is clueless. Smile
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Joined: 07 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:58 am Reply with quote
Anthony P wrote:

I agree. Also, the way Yuki seemed to be smiling ever so faintly after she opened the door for them; something's going on underneath her stoic exterior.

Oh good, I wasn't just dreaming that. The subtitle made it a bit difficult to catch, but I pointed it out to my husband.

From the instant in episode 6 (or whenever the island plot began) spoiler[when the guy was found dead (Keiichi? I can't even remember), I figured it was a murder mystery. Actually, when I found out Itsuki had set up the trip, I was wondering if he had set something else up.] It made the episode a little less interesting, but still, it was interesting watching the deduction by Haruhi and the others.

Now, there is something I'm confused about. spoiler[Are we to assume that Haruhi and Kyon had more of a conversation in the gave than we saw? I mean, I never quite understood what was happening between Kyon and Itsuki when they got back inside and Itsuki was "explaining." It was all just a bit too jumbled and rapid. Yes, Kyon said he know from the beginning. So did he do that just to get Itsuki to fess up, then went to find Haruhi in a scene we didn't see to fill her in, and then they went to "solve" the mystery? Actually...now that I've thought about it as the "missing" scene being after Kyon and Itsuki talk, I'm not so confused. Never mind. :p] Sometimes it really does help to just say (type) things to make them make sense.

All in all...I don't know. I wasn't as impressed by the episode. I liked some of the underlying moments spoiler[Yuki's 'prank', Haruhi's gentle reaction when Kyon was saving her (he so clearly twisted in the air so she would fall on him...what an idiot, er, I mean hero!), and of course that interesting little flash on her face when she realized that her initial deduction was wrong and that could only mean that the door-busters had killed him.] But while it was interesting, and showed some different sides of the characters, it simply wasn't as entertaining as other episodes for me. Then again, I've felt that with a few anime I'm watching recently, so maybe I'm just moody. :p
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Joined: 15 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:22 am Reply with quote
This episode kinda reminded me of episode 5, where just like here the emphasis was on fleshing out the characters instead of the comedy. It surely was interesting and entertaining, and although it wasn't as good an episode as say, episode 7, it was a lot more entertaining than episode 6, the first part of the island story.

spoiler[By the way, I also suspected it to be a set-up from the beginning. Like Kyon said, Haruhi isn't the type to really kill someone and the chances of something happening on the island out of the blue were very small.]

Anyway, what's up with the next episode? spoiler[Haruhi says it's episode 14, which means we'll be seeing the last episode in the timeline next week? I wonder how they're going to work that out. ]
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:04 am Reply with quote
Quadraxis wrote:
Anyway, what's up with the next episode? spoiler[Haruhi says it's episode 14, which means we'll be seeing the last episode in the timeline next week? I wonder how they're going to work that out. ]

Show me an announcement where it's stated that the series will be 14 episodes long.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:10 am Reply with quote
Quadraxis wrote:
spoiler[By the way, I also suspected it to be a set-up from the beginning. Like Kyon said, Haruhi isn't the type to really kill someone and the chances of something happening on the island out of the blue were very small.]

(My emphasis added with bold)

Okaaay. You might want to think about that one more time. Who says "chances" have any significance whatsoever in this?

- abunai
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Joined: 15 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:51 am Reply with quote
one3rd wrote:

Show me an announcement where it's stated that the series will be 14 episodes long.

Speculation says that Kyoto Animation's decision to end this anime at 14 episodes is due to their restaffing of manpower to work on the upcoming Kanon remake. This most likely is not true, however, since most anime episode counts are decided before the anime is aired.

Taken from the trivia of Haruhi in the Encyclopedia.

Okaaay. You might want to think about that one more time. Who says "chances" have any significance whatsoever in this?

spoiler[I mean chances not manipulated by Haruhi. ]
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:00 am Reply with quote
Quadraxis wrote:
Okaaay. You might want to think about that one more time. Who says "chances" have any significance whatsoever in this?

spoiler[I mean chances not manipulated by Haruhi. ]

Right you are. And in the context of these two episodes, such "chances" are... nonexistent, right?

- abunai
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Joined: 15 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:42 pm Reply with quote
Yes, you're right, but I knew that. The fact that the chances were almost non-existant, that is (hey, there's always a chance, as astronomically small as it may be).

Guess I just couldn't find the right words for it at the time.

Also, I can't help but ruminate on that interchange between Kyon and Itsuke at the end of the episode. What was with Itsuke wringing his hands and looking out of the corner of his eye at Kyon's neck mole like he did?

Yeah, I wonder why he did that. That was weird.
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Anthony P

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:41 pm Reply with quote
Mylene wrote:
All in all...I don't know. I wasn't as impressed by the episode. I liked some of the underlying moments spoiler[Yuki's 'prank', Haruhi's gentle reaction when Kyon was saving her (he so clearly twisted in the air so she would fall on him...what an idiot, er, I mean hero!), and of course that interesting little flash on her face when she realized that her initial deduction was wrong and that could only mean that the door-busters had killed him.] But while it was interesting, and showed some different sides of the characters, it simply wasn't as entertaining as other episodes for me. Then again, I've felt that with a few anime I'm watching recently, so maybe I'm just moody. :p

Yeah, the tempo did slow down a bit for this episode. But as you said, we were treated to some subtle character development. This episode's slower pace also gave Kyoto Animation a chance to really shine with their production chops and attention to detail. I'm very impressed with Kyoto Animation's work on this series thus far.
Quadraxis wrote:
Anyway, what's up with the next episode? spoiler[Haruhi says it's episode 14, which means we'll be seeing the last episode in the timeline next week? I wonder how they're going to work that out. ]

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised by anything this series attempts to pull off.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:11 pm Reply with quote
Quadraxis wrote:
one3rd wrote:

Show me an announcement where it's stated that the series will be 14 episodes long.

Speculation says that Kyoto Animation's decision to end this anime at 14 episodes is due to their restaffing of manpower to work on the upcoming Kanon remake. This most likely is not true, however, since most anime episode counts are decided before the anime is aired.

Taken from the trivia of Haruhi in the Encyclopedia.

Trivia in the Encyclopedia can be entered by any ANN user. This bit of trivia gives no source. I'll say it again. Show me an announcement where it's stated that the series will be 14 episodes long. The official website suggests that there will be 15,498 episodes. While this is highly unlikely, I have seen no other reliable information (from an official source) about a final episode count.
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:28 pm Reply with quote
Haruhi-ism has taken over Akihabara.

I actually would have liked to take more pictures of Haruhi but I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside the stores (shh, the escalator ones are a secret)...

Ugh, if I hear "Bouken Desho Desho?" or "Hare Hare Yukai" one more time...
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:02 am Reply with quote
Secret escalator, eh? Hehehe..... Cool

Man, I hope that if this series gets licensed, they at least give it lots of attention in terms of marketing ploys (well, not like something totally overblown like what happened in Japan though it would be an interesting experience).
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:27 am Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
Secret escalator, eh? Hehehe..... Cool

Oh, the escalators aren't secret, I meant the pictures were (since it was inside the store and pictures are not allowed inside). But you have ruined the secret now. Wink

I'll be surprised if this series doesn't get licensed soon though. AX I'm guessing.
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