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NEWS: Japan to Use Anime to Buff Its Image in China

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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:24 pm Reply with quote
Hey, anything that promotes friendly relations between Japan and China is a good thing, right? And you might as well start with the kiddies, since the grown-ups are probably too old to change how they feel.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:31 pm Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
Hey, anything that promotes friendly relations between Japan and China is a good thing, right?

Does that include spoiler[Saaya Irie]? Google her name or look it up in Wikipedia, and you'll know I'm not kidding.
(Dormcat dodges flying objects thrown by lolicon haters)

Joe Mello wrote:
And you might as well start with the kiddies, since the grown-ups are probably too old to change how they feel.

Guess what: when grown-ups reprimanded their children for their craze about Japanese pop culture, kids responded: "you stop driving Japanese cars and using Japanese electronics first." Laughing
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Joined: 06 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:40 pm Reply with quote
It's good to see Japan trying to do something that will improve relations rather than aggrivate relations with China. Having lived in China for so many summers, I'd say the Japanese choose a good medium since anime and manga is insanely popular there. It'll be very interesting to see how Japan will improve their image through anime and manga. However there is still the problem of which people they can target. I'm thinking mostly city and suburban people will be exposed to the advertising since they have more access to pop culture and is more accustomed to foreighn media exposure. But a great majority of China's people still live in the country side where if they have TV, there will be limited programming avalible and probably have never seen anime or have and don't know it. I'm not sure how they will add up into this campaign.

On a side note, this might help to encourage the spread of legitimate anime and manga. In recent years the legit versions of the CCS, Pokemon, and X manga have been pubslished and these versions are much better than the illegal versions sold in little street side stores. But it makes me wonder what they'll do about all the pirated stuff, hmmm...
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Shinji Takase

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:38 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Joe Mello wrote:
Hey, anything that promotes friendly relations between Japan and China is a good thing, right?

Does that include spoiler[Saaya Irie]? Google her name or look it up in Wikipedia, and you'll know I'm not kidding.
(Dormcat dodges flying objects thrown by lolicon haters)

All I can say is...crazy. Simply crazy.

I am simply left to wonder why such a tactic would be used anyway.

International Incidient number 7,846,210, here we come!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:55 pm Reply with quote
As long as they don't make a Chinese equivalent of that anti-Korean manga, they should be alright.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:33 pm Reply with quote
They could have saved all those yen by, you know, writing relatively accurate history books. . .
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:46 pm Reply with quote
Dragon Ball Z is pretty popular in China.

Jackie Chan himself is a huge DBZ fan.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:09 pm Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
As long as they don't make a Chinese equivalent of that anti-Korean manga, they should be alright.

Unfortunately, they already did. Worse yet, its author is a Hokkien Taiwanese -- no matter which political stance he has taken (he even changed the romanization of his names), he is, always has been, and will be forever regarded by Japanese as, an ethnic Chinese.
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Joined: 11 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 11:34 pm Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
Hey, anything that promotes friendly relations between Japan and China is a good thing, right?

Does that include spoiler[Saaya Irie]? Google her name or look it up in Wikipedia, and you'll know I'm not kidding.
(Dormcat dodges flying objects thrown by lolicon haters)

o_o holy crud that's scary...

11 years old? she's younger than me!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 11:35 pm Reply with quote
if they're spending money on anime, then will anime finally will have better quality and consistency?
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Haru to Ashura

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 11:48 pm Reply with quote
Why doesn't Japan just apologize for their war crimes? (Unless they already have, then forgive my lack of historic knowledge.)

But my point was, why go through all this time and money to 'better' your image when you're just trying to cover up the real problem? It's not going to go away, people don't forget world wars. This program sounds pretty useless to me.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:58 am Reply with quote
Haru to Ashura wrote:
Why doesn't Japan just apologize for their war crimes? (Unless they already have, then forgive my lack of historic knowledge.)

But my point was, why go through all this time and money to 'better' your image when you're just trying to cover up the real problem? It's not going to go away, people don't forget world wars. This program sounds pretty useless to me.

Japan, I believe, is trying to save face by not admitting that they did anything really, really bad in WWII. Nbody like being blames for something bad, it's human nature. But when you are a world nation, there are certain responsibilities that surpass saving face. Japan's government's reaction so far has seemed rather ridiculous to me, since the rest of the world already knows what had happened in WWII, but they're still constantly in denial and down play anything negative. This is a pretty childish and ironic reaction from the leaders of a country with a proud warrior culture. But with the anime thing, at least Japan is trying to improve their relationship with China, not makes it worse. I know some might think this is done for economic gain and other advantages but a try at peace is better than an attempy towards hate. So, I say "give peace a chance"...even if it is through anime and manga.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:41 am Reply with quote
Actually, what I read of the treaties, Japan owes nothing to the chinese government. Treaty the ended war reparitions between china and Japan.

Apologies by the Japanese.

The chinese are becoming very bone headed, and don't want an apology.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:01 am Reply with quote
Haru to Ashura wrote:
Why doesn't Japan just apologize for their war crimes? (Unless they already have, then forgive my lack of historic knowledge.)

But my point was, why go through all this time and money to 'better' your image when you're just trying to cover up the real problem? It's not going to go away, people don't forget world wars. This program sounds pretty useless to me.
The Japanese Prime Minister did give an apology of some sorts during last spring/summer's uprising in China over Japan's recording of the war in Japanese history books ignoring certain facts and making it look like they were the victims, not the perpetrators. However, wasn't there a recent report that the Chinese were attempting to curb Japanese manga in favour of their own style of comic media?
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:23 am Reply with quote
YUGI wrote:
Actually, what I read of the treaties, Japan owes nothing to the chinese government. Treaty the ended war reparitions between china and Japan.

Did you avoid using capitalized letter "C" intentionally?

Germany is in friendly terms now with those countries it had once invaded during WWII. However, what if German government suddenly allows republishing Mein Kampf and similar books describing "filthy neighbors like Czech, Poland, Austria, and France" and revises textbooks into "Nazi party made a lot of efforts revitalizing German economy" while ignoring damages they've done way before the war had begun? All neighboring European countries, plus USA and Israel, would start critisizing or even an embargo.

YUGI wrote:

Saying "I'm sorry" and keeping publishing discriminating books (including aforementioned manga) and "revised" textbooks is not very persuasive, you know.

Mohawk52 wrote:
However, wasn't there a recent report that the Chinese were attempting to curb Japanese manga in favour of their own style of comic media?

There are Chinese invitations asking Hiroshi Motomiya to republish his complete, uncensored version of Kuni ga Moeru. He knows, however, that if he agrees then he'll be exiled from the Japanese publishing industry.
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