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Sword Art Online (TV).

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:50 am Reply with quote
cool story bro
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Joined: 07 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:53 am Reply with quote
Masakaki wrote:
I just saw that Sword Art Online is at the #104 place right now. Now I'm mad and gonna rant about this awful anime! Mad

Seriously! Have people gone insane? Ok, SAO's setting is awesome, but is that enough for people to actually think that this anime is a masterpiece?

First of all, in the first cours of the series we've been continuously treated with side-stories which felt like some kind of fillers. They weren't something amazing, but not terrible either. And then we get to the final episodes, which were actually worse than the side-stories. Funny, right?

spoiler[Episode 12. It was an episode during which I facepalmed the most. The part when Yui suddenly pulled out god-mode powers and instantly deleted that thing. Let alone having her regain her memories at a very convenient time, the story of her being an AI monitoring program for player health just makes no bloody sense. Why on earth would you want to give her emotions like that? What on earth was the idea behind this? If people go crazy just show a cute young girl to them? What the hell?
Then, Kirito, what on earth were you doing hacking into the server? How did you get a GM account, why didn’t you use this before and why are you powerful enough to override admin actions? Why did he know exactly what to do and why didn’t Asuna question this? And come on. The heart of an AI? Really?

Episode 13. I finally understood why Asuna is so incredibly popular: she’s literally the only female in the army. Seriously, this episode had the largest party gathered that the army could muster, and she was the only female that I could spot.

And then... BAM! The story ends at the 14th episode, in which Kirito uses "hacks". I've NEVER seen such bad writing. It felt like the directors were like "Ok, we don't know how Kirito - a normal SAO player - could possibly defeat a game master, so how about making him die, then revive (for no particular reason, because you know, he's Gary Stu, he can't just simply die) and kill the game master in one hit.

Now, we get to the new arc.

Episode 15. Dear god. Anime creators: most siblings out there can get along with each other just fine without any romance, you know? Why does every show with a brother and sister has to have romance between them!?

Episode 16. I just cannot believe some of the things that the programmers included here. Why on earth was half the game of Sword Art Online copied to that elf game? Who on earth bothered to transfer all that data. That doesn’t just happen by accident, you know? The most baffling thing is that Yui is suddenly back though. Not with her admin powers, but instead as a random program. She was supposed to be there for maintaining player’s mental health. She’s useless here because people can log out now.]

I dropped the show and rated it as bad. Cool

LMAO: 100 pages of DTM42 in one post.

except this post obviously didn't read any of the thread before posting this or would at least have dropped several of the examples.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:03 am Reply with quote
Enh, if Masakaki really did drop the show then at least it's one person less whose "how can anyone see this as good?" complaining about the show we'll have to listen to. (Unless he's like certain other forumites who insist on continuing to makes comments about a series even long after they've dropped them. Rolling Eyes )

Anyway, all of his comments have been discussed thoroughly before - some discredited, some not - so I see no reason to address his points further. I'll save my comments for episode 18, which, unfortunately, I may not get to watch until tomorrow evening. Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 15 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:16 am Reply with quote
Masakaki wrote:
Seriously! Have people gone insane? Ok, SAO's setting is awesome, but is that enough for people to actually think that this anime is a masterpiece?

No it is not a masterpiece. But it is very good.
First of all, in the first cours of the series we've been continuously treated with side-stories which felt like some kind of fillers. They weren't something amazing, but not terrible either. And then we get to the final episodes, which were actually worse than the side-stories. Funny, right

Perhaps what you call side stories aren't in fact side stories. I would prefer to call them vignettes, and many great works of literature are nothing but collections of those. I am not saying that SAO by any means is great literature, but this aspect of its story structure is not the problem you (and a lot of people, apparently) seem to think it is.
Episode 12. spoiler[It was an episode during which I facepalmed the most. The part when Yui suddenly pulled out god-mode powers and instantly deleted that thing. Let alone having her regain her memories at a very convenient time, the story of her being an AI monitoring program for player health just makes no bloody sense. Why on earth would you want to give her emotions like that? What on earth was the idea behind this? If people go crazy just show a cute young girl to them? What the hell?
Then, Kirito, what on earth were you doing hacking into the server? How did you get a GM account, why didn’t you use this before and why are you powerful enough to override admin actions? ]
Why did he know exactly what to do and why didn’t Asuna question this? And come on. The heart of an AI? Really?

Kirito never did get a GM account. He used Yui's which was logged on for a limited window of time due to her actions. Asuna apparently understood this so no need to question.

It is not so unbelievable that in 2025 "saving" an AI could be as easy and well understood by anyone computer literate as copying a file. I do this today with VMs (Virtual Machines) all the time. Those VMs can be arbitrarily complex and have unknown amounts of IP (Intellectual Property) inside them. And just because you can copy it and save it doesn't mean you can run it. In Yui's case, Kirito might have entered a copy command whose destination would manifest as a crystal in their spatial neighborhood.
Episode 15. Dear god. Anime creators: most siblings out there can get along with each other just fine without any romance, you know? Why does every show with a brother and sister has to have romance between them!?

Have to agree here.
Episode 16. spoiler[I just cannot believe some of the things that the programmers included here. Why on earth was half the game of Sword Art Online copied to that elf game? Who on earth bothered to transfer all that data. That doesn’t just happen by accident, you know? The most baffling thing is that Yui is suddenly back though. Not with her admin powers, but instead as a random program. She was supposed to be there for maintaining player’s mental health. She’s useless here because people can log out now.]

My understanding was that teh Bad Guy hijacked much of the program for his own ends into the new system, including 300-odd players. It was pretty clear he didn't get the whole thing but just parts of it. Yui was just one more file that was hijacked. I do rsync operations all the time with thousands of files in them -- I can't say I know each and every file. Nobody does. However Yui had no admin access in the old system, why should she have admin access in the one she was copied to?
I dropped the show and rated it as bad. Cool

With all your misunderstandings of things, this doesn't surprise me.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:28 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Enh, if Masakaki really did drop the show then at least it's one person less whose "how can anyone see this as good?" complaining about the show we'll have to listen to. (Unless he's like certain other forumites who insist on continuing to makes comments about a series even long after they've dropped them. Rolling Eyes )

Anyway, all of his comments have been discussed thoroughly before - some discredited, some not - so I see no reason to address his points further. I'll save my comments for episode 18, which, unfortunately, I may not get to watch until tomorrow evening. Crying or Very sad

I'm pretty good at leaving threads where I've dropped the show sure I'll follow up an existing discussion that started before I'm gone but I don't post for ten episodes after either.

episode 18, which, unfortunately, I may not get to watch until tomorrow evening. Crying or Very sad

Sad About Overtime!
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:52 pm Reply with quote
Episode 18 of Bouncy Boobs Online was nice. I appreciate the Otaku pandering fan service. But is SAO ever going to become a good and memorable series? Like I have said before, it has potential, but the writers seem to be a bunch of otakus.

Last edited by Angel M Cazares on Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 15 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Episode 18

spoiler[Kirigaya's school life.
Looks like she has a thing for Kirito.
Still teaching Kirito about the game.
It's amazing how trouble always finds him somehow..
Asuna still trapped by that creep... she just can't catch a break.]
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:49 pm Reply with quote
Just watched #18, a lot more fan service than the novel had. Also not sure I remember correctly or I had the events mixed up, in the novelspoiler[Suguha found out Kirito is her brother before heading out to the world, where they had a "repenting battle" and patched up things afterward, but looked like it was not in the anime!]
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:15 pm Reply with quote
Masakaki wrote:
Episode 15. Dear god. Anime creators: most siblings out there can get along with each other just fine without any romance, you know? Why does every show with a brother and sister has to have romance between them!?

Because it's hot, duh.

Besides, they're cousins, and relationships between cousins are acceptable in Japan.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:34 pm Reply with quote
Episode 18

I know I keep on it, but when Kirito and Leafa were looking at the sky, I didn't hear a word they said I was so into the music. Beautiful.

Also, they really want people to look at these things.
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Joined: 17 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:38 pm Reply with quote
ZorgonXtreme wrote:

Also, they really want people to look at these things.

Suguha. what are you doin. Sugha STAHP.

They sure know how to keep me watching this show.

Edit: It seems ANN auto edits "wa.t" "r" "u" into "what are you". That ruined my message.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:01 pm Reply with quote
ZorgonXtreme wrote:
Also, they really want people to look at these things.

You have to admit they are really nice things.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:36 pm Reply with quote
getchman wrote:
cool story bro


Anyhoo, another enjoyable episode for me, although I did groan a bit when I saw the spoiler["I wanna leave the party and do my own thing with this Kirito guy"] problem being recycled.

Oh and just to avoid feeling like a sleazoid every eppie, I've decided the translators have made a typo and Sugar Tits is actually 24 and not 14, mmmkay?
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:51 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Anyhoo, another enjoyable episode for me, although I did groan a bit when I saw the spoiler["I wanna leave the party and do my own thing with this Kirito guy"] problem being recycled.

Well at least this time they discuss why they don't want her to leave, and she very clearly told them "Screw you guys I can do what I want", which is what most people wanted Asuna to say.

Blood- wrote:
Oh and just to avoid feeling like a sleazoid every eppie, I've decided the translators have made a typo and Sugar Tits is actually 24 and not 14, mmmkay?

And an older woman calling a younger guy her big brother is less sleezy somehow? Laughing
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:01 pm Reply with quote
Not a fan of the villain, I'll say. He's definitely got the sliminess thing down, but seems very one note. Also seems like a bit of an idiot, which means he's not exactly as intimidating as he could be. The only really threatening part of him are those spoiler[uncomfortable moments where he's fondling Asuna and seems like he's about to rape her... which I can't say I'm exactly a fan of.]

On a better note, it was nice seeing that spoiler[Asuna is indeed figuring out the combination of the lock. Also, I hadn't thought of the fact that she wouldn't know for sure that Kirito was alive (though she'd suspect it based on the fact that she was alive), so seeing her trick whatever-his-name is into confirming Kirito's survival was nice. His little speech certainly didn't have the effect on her he wanted. These little details make me slightly more accepting of the whole "Asuna is now a damsel in distress" direction this arc has gone. I still don't really like it, but as long as Asuna plays an active role in gaining her freedom (even if she needs some help) I won't be too displeased.]
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