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Shelf Life - Scrapped Princess, Divergence Eve, Daphne, more

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:55 pm Reply with quote
mitora wrote:

Oh and why does "SakechanBD" fly so often? Confused

It's just one of her many super powers. Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:02 pm Reply with quote
Godaistudios wrote:
Is it just me? The title for this edition of Shelf Life mentions Sister Princess... I thought we were going to enjoy seeing it trashed even more. Smile


I TOTALLY didn't catch that!!! I've spent so much time ragging on Sister Princess that it's almost by force of habit that I write "Sister" whenever a word needs to preced "Princess." I kept doing that during the Scrapped Princess review too. Anime hyper !!!

GAH, thanks for catching that. That's embarassing.

biliano wrote:

Speaking of which, I'm very surprised that Divergence Eve made rental. Confused I watched the first episode from the Newtype sampler disc (from Vol. 4-3, March 2005) and it was extremely terrible.

The first episode is awful. Terrible. It really took all I had in me to keep watching, and I was really, really surprised that it got better. I was so deadset and ripping it apart, that when I became interested, it took me a while to swallow it down.

mitora wrote:
Oh and why does "SakechanBD" fly so often? Confused

;p A variety of reasons, really. One of the reasons is that I go to school out of state, so I feel like I'm always flying because of that. Then there's conventions that I go to because of ANN, so that has me zipping all over the place too. Nothing glamorous, I'm afraid.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:37 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:

I TOTALLY didn't catch that!!! I've spent so much time ragging on Sister Princess that it's almost by force of habit that I write "Sister" whenever a word needs to preced "Princess." I kept doing that during the Scrapped Princess review too. Anime hyper !!!

GAH, thanks for catching that. That's embarassing.

Crap, I completely missed that too!

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:41 pm Reply with quote
i don't know...i happen to like Hanaukyo, Divergence Eve and Daphne....

yeah....they don't have deep stories but can't be watching those all the time...your brain would fry tring to figure out what the hell happened....like watching Paranoia Agent....

once in awhile those fun titles are good on lazy weekend afternoons....or after work when you're tired and just want to watch something fun...and that's what those titles are for...watching something fun....
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:59 pm Reply with quote
icepick314 wrote:
i don't know...i happen to like Hanaukyo, Divergence Eve and Daphne....

yeah....they don't have deep stories but can't be watching those all the time...your brain would fry tring to figure out what the hell happened....like watching Paranoia Agent....

once in awhile those fun titles are good on lazy weekend afternoons....or after work when you're tired and just want to watch something fun...and that's what those titles are for...watching something fun....

I think the point is that even fun series can be done so much better than this. There's nothing in her column that says that all series must be intellectually stimulating and engaging. The idea is to keep people from wasting their time if they are looking for something with at least a little substance - or without substance, at least original and unpretentious.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:20 am Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
But, like I said, I have high hopes for it. I haven't seen any of the series past volume one, so I guess I haven't gotten a good taste of the "great series" part yet. I'm sure I'll grow to like it though, since there's so much good word out about it. I'm anxiously awaiting volume two, and I really hope it'll prove me wrong about placing it in Rental. Very Happy

Personally, I agree with your placement of the series in the Rental Shelf section. While I consider Scrapped Princess to honestly be one of the best series this decade, it did start kinda slow. It'll pick up rather quickly, but it doesn't exactly "hit the ground running" so to speak and has to get up to stride first.
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Joined: 02 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:43 am Reply with quote
mitora wrote:
Oh and why does "SakechanBD" fly so often? Confused

SakechanBD wrote:
;p A variety of reasons, really. One of the reasons is that I go to school out of state, so I feel like I'm always flying because of that. Then there's conventions that I go to because of ANN, so that has me zipping all over the place too. Nothing glamorous, I'm afraid.

Oh oukii, I travel a lot too so I Know whats its like to consantly be on a plane; or in my case occasionly in a Jeep going down the Highway. Laughing
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 11:14 am Reply with quote
At least I wasn't halluncinating when I saw the title. Good to know I'm not the only one who has problems separating my SP shows.

I am a little disappointed with Scrapped's position, but it's good to see that it's at the front of the chase pack. I can understand that it may not be an instant smash--you could somewhat say the same with even Cowboy Bebop--but I'm sure that our Sakechan will catch on soon.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:02 pm Reply with quote
"Flying at 10,000 feet"? What are you flying in, a Shorts 330? Laughing What keeps Daphne thongs on are pencil lines and artists colouring. You can donate my prize to charity, thanks. Laughing I too was surprised to see Scrapped Princess in the Rental only catagory, especially after that rave review it recently got. Oh well different strokes and all that. Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:22 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
i've heard the ending to scrapped Princess is terrible, and that's been enough to keep me away from this show.

Really? On the contrary, I think it has one of the best endings I've ever seen in anime, in that it actually RESOLVES various storylines (whereas most anime just end abruptly, or don't wrap up loose ends).

SutePuri is one of my favorite anime, not only because of the great character development, but because it also has an interesting plot (which might have been stolen from a certain high-grossing 1999 film). It is not just a cookie-cutter show about a girl who makes friends along her journey. For a hint at what's coming, rewatch the first ten seconds of episode one.

That, and Shannon's fight scenes are just awesome, especially as you get closer to the end of the series. Smile
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:54 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
i've heard the ending to scrapped Princess is terrible, and that's been enough to keep me away from this show.

Okay, I agree that the ending parallels a certain pop culture franchise, but it makes perfect sense. Besides, if a bad ending is the only turn-off point, then you need to readjust your standards. After all, how many GAINAX anime have we all seen? Razz
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:48 pm Reply with quote
Hey Bamboo I know how the Best Buys here In Colorado are, so sometimes it is better to check Us at Media Play on thesdays for titles sometimes. (yes that was a shameless plug)
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:49 am Reply with quote
Strangely enough, Hanaukyo Maid Team was almost an impulse buy for me, really bordering on yes or no. But alas, it's an incredibly unhealthy habit, though it has gotten me some stuff that I've really really enjoyed.

... the dysfunctional family is pitted against giant toys, huge robots, and of all things, a huge Soviet factory demon of death that swings around a hammer and a sickle.

The way you discribe that forces me to strongly fight my urge to march to the nearest Best Buy (though I've never seen it there) and plop down $24.99. Egad.

Thumbs up. =P
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 5:58 pm Reply with quote
Dude, guys, dude. A reader (thanks J.C. Watson) pointed this out to me.




If for some reason that links back to the homepage, it's http://www.bikiniscience.com/ --> costumes --> culotte --> sideless --> (sideless engineering)ZX3KC6BS and RD8708C.

Not to mention the women are mo'fcking scary too.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:34 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
Dude, guys, dude. A reader (thanks J.C. Watson) pointed this out to me.




If for some reason that links back to the homepage, it's http://www.bikiniscience.com/ --> costumes --> culotte --> sideless --> (sideless engineering)ZX3KC6BS and RD8708C.

Not to mention the women are mo'fcking scary too.


That first model could easily pass for a man.

I'm scared indeed. =/
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