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Hey, Answerman! - Double Dip

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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:49 am Reply with quote
Haha the flake was probably someone from a Spanish show called "Saber y Ganar" ("Know and Win") since they ask anime questions every now and then and the host is/was? an anime voice actor.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:18 am Reply with quote
Siren Visual is releasing Usagi Drop on DVD in Australia in February (ANN news item) as part of their noitaminA series of releases. Like the previous releases I imagine it will be sub only. In some ways we are lucky here in Oz, although normally we don't get quite the same range of shows as America.
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Joined: 25 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:33 am Reply with quote
Ah, the old double-dipping conundrum. In this case, I'm talking about the same title bought in DVD format, only to then be released in BD, or variations of that scenario. Hate when that happens. I'm always looking for something in the best quality format (so here it would be BD). What I end up with is usually the DVD version in a nice box with great art on the DVD jackets AND then later the BD version, which has superior video and audio characteristics, but usually just the simple blue case with not so much art on the cover. A good example (though in reverse from what usually happens) is Ghost In The Shell: Solid State Society, which I bought in Blu-ray, then turned around and bought the DVD version of, only because the DVD version came in a steel case. And now we have combo-packs, where we get both, whether we want both or not! Sigh.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:59 am Reply with quote
My problem with dbz is look at the dvd releases, original singles/boxsets, remastered, orange box set release, yellow box set release, dbz blu ray; and you know dbz will be released like 3 more times on blu ray alone.

I have the db funi sets, and all of gt, but I still dont know what version of z to get , in addition to getting kai.

And what gimps really, I mean funi is a lame company that milks these mega serious way too much; dbz has 295 episodes, the blu ray disc can hold a lot of episodes, and you are releasing only 17 episode on a set you are going to charge what 40-50 bucks for. Are you high. Divide 295/17 and then multiply by 40 bucks. Just look at one piece each season is split into like 5 parts, and we are on season 6 or 7, and each sells for like 40 bucks; how much will you bleed from loyal fans. Viz is also guilty of this to some extent with there naruto releases of 13 eps. Bleach was okay for a while with 25 ep or so on the first 3 or 4 sets, but then they also started lowering ep count.

And I know one of the douches on this site, said we should thank viz or funi for lowering our ep count while keep or increasing prices.
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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:10 am Reply with quote
Compare the dark horse release of Astro Boy, all simple inexpensive paperbacks with an informative essay by Frederik L. Schodt in the first volume: no real frills but it got it out to a wide audience at a decent price. Whereas the Vertical releases of Black Jack are running about $16.99 and come packaged in a book that could be used as a murder weapon.

I disagree. Vertical books are relatively popular with libraries and sturdy covers and good quality pages are a godsend for them. A cheaply made book like the avarage Shounen Jump-title doesn't last very long. It may even be destroyed within a year if circulation is high.

But if you think that's besides the point, look at the pagecount. At nearly 300 pages the avarage Black Jack book offers 50% more content than the avarage manga while costing 50% more. I think that's a decent deal.

BTW if you're going to use Tezuka manga as a weapon, I recommend the hardcover edition of Ayako.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:44 am Reply with quote
The thing that stops me from even considering Funi's DBZ BD is the fact it'll have the old dub from what I hear. Kai was interesting because it was a completely new dub. DBZ is still, let's face it. one of Funi's earliest work and it shows.. especially with liberties to the script and stuff.

Or maybe that's Ocean? I have no idea, I never knew the difference between the dubs since they redubbed it more than once apparently.. which is the one Freiza made a ton of jokes like "pop the weasel" and "I want to caress these balls"?
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:51 am Reply with quote
Hmm, I'm not really sure how to get people to pay attention to Tezuka either, since it's such an older style that takes some getting used to. I'll just point at Vertical and go "whatever they're doing, they're doing it right"

As for giving the ole' axe to something, I'd probably axe the DBZ franchise, Akira Toriyama would want that too since it feels like he's been trying to end it for over a decade with no success, lol. That way he could work on something new or just make more video game character art.
That would be my mercy axe, my "stop it already!" axe would probably be Bleach or Naruto.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:21 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
The thing that stops me from even considering Funi's DBZ BD is the fact it'll have the old dub from what I hear. Kai was interesting because it was a completely new dub. DBZ is still, let's face it. one of Funi's earliest work and it shows.. especially with liberties to the script and stuff.

Or maybe that's Ocean? I have no idea, I never knew the difference between the dubs since they redubbed it more than once apparently.. which is the one Freiza made a ton of jokes like "pop the weasel" and "I want to caress these balls"?

I think that's Ocean, but still the original Funimation dub had some changes from the original dialogue to add comedy to even the most serious characters (but they did not send people to "another dimension"). Funimation also had some hidden sexual innuendo like King Cold saying "What's a Goku?" in a suggestive tone. Shocked
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Joined: 17 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:54 am Reply with quote
Whereas the Vertical releases of Black Jack are running about $16.99 and come packaged in a book that could be used as a murder weapon.

I agree Vertical is doing something right. My youngest son has bought all their releases of Black Jack with the final volume on Pre-Order from Amazon. The Books-A-Million, B&N and Borders (R.I.P.) in the Orlando Metro could not keep copies on the shelf.

It's gotten him interested in other classic titles and I expect he will start collecting another one once Black Jack is finished by Vertical.

The nice part is that the whole family has access to those "killer" books.

Mark Gosdin
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:15 am Reply with quote
While I do agree that a release for Bunny Drop is very likely, given that attention it has received, I am pretty sure it is over. Unless, of course, I missed a second season being announced somewhere. The first one is definitely done though.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:46 am Reply with quote
If I could send an axe to series right now it would definently be Bleach. The series had no business spoiler[going on after Aizen was defeated] and everything afterwards has been disappointing. As a fan I have to say that Bleach has gotten me to a point where I almost completely despise it, and it's sad to feel that way about a series I used to really like.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:59 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
Or maybe that's Ocean? I have no idea, I never knew the difference between the dubs since they redubbed it more than once apparently.. which is the one Freiza made a ton of jokes like "pop the weasel" and "I want to caress these balls"?

It's important to note that it has ALWAYS been FUNimation the entire time here in North America (well, except that little Harmony Gold thing for a while that no-one remembers). Ocean Studios voices and Shuki Levy music? Produced by FUNimation. Ocean Studios voices and original score for the first three movies? Produced by FUNimation. Texas cast and Faulconer Productions music? Produced by FUNimation.

(In other words, both Newstone's ball-caressing Freeza and Young's weasel-popping Freeza are FUNimation.)

What perhaps makes things most confusing is that the rights holders in Europe (AB Groupe?) later on went and found some loophole to create their own "alternate" English dub of the series, stole FUNimation's scripts basically verbatim, went back and hired Ocean to provide the voice cast, slapped their old Mega Man music into it, and somehow it also made its way outside the UK to Canada.

There's only so far I can get behind Kai being its own "separate" product. It's true in that it's a native HD scan, it has some substantial re-editing, re-adjusted color palette, and new music...

... well, that's where things also break down. Do you purchase the first four volumes of FUNimation's releases with Kenji Yamamoto's music, and then go on to buy the rest of the series with the Shunsuke Kikuchi (original DBZ) replacement music? You'll never have a complete 1-98 version of Kai with a consistent score, even in Japan. Toss in (what I consider very legitimate) complaints about the lack of variety in pieces sampled for the replacement score (I think we've calculated it down to around a full 1/3 of what should be available to them), and you've got a slapped-together product getting further slapped-together.

That's all ignoring the English dub side of things, but I can't speak too heavily on that. At the end of the day, it's a separate product, but it's the same story. I like the Bladerunner analogy, but that's confined within a single feature presentation. This is split across episodes upon episodes, and when it goes back to the Kikuchi score, you're basically just watching DBZ again, now with awkward edits abound.

For the hardest-core of hardest-core fans (and I... guess?... I speak for them? Razz), dipping back in again with Raditz once every two years is a total drag. It's actually been MORE than once every two years:

  • Ultimate Uncut Edition: 2005
  • Orange Bricks: 2007
  • Dragon Box: 2009
  • Kai: 2010
  • Blu-ray: 2011

Toss yearly video games into the mix that cover the same material constantly (start with Raditz and end with Buu! You like that! It's fun!)... hey, at least Raditz is Shigeru Chiba doing a different voice...

But I'm the only one that's only-moderately-using-an-excuse-of-being-"forced" to buy all of them...? Right...?

classicalzawa wrote:
As for giving the ole' axe to something, I'd probably axe the DBZ franchise, Akira Toriyama would want that too since it feels like he's been trying to end it for over a decade with no success, lol. That way he could work on something new or just make more video game character art.

Oh, he's had plenty of opportunity to do tiny things on the side. His involvement with on-going DB-franchise stuff is incredibly limited. He's usually assigned a "Supervisor" credit that boils down to nothing more than a glorified... well, nothing. They just like to list him, even when he barely does anything. "Yes, that looks fine to me!" is what we learn he's up to most of the time.

Since the manga's end, he went on to finish the Neko Majin series, just recently did a one-shot called Kintoki, continues to contribute art to the Dragon Quest games... the man doesn't really need to do a whole lot with all the piles of cash he's got sitting around Smile.

Last edited by VegettoEX on Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 04 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:02 am Reply with quote
Shocked David the Gnome was a Spanish animation, not an anime. Embarassed
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:54 am Reply with quote
For example, many of Tezuka's classic series from the 70s, like Apollo's Song, Buddha, or Dororo are distributed in America by Vertical, and within the last few years, at that! It just goes to show that older titles still have contemporary value.

No, this just shows that Tezuka still has contemporary value. You pretty much have to put Tezuka aside when talking about classic manga, because his stuff tends to break all of the rules when it comes to the general conception regarding classic manga selling over here. But I do agree with most of the Answerfans repsonses here, outside of when Aaron called Vertical "pretentious".

I also agree with the idea of having places like CrunchyRoll or even NicoNico stream older animes. I can understand that getting the streaming rights for new shows as they come out can be time-consuming, but during the summer and fall, when there aren't as many titles to go after, I could see these companies try to get "catalog licenses" and go after a couple of older animes. I would love to see the 1967 Dororo anime with some sort of translation, but it seems highly unlikely; I'd settle for streaming, though.

Finally, an easy way to support older anime is to buy Discotek's releases. The most recent animes that company has done are D.N.Angel and Lupin the 3rd: Episode 0: First Contact, which are both nearing 10 years old already. Everything else they license is mostly from the 70s and 80s, and it's great to see a company be able to make a living on those titles; it lets them be willing to do a title like the very first Lupin the 3rd TVs series from the early 70s, then I think that's great.

As for the whole "simulcasting/streaming hurts DVD release chances" we can only hope that Funico will help remove that stigma, but even then it can only be to a point. In the end there are simply some animes that might be simply worth streaming
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:58 am Reply with quote
If, say, Legend of the Galactic Heroes somehow wound up on Crunchyroll in the near future, I doubt it would put too big a strain on their servers, but you put that sucker on DVD, it'll sell out in days (provided they pulled a Garden of Sinners and released it in a crazy expensive box set at an extremely limited print run).

I'd prefer it if they released LoGH in seperate "seasons" sets.

But I realize you just used it as an example. It'll probably never be licensed. Sad

As for the newest DBZ release, I'm not entirely convinced the Blu-Rays are better than the Dragon Box DVD release. If I want DBZ in HD, I'll go for Kai, it shortcuts through a lot of filler and has a new, much better English dub than DBZ's.
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