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AnimePlex will soon have manga and manga pre-orders!! XD

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AnimePlex Owner

Joined: 17 Oct 2004
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Location: Otaku, Alaska
PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:06 pm Reply with quote
I am the owner of the AnimePlex online anime store, and I am gonna start selling manga here shortly as well as pre-orders on manga. BTW...thanks to those who already have an acocunt with us.

I have finally found a manga distributor that will ship to me for a reasonable price. We are obviously looking to be competitive in the market place and we are wondering what other places are selling mangas for.

What I'm trying to do is find out some census info if you are willing to help me out:

1. If you buy manga online, where do you usually buy it from?
2. How many mangas do you buy at a time?
3. How much do you usually end up paying for shipping? and...
4. How much is the average price per manga?

And yes, just to let you know in advance we will have yaoi and yuri, and if you have any questions for me, please ask!! Any info you guys can give would be great!! Thanks!!
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:13 pm Reply with quote
AnimePlex Owner wrote:
I am the owner of the AnimePlex online anime store, and I am gonna start selling manga here shortly as well as pre-orders on manga. BTW...thanks to those who already have an acocunt with us.

I have finally found a manga distributor that will ship to me for a reasonable price. We are obviously looking to be competitive in the market place and we are wondering what other places are selling mangas for.

What I'm trying to do is find out some census info if you are willing to help me out:

1. If you buy manga online, where do you usually buy it from?
2. How many mangas do you buy at a time?
3. How much do you usually end up paying for shipping? and...
4. How much is the average price per manga?

And yes, just to let you know in advance we will have yaoi and yuri, and if you have any questions for me, please ask!! Any info you guys can give would be great!! Thanks!!

1. I buy alot from Ecampus (30% off) or RightStuf (when they have their 33-40% off)
2. 100 dollar, whatever it meet for free shipping.
3. Free over 50
4. 6-7 per manga

When it's cheap, I end up buying at least 100 dollar worth of manga (after discount) that's like 18 books and free shipping. If you can get that around that price, then I'll definitely look to try your store out.
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AnimePlex Owner

Joined: 17 Oct 2004
Posts: 3
Location: Otaku, Alaska
PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:15 am Reply with quote
I even thought about having a "bulk manga item" available for purchase for those who do want more for less so to speak.

I was going to have it so you could do a bulk order of like somewhere around 15-20 mangas for $90 and then allow for free shipping on top of it (haven't quite got all the #'s right in my head yet).

And then when your checking out, in the message part you just list the titles you want to be a part of your order along with the quantity of each title, or you can just email us a list of what you want...but the customer has to be sure to get us the list of what they want to get.

Anyway...its just a thought...And for those who want to buy more than 10 manga, it makes it really easy to do so and cheaper Wink
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