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[OT] Gaoranger?

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Joined: 09 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 1:04 am Reply with quote
On page 171 of the April Newtype USA, there's a picture of a promotional poster for a sentai show called Gaoranger with a caption that reads, "featuring all 25 red rangers in the history of the series".

I recognize at least three of the masks from my Power Rangers obsession in elementary school. Confused

What's up with that? I thought Power Rangers was an American show. All the actors looked American anyway, a majority of them were white (with only the token African-American and Asian-American characters) and it didn't appear to be dubbed...

Do they have a different version in Japan, a la The Ring?

Sentai isn't really my thing. Anime smile + sweatdrop
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:35 am Reply with quote
Case wrote:
What's up with that? I thought Power Rangers was an American show.

Power Rangers was, mostly, an American show.. but it was originally based on (and featured heavy usage of) its Japanese counterpart. While I'm not sure if the current seasons are still based off of a Japanese show or not (It wouldn't suprise me, either way) early on, there was plenty of crossover between the two productions.

Obviously they changed the characters to Americans and thus reshot a lot of non-combat footage (which is perhaps one reason why Ultraman Tiga is doing so lacklusterly)... but for most combats, they switched into their uniforms immediately, suddenly changing heights, weights and body sizes because they transformed into their Japanese counterparts. :)

this site has been around since the dark ages, but has some info about the Japanese version of the show.

I'm... a little stunned that the show has gone for what appears to be 11 seasons. I'm also saddened that I can remember quite a few of those earlier episodes by their title alone.
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Joined: 13 May 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:45 am Reply with quote
Cookie wrote:

Obviously they changed the characters to Americans and thus reshot a lot of non-combat footage (which is perhaps one reason why Ultraman Tiga is doing so lacklusterly)... but for most combats, they switched into their uniforms immediately, suddenly changing heights, weights and body sizes because they transformed into their Japanese counterparts. Smile

Don't forget gender! In the first season...the yellow ranger was a girl but when "she" transformed "she" magically became a guy. (The pink ranger is the only one with the girly skirt...and you can definitely see the package on the yellow ranger.)
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Joined: 02 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 12:15 pm Reply with quote
How, now that I think back I that dose make alot of sense, and from the business stand point it's alot cheaper to reuse the Japanese footage and hope no one notices (for that matter how observiant are young kids, which the show was aimed at) than it is to reshoot the footage. Plus, with those helmets who would know the difference Smile
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Joined: 07 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:24 pm Reply with quote
Cassandra wrote:
Cookie wrote:

Obviously they changed the characters to Americans and thus reshot a lot of non-combat footage (which is perhaps one reason why Ultraman Tiga is doing so lacklusterly)... but for most combats, they switched into their uniforms immediately, suddenly changing heights, weights and body sizes because they transformed into their Japanese counterparts. Smile

Don't forget gender! In the first season...the yellow ranger was a girl but when "she" transformed "she" magically became a guy. (The pink ranger is the only one with the girly skirt...and you can definitely see the package on the yellow ranger.)
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