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Joined: 20 Oct 2011
Posts: 37
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:56 am
I remember when Pokemon was geared strictly toward 10-year-old kids. But the games are way more complex than ever before. Just like good ol' RPGs should be.
Plus, the official artwork for the male/female protagonists don't even look like they're 10. Mid-teens, perhaps.
And on another note... wild Eevees?!
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Joined: 22 Nov 2005
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:55 am
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Joined: 21 Dec 2010
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:36 am
I'm buying 2 DS's just for Pokemon
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:13 am
m0x wrote: | I remember when Pokemon was geared strictly toward 10-year-old kids. But the games are way more complex than ever before. Just like good ol' RPGs should be. |
Black and White were pretty much just as complex. And Gen 4 was pretty complex, too, although B&W introduced a ton of new features (if only we could have HG/SS's interface in B2/W2...)
Quote: | Plus, the official artwork for the male/female protagonists don't even look like they're 10. Mid-teens, perhaps. |
So did Black and White's.
Quote: | And on another note... wild Eevees?! |
It was announced in CoroCoro Magazine along with the first batch of Pokemon. There are 300 pokemon in the new Unova/Isshu regional Pokedex. The 156 from B/W, and the other roughly half are Gen I-IV. It's nothing new to have formerly rare/unique Pokemon in the wild, especially since the onset of Breeding. White Forest already had many baby Pokemon.
So, watching the trailer, looks like we get to see a bit of Nimbasa in there, too, as well as what looks like it may be our new villainous team. Looks a bit like Team Rocket's uniforms in style (the caps, at least), although the only known TR member in Unova/Isshu is retired.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2012
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:07 pm
For a person who gets his starters based of the possible wild pokemon, its getting harder and harder for me not to choose oshawott again, though I just HOPE they give him and his evos a better moveset this time, either that or I need to pay more attention to their stat growth.
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The King of Harts
Joined: 05 May 2009
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:10 pm
I think for the first time ever I'm going to use the grass starter on my first play through. Like the poster above me, I used Oshawott last time, and I loved that little bastard, but I don't want to use him again. And Tepig doesn't really intrigue me, especially since Torchic and Chimchar were my starters the last two gens. I have nothing against the grass starters, but Snivy/Seviper, like most of the grass starters, aren't that great (at least not in-game). However, I want something different and I don't like Tepig, so I think I'm going with ol' Smugleaf.
Quote: | though I just HOPE they give him and his evos a better moveset this time |
I ran Megahorn/Surf/Waterfall/Grass Knot and that was really good for me. They have good moves (at least enough to make one or two pretty good sets), they just don't have all that great of stats. He's also pure water, which is mostly a defensive type (Milotic, Vaporeon, Slowbro, etc...), but his defenses are poor, so his mostly offensive stats and movepool don't compliment his type that well.
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Joined: 16 Jul 2008
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:24 pm
The King of Harts wrote: | I think for the first time ever I'm going to use the grass starter on my first play through. Like the poster above me, I used Oshawott last time, and I loved that little bastard, but I don't want to use him again. |
Don't use snivy. That was my choice when I played through black I regretted it almost immediately. It stats were pretty bogus (although it's defense was decent enough) and its attack and special attack was so awful I hardly used it (got through the elite 4 using my Zebstrika, Darmanitan, and Seismitoad alone). Unless you're looking for a challenge and plan to EV train it to be much better than it is I would just go for Oshawott (which I plan on using straight out the gate in Black 2) or Tepig.
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Joined: 27 Mar 2009
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Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:04 pm
Dessa wrote: |
Quote: | Plus, the official artwork for the male/female protagonists don't even look like they're 10. Mid-teens, perhaps. |
So did Black and White's. |
Japanese people also tend to think that Americans (and most other races) tend to look "old for their age", and since Black and White's locale is based on New York (and thus America), it might be why they decided to make the protagonists look a bit older. It's an idea, at least. Of course, it's also plenty possible they're just trying to appeal to a very slightly older audience.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2012
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:35 am
The King of Harts wrote: | I think for the first time ever I'm going to use the grass starter on my first play through. Like the poster above me, I used Oshawott last time, and I loved that little bastard, but I don't want to use him again. And Tepig doesn't really intrigue me, especially since Torchic and Chimchar were my starters the last two gens. I have nothing against the grass starters, but Snivy/Seviper, like most of the grass starters, aren't that great (at least not in-game). However, I want something different and I don't like Tepig, so I think I'm going with ol' Smugleaf.
Quote: | though I just HOPE they give him and his evos a better moveset this time |
I ran Megahorn/Surf/Waterfall/Grass Knot and that was really good for me. They have good moves (at least enough to make one or two pretty good sets), they just don't have all that great of stats. He's also pure water, which is mostly a defensive type (Milotic, Vaporeon, Slowbro, etc...), but his defenses are poor, so his mostly offensive stats and movepool don't compliment his type that well. |
I think alot of my fault in my daikenki (like the Japanese name better) was that I couln't give up its shell blade, it felt too iconic and cool for me to let go
but I'm also aware that its stats stink, but I figured asking for stat increase would have been pushing it, though seeing how the stats of these starters apparently suck (snivy seems to be defensive, tepig I guess offensive and oshawott was some crappy exuse of well balance *still love the little bastard though*) so either way we'll have to suck it up and have better luck next gen. I used chimchar 4th gen so I'm not really egar to use tepig, plus if theres a chance you can get a arcanine in this game, all chances of starting with tepig are shot to hell, leaving me with smugleaf and the shellmaster. and if I can get a leafeon then that'll pretty much leave me with mijumaru, so... yeah, unless I don't wanna train a leafeon this time around and try my luck with something else I probably won't go for snivy.
even still a rearrangment in these starters movesets, if anything is a MUST. If you won't juice up their stats give us SOMETHING to work with!
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:21 am
Tsutarja and Janovy are awesome.
Jalord looks ugly as sin, though.
Though these games aren't exactly hard so if you pick the 'worst starter' you can still pretty much solo the game with him.
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