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gundam seed?

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Joined: 24 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 1:32 pm Reply with quote
anybody know when it will be licsend?
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Joined: 26 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 1:45 pm Reply with quote
some think it will be announced at Otakon (which is going on right now), though It may be announced when the series is done airing in Japan. Though i've heard rumors that it's already in the studios being dubbed and they'll announce it when they're almost finished.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 1:48 pm Reply with quote
It's been licensed for some time, and now, finally announced... animeondvd has already put up info from the Bandai panel. Ocean is already working on the dub, as this was confirmed by one of the voice actors working on it at ACEN. No big shock though, as this one hit the popular status like wildfire.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 8:59 pm Reply with quote
Bandai has certainly got a full plate with Gundam this year and next between Z, ZZ, F91, SEED, and SD. Should be interesting to see how they spread everything out. We know SEED isn't hitting until next year, but I bet we don't see it's first release until late summer and then maybe a TV showing for the fall season that year.

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Joined: 14 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 9:47 pm Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
Bandai has certainly got a full plate with Gundam this year and next between Z, ZZ, F91, SEED, and SD. Should be interesting to see how they spread everything out. We know SEED isn't hitting until next year, but I bet we don't see it's first release until late summer and then maybe a TV showing for the fall season that year.


ZZ actually hasn't been announced yet, which is a pretty bad idea on Bandai's part, in my opinion. For those who aren't aware, ZZ is a direct sequel to Zeta and picks up mere hours after the end of Zeta. If they're already committed to releasing Zeta now -- and they are, obviously -- they should follow it up with ZZ instead of trying to cash in on the new show by releasing SEED. What's even worse is that, if the timing works out, the recently announced SEED 2 will probably be the next show brought over after SEED. So now Zeta is potentially two years removed from its sequel.

If it were up to me, it would be Zeta this year and ZZ next year. If Bandai is so intent on cashing in on new shows, then it should be SEED after ZZ and SEED 2 after SEED -- they'll still be pretty new, and it'll be a much more logical order of release. Then again, if I had my way, SEED wouldn't be coming out for a long time. The *good* shows, like Victory and Turn A, would be out a long time before SEED or its hell spawns.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 12:36 am Reply with quote
Better marketing is to alternate.
Then the fangirls and boys will threaten to torch the office, while more watch the reruns.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 12:34 pm Reply with quote
I just figure ZZ is a logical given. It only makes sence that they would have it or are working towards having it. It's the only movie out of everything they've picked up, it should be a cheap(er) license for Bandai and they could have it follow up the series as either an Adult Swim movie or a Toonami Inflight Movie (Which I hear are making a short comeback soon). Has anyone actually asked a Bandai Rep what their plans are for ZZ?

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Joined: 14 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 12:45 pm Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
I just figure ZZ is a logical given. It only makes sence that they would have it or are working towards having it. It's the only movie out of everything they've picked up, it should be a cheap(er) license for Bandai and they could have it follow up the series as either an Adult Swim movie or a Toonami Inflight Movie (Which I hear are making a short comeback soon). Has anyone actually asked a Bandai Rep what their plans are for ZZ?


ZZ is a 47-episode TV series, not a movie. As for whether or not anyone's asked Bandai about it, I don't know since I don't go to conventions, but I kind of doubt it. ZZ is generally regarded as the worst series of the Universal Century (and with good reason...), so there isn't a whole lot of excitement about it. Personally I don't really care all that much about having the show come out here since I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I just think that from a logical standpoint, it makes much more sense to follow up Zeta with ZZ.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 1:20 pm Reply with quote
Gah, I was confusing it with F91 (length wise, I though F91 was the series and ZZ was the movie). Don't ask, i'm not sure how I confused the two. Rolling Eyes

It makes a little more sence now, if it's not that great of a series and they've got a fresh new series that everyone wants to see, from a marketing stand point there's more to be made off the popular title over the ho-hum title, even if it doesn't really fit the order of the programing.

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Joined: 15 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 4:17 pm Reply with quote
Well by the way Bandai was releasing series an Alternate Universe(Wing, X, G, Turn A, and now Seed) title was going to be next. The merchandising part and runaway hit status is what elevated Seed next in line for release.
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Lawn Dart

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 5:09 pm Reply with quote
I don't think Bandai is alternating between UC and AU on purpose - I just think that they're just trying to pick a series that will have the maximum chance of appearing on TV. If Cartoon Network has no interest in showing Zeta on TV, Bandai is making a smart move if the dub Seed & Seed 2 next. There is no reason to even think about doing ZZ until all the Seed shows are done.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 9:48 pm Reply with quote
I kinda think Bandai doesn't look at which show comes next by what they have made off it in japan, but by what they can make off it in the US. They're still making new Gundam Wing figures after how many years? G Gundam figures aren't showing any sign of stoping. At SDCC they were showing off all new Z and Gundam SEED figures for the North American market. And we still don't know what the potential behind SD is, but the figures are flying off the racks. Bandai is a runaway hit, it really doesn't matter what they do because the fans are going to watch anything, but somethings have priority over others which is why we haven't seen ZZ yet.

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Joined: 15 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 12:46 am Reply with quote
Must be a major coincedence then. Wing->MSG->G->Zeta->Seed->Maybe ZZ or V. Looks like a intentional pattern then. Seed 2 won't start until Oct 2004 in Japan which will be around the same time Seed will be in the process of being released Stateside. There were some plans shown earlier about reairing all the gundam series/ovas again on Cn leading up to Zeta, but that idea was proven to be false and they probably are working on a deal for CN to air Seed and Zeta.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 12:53 am Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
Gah, I was confusing it with F91 (length wise, I though F91 was the series and ZZ was the movie). Don't ask, i'm not sure how I confused the two.

Well if it makes you feel any better, F91 was originally supposed to be a 52-episode TV series. Tomino changed his mind after writing several episodes and decided to make it a movie, so what we have now is what would have been the first 13 or so episodes. So you weren't *completely* wrong thinking F91 was a TV series.

okendri wrote:
Well by the way Bandai was releasing series an Alternate Universe(Wing, X, G, Turn A, and now Seed) title was going to be next. The merchandising part and runaway hit status is what elevated Seed next in line for release.

At a con last year, a Bandai rep (don't remember who -- pretty sure it wasn't Jerry Chu, but it could have been -- or which con) was asked why they chose to release Char's Counterattack ahead of Zeta and ZZ, and as part of his answer, he mentioned that Bandai would *probably* (although he couldn't say with absolute certainty) finish releasing the Universal Century shows in correct order before doing anymore alternate universes after G Gundam. Obviously, that didn't quite pan out, but I would agree with Lawn Dart in saying that Bandai was probably not alternating intentionally, that's just the way it worked out.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 1:14 am Reply with quote
Not to mention before G we got 08th MS Team, 0080, 0083, and Char's Counter Attack so that throws the order way out of wack anyway.

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