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NEWS: Some of the 7th Annual Seiyū Award Winners Announced

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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:44 am Reply with quote
Wow, Nozawa Masako voiced Doug? Anime hyper
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:27 pm Reply with quote
Congrats to everyone, but especially Ogata! My favorite seiyu for as long as I can remember~ I'm so glad to see her getting recognized for her work!
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Joined: 14 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:53 pm Reply with quote
Why did Nozawa win anything? IMO, she's highly overrated isn't that great as Goku. In fact, she does a poor job of voicing Goku. Why didn't my beautiful Kikuko Inoue win anything? Not only is her voice akin to that of a goddess(no pun intended), she's easily the best female voice actor in Japan, surpassing even Megumi Hayashibara and she's a spectacle to behold.
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:42 pm Reply with quote
DomonX2 wrote:
Why did Nozawa win anything? IMO, she's highly overrated isn't that great as Goku. In fact, she does a poor job of voicing Goku. Why didn't my beautiful Kikuko Inoue win anything? Not only is her voice akin to that of a goddess(no pun intended), she's easily the best female voice actor in Japan, surpassing even Megumi Hayashibara and she's a spectacle to behold.

That's all very highly subjective. ^^; I'm sure she'll win something someday though. Just a matter of time.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:38 pm Reply with quote
DomonX2 wrote:
Why did Nozawa win anything? IMO, she's highly overrated isn't that great as Goku. In fact, she does a poor job of voicing Goku.

She's the only VA who truly brings Goku to life. Her performance is brilliant.

Great to see Tanaka getting an award, too.
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Joined: 14 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:52 am Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
DomonX2 wrote:
Why did Nozawa win anything? IMO, she's highly overrated isn't that great as Goku. In fact, she does a poor job of voicing Goku.

She's the only VA who truly brings Goku to life. Her performance is brilliant.

Great to see Tanaka getting an award, too.

Goku never had a good voice in any language. His American voice rips off 2 voices, which sucked anyway. His Canadian VAs are all rip offs of each other and all sound like surfers. His Latin American voice sounds like he's choking on gravel and don't even get me started on the numerous European voices of Goku. His Japanese VA is better than all of those, but sounds like a dying cat when screaming and the acting is forced. People only like Nozawa for nostalgia and that's why Toei will keep Nozawa as Goku, because a lot of people in their 20s and 30s grew up with Nozawa as children and will be mad if she's replaced. But if you take off the nostalgia goggles, you'll realize Goku needs a new VA such as Nobuyuki Hiyama, Wataru Takagi, Junichi Kanemaru, Kappei Yamaguchi or even Romi Park. How come nobody complained about the JP FMA cast or Mark Hildreth as Heero getting replaced and keep in mind, these people actually fit their roles well, but when a voice actress, who is a complete and UTTER miscast to a character is involved, they not only keep their job, but are considered irreplacable? Then again, we live in a world who thinks Avatar was a good movie, so I ain't surprised. :/
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:30 am Reply with quote
DomonX2 wrote:
How come nobody complained about the JP FMA cast

Actually people did complain. I would know since I was one of them. (Though the second cast was not bad-- I was just a lil peeved that Suwabe Junichi would not longer be voicing Greed.)

Anyway, I think you need to lighten up, DomonX2. As I said before, your views are very subjective. Just because you didn't like Nozawa doesn't mean that everyone else thinks the same. Plus the award she won isn't for just voicing Goku. It's for "[contributing] to many genres, especially foreign works, over the years."

Oh, and FYI, Nozawa is now with Aoni Production. She switched sometime last year iirc.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:05 pm Reply with quote
DomonX2 wrote:
His Japanese VA is better than all of those, but sounds like a dying cat when screaming and the acting is forced. People only like Nozawa for nostalgia and that's why Toei will keep Nozawa as Goku, because a lot of people in their 20s and 30s grew up with Nozawa as children and will be mad if she's replaced. But if you take off the nostalgia goggles, you'll realize Goku needs a new VA

People like Nozawa because of her warmth and quirky charm in the role, her geniune sincerity and folksy delivery. She brings intensity when necessary, like when Goku battles Freeza and levity while talking to his friends. Her performance ia genius.
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