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Ojamajo LimePie

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:16 pm Reply with quote
Bodacious Space Pirates' Japanese title translates to Gung-Ho Space Pirates. 'Miniskirt' was originally part of the novel series' English title, but it was changed to 'Bodacious' later.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:58 pm Reply with quote
-I will agree that the Edgewater Mitsuwa is indeed awesome. Being based in Central NJ New York City isn't exactly "next door" but it is close enough to be worth visiting every once in a while. I always try to check out NY Comic-Con/Anime Festival when possible, but I'm also lucky to have two cons in NJ itself, AnimeNEXT & MangaNEXT, so I can't feel bad if I miss out on NYC here and there.

-Just to help you out Zac, Time Stranger is the movie sequel to the GoShogun TV series. The TV series was a mech anime that effectively made fun of the genre and it's most popular titles of the time. One scene I've read about is when the GoShogun crew find a mech that looks like the RX-78 from Gundam; after GoShogun apparently gives the RX-78-wannabe sentient life, it decides to kill itself due to the war & experiences it's been through. Time Stranger, with it's serious melancholy, is essentially the complete opposite of GoShogun.

-Until every single anime that has been produced is availble legally in one way or another fansubs will not die. Even if every single new anime gets streamed every season, there will still be older titles that have never been given a chance, and that's where fansubs do come in handy. As for "tournament shows" I never seem to get tired of them; I don't actively go after them in a "I must watch this!" fashion, but I certainly don't have any problem watching them, even if they do have many similarities and repititions to them. Much like how everyone has a favorite style of theirs, "tournaments" are a favorite of mine. People can call insult them all they want, but as long as it is done well I will always like "tournaments".

-I will agree that not driving yourself will result in a lot more reading. When I went to college I took the bus to go from one campus to another... Which resulted in tons and tons of manga reading for me. Now I still read manga, but it's nowhere near as much as I used to, unfortunately. As for looking at both the anime & manga of the same title, if I see the anime first then I usually have no problem checking the manga out if I can, but if I've read the manga first then I'm not usually that fast to watch the anime adaptation.

-I guess I'm lucky that my blog has gotten comments with actual purpose and explanation after running it for just barely over one year. Granted, I don't have a ton of comments, but what comments I do have generally are people talking about their experience with the show(s) they're commentating on, which is always great to see.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:01 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:

-Until every single anime that has been produced is availble legally in one way or another fansubs will not die. Even if every single new anime gets streamed every season, there will still be older titles that have never been given a chance, and that's where fansubs do come in handy. As for "tournament shows" I never seem to get tired of them; I don't actively go after them in a "I must watch this!" fashion, but I certainly don't have any problem watching them, even if they do have many similarities and repititions to them. Much like how everyone has a favorite style of theirs, "tournaments" are a favorite of mine. People can call insult them all they want, but as long as it is done well I will always like "tournaments".

Even if this does happen, Fansubs will not die. People will always find a problem with a legal stream or download, no matter how perfect it is. There will be problems with the quality, the translation, the color of the subs, pricing, commercials, etc. Not to mention it will never appease the anti-establishment fans who think they are "sticking it to the man" by subbing and uploading illegal files.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:04 pm Reply with quote
I...like the Recca manga. It's a guilty pleasure I suppose (and MAR to a lesser extent). I think the YYH comparisons are only skin deep and really start to vanish as you go along. Not a revolutionary series by any sense of the word, even by shonen standards, but a little overlooked I guess. The final battle was really epic.

What could anime learn from western animation?

Better comedy I think. With shows like Venture Bros., Futurama, and Archer, I think the west has anime beat, honestly.

I really think it's been YEARS since an anime or manga has made me genuinly laugh. A good chuckle every now and then, but...I dunno. Anime seems to really be lacking when it comes to genuinely smart, witty well-timed, and well acted humor.

It should be noted that I'm an enormouse Terry Pratchett fan, whom I consider to be the absolute apex of humor. Though I know they're very different, it actually makes it hard to look at Slayers now...[/i]
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:24 pm Reply with quote
One thing I've noticed is the west tends to be very traditional when it comes to fantasy. Fantasy in the west seems to be exclusively Tolkien in nature. Orcs, elves, dwarfs, and all that jazz. Neverwinter Nights, Elder Scrolls, Warcraft, Game of Thrones, and etcetera are all just slight deviations from Tolkien's bread and butter formula. The only alternative I can think of is the more 'Conan' type of fantasy... like with barbarians and stuff, and the only things like that I can think of are Conan-based products.. and maybe Xena. Japan does tend to grab everything from everywhere.. Final Fantasy alone can be completely different between games: from the more modern setting of 7 and 8 to the steam-punk setting of 6, to the western-esque 12 and Tactics (and by western in mean ye old Christianity times where the Church was in power and people were killed for being heretics. Tactics is one of my favorites RPGs in that regard, an amazing story that blends well with the whole religion war of the olden days)

Shenl742 wrote:
What could anime learn from western animation?

Better comedy I think. With shows like Venture Bros., Futurama, and Archer, I think the west has anime beat, honestly.

I really think it's been YEARS since an anime or manga has made me genuinly laugh. A good chuckle every now and then, but...I dunno. Anime seems to really be lacking when it comes to genuinely smart, witty well-timed, and well acted humor.

Someone hasn't watched Nichijou/Mitsudomoe/Penguindrum/Sket Dance.

Or if you want a more boring answer: It's not really fair to say a different culture is bad at humor, since it's just that, a different culture. Holding it to your own culture standard is a bit unfair. Can't really say it's bad in that regard. Well, I guess you can always try Panty and Stocking which was a parody of American cartoons, but other than that it's a different ballpark. Just look at the line between people who say British comedy/Monty Python is good/garbage. Chances are most foreign stuff won't cater to America's idea of humor and vice versa.

I miss dub openings. I was hoping Soul Eater's openings would be dubbed, but they weren't. I don't see why they don't do, especially if you can just grab some guy off YouTube who does a bunch of fandubs.

And as far as I'm concerned, none of those 'kids' anime have dub openings, just weird annoying rap songs they say is the opening but clearly is not. Now, those fandubs on YouTube, those are awesome. Congratulations, some girl in her basement, you have put a 'professional' studio to shame.

Last edited by TitanXL on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:26 pm Reply with quote
oh the pain of being an anime fan from Kentucky.. the pain lol besides that great podcast as always.

Guess I will make a small edit, I play anime drinking games myself. Lets see I nearly passed out with a bridge to the starry skies just from the first epiosde... hmm lets see child hood friend take a shoot, memory loss take a shot, trip and fall on girl you get the gist.

Last edited by Cecilthedarkknight_234 on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fifth B

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:38 pm Reply with quote
I only just started listening, but I have to ask: was that a disclaimer version of Pachelbel's Canon?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:45 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
One thing I've noticed is the west tends to be very traditional when it comes to fantasy. Fantasy in the west seems to be exclusively Tolkien in nature. Orcs, elves, dwarfs, and all that jazz. Neverwinter Nights, Elder Scrolls, Warcraft, Game of Thrones, and etcetera are all just slight deviations from Tolkien's bread and butter formula. The only alternative I can think of is the more 'Conan' type of fantasy... like with barbarians and stuff, and the only things like that I can think of are Conan-based products.. and maybe Xena. Japan does tend to grab everything from everywhere.. Final Fantasy alone can be completely different between games: from the more modern setting of 7 and 8 to the steam-punk setting of 6, to the western-esque 12 and Tactics (and by western in mean ye old Christianity times where the Church was in power and people were killed for being heretics. Tactics is one of my favorites RPGs in that regard, an amazing story that blends well with the whole religion war of the olden days)

Shenl742 wrote:
What could anime learn from western animation?

Better comedy I think. With shows like Venture Bros., Futurama, and Archer, I think the west has anime beat, honestly.

I really think it's been YEARS since an anime or manga has made me genuinly laugh. A good chuckle every now and then, but...I dunno. Anime seems to really be lacking when it comes to genuinely smart, witty well-timed, and well acted humor.

Someone hasn't watched Nichijou/Mitsudomoe/Penguindrum/Sket Dance.

I actually DID watch Penguindrum and I loved it...but not really for the humor. Sure there were several things that got a smile out of me, but I enjoyed it more for it's surreal drama and style really.

And as for the other three, I probably won't be watching them. Just looking them up, I can tell that it's not my brand really.


Or if you want a more boring answer: It's not really fair to say a different culture is bad at humor, since it's just that, a different culture. Holding it to your own culture standard is a bit unfair. Can't really say it's bad in that regard. Well, I guess you can always try Panty and Stocking which was a parody of American cartoons, but other than that it's a different ballpark. Just look at the line between people who say British comedy/Monty Python is good/garbage. Chances are most foreign stuff won't cater to America's idea of humor and vice versa.

Really think you're misunderstanding me. I don't think it's "unfair" and at no point did I say that Japan's humor is "bad". Just "not my style" really.

Hell, it's not a matter of good/bad, it's just a discussion of, "it would be kind of nice if one side tried a little of the other for a change". I don't think any of us are saying "this totally sucks!"

Yes it's another culture, but I don't think that makes it immune to a little observance and critique. It shouldn't treat it as some kind of slander if we do.

I mean...it's just my tastes changing as I get older really. Hell, Slayers was the first anime I ever bought. I don't really think it's really that funny now, so many years later.

And as for Panty and Stocking...ick. Yeah, I guess you could say it's got a basis in western cartoons....problem is, it's basis of stuff I would've found funny when I was 12 (like Ren & Stimpy). Just a bunch of purile, scatter-brained stuff that I feel I've out grown.

Like I said, I like my humor that's sharp witty, and acerbic and even a bit dark(like VB or Archer) or stuff that makes me genuinly think as much as it makes me laugh (Pratchett's Discworld). Despite the selection of anime being so wide, I've yet to see anything reach that level in the way it's reached various other genres, and that's a small sticking point with me.

I think the criticsim is a little valid...at least as valid as Zac and co. (and I'm sure many anime fans) saying that western cartoons could use some better drama.

Last edited by Shenl742 on Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:26 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:45 pm Reply with quote
Bodacious Space Pirates is such a waste. They take an interesting premise, space pirates, a girl inheriting a space pirate ship, and turn it into a bunch of cute schoolgirls sitting around, typing at computers and speaking technobabble. Instead of exciting adventures in pirating, we get a lot of dumb fluff that lulls me to sleep. If I wanted to see a lot of typing and technobabble, I'll go to a Mac store. A show about space pirates should be exciting and brutal, not boring and painful. I dropped this four episodes in and I doubt I'll come to regret it.
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Ojamajo LimePie

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:13 am Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
A show about space pirates should be exciting and brutal, not boring and painful. I dropped this four episodes in and I doubt I'll come to regret it.

You dropped BSP one episode before a space battle, and two episodes before actual piracy and a sword fight. Might want to pick it back up. Wink
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bemused Bohemian

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:32 am Reply with quote
I'm almost in agreement with Penguintruth about the action drag in Bodacious Space Pirates. I keep waiting for something physical to happen. While talking strategems about how to handle setbacks with the enemy is fine so much time has been expended fleshing out certain nuances of our heroine that I'm becoming bored less than 5 minutes into each new episode. I feel my time would be better invested re-watching the Space Trucker episode of Cowboy BeBop: a story covered in 25 minutes about exploits compared to almost 2 hours of fluff endured so far in Bodacious Space Pirates.

Should Bodacious Space Pirates come out as a 2-volume limited edition Blu-ray set in a future release some day I hope the art book included in the 1st volume spends time as an illustrative training tech book on space technology pirate strategems instead of wardrobe so when the 2nd Volume gets created the audience can be wowwed by the action quickly rather than pounding sand rehearsing, oh no, another preliminary tactical textbook discussing the do's and don'ts of intergalactic warfare for 5 episodes. Snooze.....
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:26 am Reply with quote
The only way you could really sell an anime for free would be if it was nothing more than a walking advertisement for something. Basically comparable to 1980's cartoons where Hasbro had a ton of series dedicated to action figure lines. As mentioned the idea that a Director, a writer, and one other guy can make an anime would basically mean creating a machine that simply spits an anime out. I mean you have multiple writers just doing a single show, multiple episode directors, hundreds of animators, and voice actors.

Music works simply because it's so cheap to make, and as mentioned you have music from various sources, whereas most anime is niche even in Japan.

I don't think that I have ever seen an anime where I used to like it but now I hate it. Generally if something like that happens its during the show where the second half just gets stupid (for example most anime Sunrise released between Gundam Seed, and Tiger and Bunny).

I can never get enough Norse mythology, as long as it's done well like in Odin Sphere. You really can use it to your advantage.

Personally I would rather watch a movie about the Stephanie Brown version of Batgirl. Add Supergirl and you got the perfect super hero movie.

Last edited by Charred Knight on Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:54 am Reply with quote
I gave up on One Piece almost a decade ago; ugly artwork, silly characters, and didn't have the same shonen "aurora" that DB, YYH, HunterXHunter, Bleach and Naruto had. And, thanks to Mr. Fulmor, I think I'll continue Fractale (I've only seen two episodes).

In my experience, while Western -- specifically European -- mythology/religion is more developed and tends to be a bit more epic and interesting than its East Asian counterparts, I think the Japanese put a much more intriguing spin on foreign stories involving spirituality, when they base anime and manga on them (i.e. Haibane Renmei, Buddha, Evangelion). Since roughly 65% of the Japanese population are atheists, 70% profess no religious affiliation, and the majority of those that practice are syncretic (combining Shinto, Buddhism and even some Christian influences), it's expected that the existence of every deity is given equal validity.

I actually think Japan does a fine job with CGI (I just watched, both, GitS: SAC and Appleseed this month. Man, what amazing experiences). Plus, didn't the supposed Holy Grail of all anime movies, Redline, use some CG? I don't see a single thing that anime could learn from Western cartoons. I readily admit to being a staunch anime elitist and purist. Now, vice versa is a completely different story. Cool

Last edited by 504NOSON2 on Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:58 am Reply with quote
504NOSON2 wrote:

In my experience, while Western -- specifically European -- mythology/religion is more developed and tends to be a bit more epic and interesting than its East Asian counterparts, I think the Japanese put a much more intriguing spin on foreign stories involving spirituality, when they base anime and manga on them (i.e. Haibane Renmei, Buddha, Evangelion). Since roughly 65% of the Japanese population are atheists, 70% profess no religious affiliation, and the majority of those that practice are syncretic (combining Shinto, Buddhism and even some Christian influences), it's expected that the existence of every deity is given equal validity.

Evangelion has little to do with religion, and certainly doesn't say anything about the Abrahamic religions. You could call one of the Angels Frank and it wouldn't change a thing.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:19 am Reply with quote
@ Charred Knight

Completely untrue. Have you seen the entire series, and its subsequent sequels?

Not only does it involve metaphysical questions, such as what is human's affinity with God, and what is the meaning of life, it's steeped in Judeo-Christian symbolism.

- the logo of the SEELE organization, which is the "7 eyes of God" from Revelations 5:6 ("And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth").

- Lilith, who is the first wife of Adam, is stored within the "Central Dogma" of NERV and is the mother of humanity.

- The term shito (使徒, translated as "Angel" in NGE, literally means "apostle" or "disciple".); their arrival was prophesized in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

- The symbolic usage of crosses throughout the series, on everything from explosions that bear the form of a crucifix ascending into the heavens to the spear in Lilith's chest. Now, of course, one could argue that the cross predates Christianity and Judaism, and finds its origins in more cultish, primitive ancient systems of belief. But that's beside the point. It's still a reference to sacred aspects of religious systems.

Also, the concept of "Death & Rebirth" is a reference to the "dying-and-rising" deity, such as Jesus of Nazareth (Bethlehem? Galilee?), Krishna, Dionysis, etc.

Most of the series' religious allusions were metaphorical (in the conceptual sense, rather than rhetorical). But they're there; *especially* when it relates to Abrahamic religions.
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