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NEWS: New Madoka Magica Show Considered After 3rd Film

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Ryu Shoji

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:31 am Reply with quote

I just hope that any further additions will be as good, if not better, as the original series.
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Ashen Phoenix

Joined: 21 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:33 am Reply with quote
Before anyone jumps on the pessimism train and accuses Urobuchi and the staff of "milking a cash cow" let me just say I think with the right creative input, a new, 2-cour Madoka series could be amazing.

What they've accomplished already is impressive, and I see no reason why the Madoka 'verse can't be expanded, or looked at in a new light. When people care about something they're working on, a lot of things can rise above "good" to "great" and to feats beyond. Call me a dreamer, but I think this group can pull it off.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:54 am Reply with quote
Ashen Phoenix wrote:
Before anyone jumps on the pessimism train and accuses Urobuchi and the staff of "milking a cash cow" let me just say I think with the right creative input, a new, 2-cour Madoka series could be amazing.

What they've accomplished already is impressive, and I see no reason why the Madoka 'verse can't be expanded, or looked at in a new light. When people care about something they're working on, a lot of things can rise above "good" to "great" and to feats beyond. Call me a dreamer, but I think this group can pull it off.

Hmm the first part "milking the cash cow is correct" however I finally got around to watching this series and I'll say that I would love to see more. The hypothetical is what intrigues me "as much as it did for stein's;gate, higurshi, clannad etc". Maybe they will go with a more light hearted routed this time around. Hell I would still love to see a full series of eva based off of episode 23-24 in shinji's head on the parody of "teen anime"

Sorry for the long running paragraph, I'm just happy my damn move is over and to have internet again. Later~
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Joined: 09 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:55 am Reply with quote
He explained that if new writers are not brought in and if he was no longer around, there may not be another Madoka project: "I think the story should outlive its creators."

I'm more concern about this, new writers ?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:02 pm Reply with quote
Oh, we all know they are most definitely "milking" this property. There is no remaining doubt about that by now. I imagine it would also be considered relatively foolish to avoid doing so, from a purely business-oriented perspective, considering its huge sales figures. But you see, that's not necessarily good or bad. It's merely a fact.

The real question is whether or not this process will produce new works that are worthwhile, which is ultimately a mostly separate issue and evidently remains to be seen. Good arguments could easily be made both in support and against the idea of continuing the story at this point, though obviously the third film will change that equation.

In that sense, bringing in new writers is understandable (Urobuchi himself may well wish to move on, sooner or later, for any of several valid reasons) but it is always a gamble, because there's a dual risk: they might wish to avoid fan backlash and thus aim for something that will not be substantially different from what has already been done before, which could please the masses yet not do much for the critics, or they might try to create something extremely different, which might be good or even great in its own right but isn't necessarily going to be what the hardcore fans expect or desire. Or perhaps, for all we know, they could also try to go down the middle road. In either case, there are no guarantees about its quality or its commercial success. Like with so many other projects, this is all a matter of waiting.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:10 pm Reply with quote
dreznovk wrote:
He explained that if new writers are not brought in and if he was no longer around, there may not be another Madoka project: "I think the story should outlive its creators."

I'm more concern about this, new writers ?

This is quite understandable, actually. He's already booked with anime projects for the next couple years, apparently, and he might not be so far from burnout. And it's not like other writers haven't been involved with the franchise by now, like whoever wrote Kazumi Magica and the PSP game adaptation. Nonetheless, it'll be a bit of a brave new world when he's barely in charge of the creative direction of the franchise anymore.... whatever happens, they better not overextend themselves or somehow end up ruining a fine thing like Michael Jackson did with his repeated nose jobs.

And also, happy to see spoiler[Gekidan Inu Curry] is involved with the third movie, but.... well, spoiler[just how much is the original ending going to be undermined with the existence of new witches? Judging by the dialogue of the trailer for the third movie, I figure'd there'd be something *like* witches again, but witches? Might that be a placeholder-name? Whatever the enemies are, they better not house young girls' souls again...]
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Joined: 02 May 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:16 pm Reply with quote
I'm on the fence about this. On one hand, my fangirl side is estatic while my pessimistic side is convinced anything they come up with won't be as good. I'm sure I'll watch and eat it up anyways, I just hope it's good.

It'd be cool if maybe they depicted the story of one of the many historical magical girls we got a glimpse of. Expanding the universe will probably provide the more interesting and original paths to take though. Maybe even with an entirely new cast of Magical Girls?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:39 pm Reply with quote
The point of the original series wasn't the characters, it was the reveals. The conditions, the world and the choices which had to be made in order to unite the two.

It is possible to make a series, even a 26 episode series {how's that cow producing that much milk? Volume?}, that could carry this weight: Unravel fate. Amusingly, if done as the way I'd see it, it would contain episodes of the original series within it. Rewritten, naturally, but still there.

Any other attempt at creating a franchise out of this {very claustrophobic} premise would be....

Meaningless? To explain why would involve too many spoilers. I've heard people ask for a continuation previosuly but I still don't see the point of "why" {beyond money} let alone "how".
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:08 pm Reply with quote
2cours shouldn't be condemned. Too few shows these do that and end up feeling rushed. Madoka turned out well, but it definitely felt a tad rushed at spots.

Also, the story could and should revolve around other girls or even another timeline or even other eras in time.

In the cuttroat anime industry, they deserve to have a show they can build some hype around. I'll give them full leeway to entertain. Stuff like Steins;Gate had the luxury of 2 cours and so did awesome, ubdrappreciated shows like Nichijou. Though I just wish more shows in general are supported by anime fans.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:23 pm Reply with quote

The pessimist in me is rising.

Not to be weird, but sometimes I just like the story the way it was, that's all.

But I'll keep that mind open.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Ashen Phoenix wrote:
let me just say I think with the right creative input, a new, 2-cour Madoka series could be amazing.

Nanoha tried that after having twp 13 episode series with StrikerS. Look at how well that turned out. (Lack of focus was the primary issue, IMO aside from really, until the Vivio stuff, lack of the lead character having any sort of impact.)

Assuming they can get it right, I'd be all for a two season show but I'd rather they stick with 13 episode.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:03 pm Reply with quote
Nothing wrong with milking the cash cow as long as its entertaining. At least something in Anime is successful and making money.
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Joined: 08 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:08 pm Reply with quote
If they're going through with this one, the best suggestion for a writer that I can give is Yasuko Kobayashi. She's familiar with writing for both magical girls (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon tokusatsu series) and dark sci-fi (Casshern Sins and Blassreiter), plus she's worked in other anime like Shakugan no Shana, I My Me Strawberry Eggs and CLAYMORE, meaning that she's got a wide range of character types and genres that she's written for. She'd be the perfect fit for a new Madoka project.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:09 pm Reply with quote
CCharmanderK wrote:
If they're going through with this one, the best suggestion for a writer that I can give is Yasuko Kobayashi. She's familiar with writing for both magical girls (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon tokusatsu series) and dark sci-fi (Casshern Sins and Blassreiter), plus she's worked in other anime like Shakugan no Shana, I My Me Strawberry Eggs and CLAYMORE, meaning that she's got a wide range of character types and genres that she's written for. She'd be the perfect fit for a new Madoka project.

I'd totally be interested.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:28 pm Reply with quote
I thought this show was vastly overrated and over-marketed enough as it was. Is this money really going back into 'anime' or to the merchandise and publishing companies?

Given the amount of suspicion this franchise has raised on 2ch and beyond, I wouldn't bank on the idea that buying more DVDs is going to make the industry any stronger or the quality any higher, I think someone is playing the sustain game.
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