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Major Changes at AnimeTen

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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Location: Cleveland, OH
PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:21 pm Reply with quote
Some of you (including myself) that shop at the online store AnimeTen might have been concern about what's going on with AnimeTen, and why there was so much downtime at the online store. Able Solis, the owner of AnimeTen, posted this statement explaining the situations that led to the recent shutdown of AnimeTen. Basically there were numerous domestic, health, and supplier issues that was too much for a two-man operation to handle, so much that Able's partner Eric quit on him. Because of this, according to the statement, AnimeTen will be restructured as a one-man store, run by Able himself. All orders that were put on hiatus (including an order I made last November) and all magazine subscriptions are cancelled, and Able will no longer conduct pre-orders on items, and will discontinue carrying new domestic items. The last portion of his statement reads:

Able wrote:
Now that things have settled, I am going to try to reconstruct this business and that means we will be having some items offered at liquidation prices. Any domestic item we have will be sold at a discount so that we can recover some funding back.

It is thought that many of you hate us now and honestly you have reason to. Fact is we may have lost customers forever. As a business we don't have the right to have personal time off to deal with family issues. Working for someone as an employee you do have that right, but not when you are self employed.

I'm sorry that we've been a failure as a service these past few months. If you provide us with a second chance, I am sure you will not regret it.

While I am both saddened and angry (being very satisfied with the times I shopped at AnimeTen in terms of quality of items and most importantly service) that this had happened, I'm a strong believer in second chances, and I have nothing but the upmost respect for Able and his efforts in the anime industry. I wish Able the best of luck as he goes forward in resurrecting his business. I have enough patience and faith that he will succeed in reviving his business. I hope you show the same patience and faith as well.

Good luck, Able.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:45 am Reply with quote
Just a couple of nitpiks - it's Abel, not Able.

Additionally, with Eric,
Abel wrote:
It got to the point that his blood pressure got the best of him and his doctor ordered him to take time off

So it's not just as if he had up and quit.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Location: Cleveland, OH
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:14 pm Reply with quote
Godaistudios wrote:
Just a couple of nitpiks - it's Abel, not Able.

That's always been one of my pet peeves - misspelling names. Anime smile + sweatdrop

Still, I hope Abel succeeds in getting his business restarted. I liked what he had in AnimeTen, and I was always satisfied with the service provided and the promptness of the items I ordered arriving at my home.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:38 pm Reply with quote
I hope he gets up and running soon- I bought around $300 worth of Pinky St at Sakura Con 2005, after which they basically dissappeared. They were really nice!!
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