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NEWS: NISA Licenses Daily Lives of High School Boys Anime

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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:00 pm Reply with quote
I was very hesitant to watch this when I heard about it, but if NIS picked it up I may give it a look. They do an amazing job with their releases. They actually care about having more than just 2 disks in a case.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:09 pm Reply with quote
No dub no purchase.


NISA can suck it. Mad
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:12 pm Reply with quote
Hooray, a title I'm interested in! Loved the first ep. Going on my "to buy" list, along with their Natsume's Book of Friends and House of Five Leaves.

If they get Chihayafuru (although I did vote for it on Funi's new title survey), I will die of happiness.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:12 pm Reply with quote
SpacemanHardy wrote:
No dub no purchase.


NISA can suck it. Mad

Your loss. Watching a dub means missing Sugita Tomokazu being Gintoki in another body, and that's a crime.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:16 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
SpacemanHardy wrote:
No dub no purchase.


NISA can suck it. Mad

Your loss. Watching a dub means missing Sugita Tomokazu being Gintoki in another body, and that's a crime.

Whatever. Confused

I have no idea who any of those people are, so it means nothing to me in the first place.

If NIS REALLY cared about their fans, they'd be spending some of that extra money on some English dubs, and not those dumbass art books and stupid, useless giant boxes.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:21 pm Reply with quote
SpacemanHardy wrote:
I have no idea who any of those people are, so it means nothing to me in the first place.

If NIS REALLY cared about their fans, they'd be spending some of that extra money on some English dubs, and not those dumbass art books and stupid, useless giant boxes.

They don't care about their fans in that fashion, they care about making money. And there's money to made in not dubbing shows.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:24 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
SpacemanHardy wrote:
I have no idea who any of those people are, so it means nothing to me in the first place.

If NIS REALLY cared about their fans, they'd be spending some of that extra money on some English dubs, and not those dumbass art books and stupid, useless giant boxes.

They don't care about their fans in that fashion, they care about making money. And there's money to made in not dubbing shows.

In that case, then their hearts aren't even in it.

I'd rather buy from someone who actually cares what the FANS think then just about filling their bottom line.

Seriously. NIS should've just stuck to licensing games. They're giving a bad name to Western anime distributors everywhere with their high pricing from lackluster bullcrap products.

And just in case you want to say something completely idiotic like "If you really loved the show, you'd watch it in subs!" or something like that, let me just say that it's BECAUSE I love the show that I want to watch it in a dub. That way, the most important aspect of the show - the artwork and animation itself - doesn't get covered up by those God-awful unsightly subtitles.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:28 pm Reply with quote
SpacemanHardy wrote:
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
SpacemanHardy wrote:
I have no idea who any of those people are, so it means nothing to me in the first place.

If NIS REALLY cared about their fans, they'd be spending some of that extra money on some English dubs, and not those dumbass art books and stupid, useless giant boxes.

They don't care about their fans in that fashion, they care about making money. And there's money to made in not dubbing shows.

In that case, then their hearts aren't even in it.

I'd rather buy from someone who actually cares what the FANS think then just about filling their bottom line.

Seriously. NIS should've just stuck to licensing games. They're giving a bad name to Western anime distributors everywhere with their high pricing from lackluster bullcrap products.

.....nope not even going to bother you do know all that's left is nisa, funimiaiotn, sentai and media blasters right? hell in october funi and sentai are going to court over 8 million if sentai goes under then there will be no r1 industry...which is fine with me I will just stick to importing bd's
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Joined: 02 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:37 pm Reply with quote
Cecilthedarkknight_234 wrote:
SpacemanHardy wrote:
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
SpacemanHardy wrote:
I have no idea who any of those people are, so it means nothing to me in the first place.

If NIS REALLY cared about their fans, they'd be spending some of that extra money on some English dubs, and not those dumbass art books and stupid, useless giant boxes.

They don't care about their fans in that fashion, they care about making money. And there's money to made in not dubbing shows.

In that case, then their hearts aren't even in it.

I'd rather buy from someone who actually cares what the FANS think then just about filling their bottom line.

Seriously. NIS should've just stuck to licensing games. They're giving a bad name to Western anime distributors everywhere with their high pricing from lackluster bullcrap products.

.....nope not even going to bother you do know all that's left is nisa, funimiaiotn, sentai and media blasters right? hell in october funi and sentai are going to court over 8 million if sentai goes under then there will be no r1 industry...which is fine with me I will just stick to importing bd's


Section23,Sentai & all of its entities ARE not, I repeat NOT related to ADV and ADV Films in any way & won't be affected by the lawsuit at all.

Do I make myself clear?
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Joined: 23 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:43 pm Reply with quote
Finally! I've been wanting someone to pick this up forever. I don't mind a sub-only release for this one.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:53 pm Reply with quote
GrilledEelHamatsu wrote:
Cecilthedarkknight_234 wrote:
SpacemanHardy wrote:
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
SpacemanHardy wrote:
I have no idea who any of those people are, so it means nothing to me in the first place.

If NIS REALLY cared about their fans, they'd be spending some of that extra money on some English dubs, and not those dumbass art books and stupid, useless giant boxes.

They don't care about their fans in that fashion, they care about making money. And there's money to made in not dubbing shows.

In that case, then their hearts aren't even in it.

I'd rather buy from someone who actually cares what the FANS think then just about filling their bottom line.

Seriously. NIS should've just stuck to licensing games. They're giving a bad name to Western anime distributors everywhere with their high pricing from lackluster bullcrap products.

.....nope not even going to bother you do know all that's left is nisa, funimiaiotn, sentai and media blasters right? hell in october funi and sentai are going to court over 8 million if sentai goes under then there will be no r1 industry...which is fine with me I will just stick to importing bd's


Section23,Sentai & all of its entities ARE not, I repeat NOT related to ADV and ADV Films in any way & won't be affected by the lawsuit at all.

Do I make myself clear?

And nobody cares because it's off-topic and there's already a thread on that subject.

Do I make myself clear? Rolling Eyes
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Mr. sickVisionz

Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:38 am Reply with quote
Geez louise people, DO NOT FEED THE TROLL.

Anyways, good for them. I would prefer You and Me (another show about the daily lives of high school boys) but I've heard positive things about the series they picked up.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:43 am Reply with quote
SpacemanHardy wrote:
If NIS REALLY cared about their fans, they'd be spending some of that extra money on some English dubs, and not those dumbass art books and stupid, useless giant boxes.

Umm... NISA's fans are the ones buying their products. NISA cares about those people, since that's where their income is coming from.

SpacemanHardy wrote:
Seriously. NIS should've just stuck to licensing games. They're giving a bad name to Western anime distributors everywhere with their high pricing from lackluster bullcrap products.

Aside from a few production issues which have mostly been fixed, their releases have been near the top of those in the US (along with Nozomi and perhaps Aniplex). Funimation and ADV are companies that generally haven't put much effort into the overall product and if it weren't for the fact that they have Blu-ray releases, I'd almost say that they aim for the lowest-common-denominator level of release (discs in a case with the occasional box from Funi, but at least those boxes are finally switching to BD-size). ADV at least has generally managed to get their titles out quickly, but I am curious to see if they fall to the snail's pace of Funi with their simulcast licenses.

That way, the most important aspect of the show - the artwork and animation itself - doesn't get covered up by those God-awful unsightly subtitles.

Turn the subtitles off? They won't cover the artwork then...
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Joined: 02 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:44 am Reply with quote
Mr. sickVisionz wrote:
Geez louise people, DO NOT FEED THE TROLL.

Anyways, good for them. I would prefer You and Me (another show about the daily lives of high school boys) but I've heard positive things about the series they picked up.

Haven't invested in NISA releases,yet(They're a little to steep for my income, but that'll change soon.)
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Sam Murai

Joined: 01 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:11 am Reply with quote
Well, well, well, NISA's putting on their big boy britches with yet another title under their belt this season. It's a welcome sight seeing a company not named FUNimation or Sentai get a title. Considering the tales of their premium editions, I can only imagine what would happen if they ever got Nichijou…
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