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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:27 pm Reply with quote
Excellent review, Rebecca! I also loved this little piece of sci-fi for what it was. Though if anything was wrong, I have to agree that the inconclusive ending was annoying. I'm going to give the light novels a try.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:11 am Reply with quote
I really liked this series at first but then it became a chore to watch and I heard the ending was bad so I just dropped it. also I am not a shonen ai fan.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:14 am Reply with quote
Rebecca wrote:
No. 6 is a solid entry into the genre of post-apocalyptic science fiction,

Wrong, and here's why:


I rest my case.
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rahzel rose

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:46 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Rebecca wrote:
No. 6 is a solid entry into the genre of post-apocalyptic science fiction,

Wrong, and here's why:


I rest my case.

It's a wasp, actually.

This series is a current obsession of mine, so I'm glad to see it getting reviewed here. The ending definitely suffers because so much is packed into the last episode. If the show had been 12, or even 13 episodes, I think it would have flowed much better. But as it is, the story is great, and the characters are great.

I also agree about the dub, too. I love Greg and thought he was an excellent Sion, and Luci was an amazing Dog Lender. Kalob put up a good fight as Rat as well, but couldn't quite match up to Hosoya. I still thoroughly enjoyed it, though, even though there were a few bumps along the way.
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Joined: 04 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:47 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Rebecca wrote:
No. 6 is a solid entry into the genre of post-apocalyptic science fiction,

Wrong, and here's why:


I rest my case.

More like "giant ethereal bee spoiler[goddess]".

Which really wasn't all that surprising if attention was paid Smile It was kinda goofy looking, yeah, but there were bees all over the series and spoiler[ Elyurius (or however you spell it) was some sort of nature goddess figure]

Also, "light" shonen ai? spoiler[The boys kiss! And Sion all but declares his love for Rat without blatantly saying it! Not that I'm complaining...I thought their relationship was subdued and lovely~]
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:03 am Reply with quote
Looks like I tried to forget about that crappy ending so much I forgot the type of insect it was.

Okay, so it was a wasp. A giant world-ending wasp that may or may not have been psychic. Still absolutely stupid.

The first half of the show was really good, and I actually liked the interaction between Nezumi and Sion. But it fell to custard in the second half.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:37 am Reply with quote
midnighteve wrote:
Also, "light" shonen ai? spoiler[The boys kiss! And Sion all but declares his love for Rat without blatantly saying it! Not that I'm complaining...I thought their relationship was subdued and lovely~]

I think that is where a lot of people (guys) started to nitpick about everything else actually, and started reminding us how female viewers are ruining anime. Rolling Eyes

In any case, I'm grateful for the review, Rebecca. I agree with what you said about the dub. Frankly, I found Rat's songs a bit jarring, due to the difference in the voices. The singing voice did not match the English dubs voice actor very well and was really noticeable to me. A minor thing, really. My husband and brother both liked this show, though they were a little confused about the emphasis on insects. It is interesting to me how much insects play into Japanese folklore.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:49 am Reply with quote
I stopped watching this after episode 2 because I thought it was god awful boring and uninteresting. I'll probably never go back and finish it.
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shamisen the great

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:18 am Reply with quote
I don't know. A giant psychic apocalypse wasp sounds kind of awesome. I haven't seen the show, though, so maybe it loses something in the execution.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:27 am Reply with quote
I know some people might take this the wrong way, oh well. Was the shounen ai necessary? This is a solid sci fi title that I think could be really popular main stream, but will lose viewers from this aspect. I mean realistically speaking its a dark sci fi action. This is primarily a male demographic many of which will not appreciate the relationship between the MCs. Its not just No. 6 either, there are a handful of what I would think are show mainly guys would like that have this thrown in, 07 ghost is another that comes to mind. Im not trying to offend anyone here, but I dont understand the rationale other than the author wanted it that way. Its not like its crucial to the plot like in Simoun/Blue Drops, and its not Yuri which at least I can see some guys being excited, and its not Kyou Kara Maouh where its played for laughs.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:33 am Reply with quote
tuxedocat wrote:

I think that is where a lot of people (guys) started to nitpick about everything else actually, and started reminding us how female viewers are ruining anime. Rolling Eyes

I for one, despite thinking the show completely fell to pieces, appreciate that it didn't try to hide Shion and Nezumi's relationship. There should be more stuff like this, for both males and females.

This was of course followed up a season or so later by Black Rock Shooter, which was just as hilariously gay. So equal time and all.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:52 am Reply with quote
CrownKlown wrote:
I know some people might take this the wrong way, oh well. Was the shounen ai necessary? This is a solid sci fi title that I think could be really popular main stream, but will lose viewers from this aspect. I mean realistically speaking its a dark sci fi action. This is primarily a male demographic many of which will not appreciate the relationship between the MCs. Its not just No. 6 either, there are a handful of what I would think are show mainly guys would like that have this thrown in, 07 ghost is another that comes to mind. Im not trying to offend anyone here, but I don't understand the rationale other than the author wanted it that way. Its not like its crucial to the plot like in Simoun/Blue Drops, and its not Yuri which at least I can see some guys being excited, and its not Kyou Kara Maouh where its played for laughs.

I think it was an important aspect of the show.

To show two boys that are in love with each other and not to make a big deal out of it is the kind of progression I want to see in more big mainstream shows.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:06 am Reply with quote
I was thinking of getting this series until Kodansha announced that they got the manga. Manga won't have to worry about ending within a specific time and can go on longer (weren't there like 9 novels?), so I'm interested in the story, but manga is going to be my preferred format
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:12 am Reply with quote
kpk wrote:
CrownKlown wrote:
I know some people might take this the wrong way, oh well. Was the shounen ai necessary? This is a solid sci fi title that I think could be really popular main stream, but will lose viewers from this aspect. I mean realistically speaking its a dark sci fi action. This is primarily a male demographic many of which will not appreciate the relationship between the MCs. Its not just No. 6 either, there are a handful of what I would think are show mainly guys would like that have this thrown in, 07 ghost is another that comes to mind. Im not trying to offend anyone here, but I don't understand the rationale other than the author wanted it that way. Its not like its crucial to the plot like in Simoun/Blue Drops, and its not Yuri which at least I can see some guys being excited, and its not Kyou Kara Maouh where its played for laughs.

I think it was an important aspect of the show.

To show two boys that are in love with each other and not to make a big deal out of it is the kind of progression I want to see in more big mainstream shows.

Yep, I agree entirely. No. 6's shift from science fiction to science fantasy in the third act was a bit jarring, but the show has my eternal respect for what it represents for LGBT anime.

Just think about it, the romance between Shion and Rat would have played out with exactly the same story beats if Rat had been "the mysterious girl from outside the system" instead of the mysterious boy. I think it's really cool that their relationship played out so naturally, especially since gay romance has become such a fetishized thing in most anime.

In fact, this may just be semantics, but I almost hesitate to describe this show as shonen-ai. It's simply a science fiction series with some romantic elements, the fact that the main couple is gay shouldn't have to change that description...
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:16 am Reply with quote
No. 6 started out nicely enough, but eventually ended up being a disappointment. I don't think it comes close to a "solid scifi show" at all. Maybe the novels are indeed better, but the anime imho was average at best, unfortunately.

CrownKlown wrote:
I mean realistically speaking its a dark sci fi action. This is primarily a male demographic many of which will not appreciate the relationship between the MCs. (...) I don't understand the rationale other than the author wanted it that way.

The author apparently said in an interview that she just writes whatever she thinks is interesting without thinking too much about the potential readers. She also has problems distinguishing between "friendship" and "love", which makes her write these kind of relationships.

CrownKlown wrote:
07 ghost

That one, on the other hand, is a shōjo series.
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