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NEWS: Crunchyroll, TV Tokyo Sue YouTube Users for Unauthorized Anime Uploading

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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:15 pm Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
So it' was perfectly okay when Crunchyroll uploaded anime illegally, but when all of the sudden, someone else does it, it's not.

Prior to "going legal" and after all the attention they received upon getting the venture capital investment swathes of videos were removed from Crunchyroll after CnDs from FUNi, ADV and Geneon etc.
Also, unlike Crunchyroll which is now 100% legal, YouTube is still hosting illegal videos and receiving ad revenue from them while at the same time cozying up with content producers.

Unless I'm mistaken a lot of the early US anime industry was also originally founded on a basis of VHS fansubs.

At the end of the day, this isn't that different to FUNi issuing CnDs on behalf of Gonzo and the like. Remember all the cries of "how dare they remove fansubs for something they haven't even licensed!!!!!11"?
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:18 pm Reply with quote
zensunni wrote:
The most important sentence in the article comes from the Crunchyroll statement:
In compliance with YouTube's TOS, filing a formal legal complaint was a necessary step in order to keep these illegal streams off of YouTube.

In other words, the only reason Crunchyroll filed a lawsuit is that YouTube requires that before they will enforce their own TOS and prevent these repeat offenders from continuing to upload anime illegally.

Thats funny, because Youtube has a very colorful history of yanking first, asking questions later. Like how someone managed to yank nearly all of Justin Bieber's music videos under false pretenses......for the greater good.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:50 pm Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
So it' was perfectly okay when Crunchyroll uploaded anime illegally, but when all of the sudden, someone else does it, it's not.

Ironic isn't it?
It wasn't OK when Crunchyroll allowed illegal anime uploads. A policy which they did not have the manpower to enforce of only allowing uploads of unlicensed (in the US) content did not make it OK. It was only OK when they stopped that shit and started only accepting uploads from the rights holders.

And that's how it works. You stop breaking the rules, clean up your act, and start following the rules, and then you get to appeal to the rules to protect your interests.

Viperblocker wrote:
For those who keep saying "Crunchyroll is legal now". Ummm..NO they're NOT they are still streaming anime they don't own the rights to and hoping they will come forward to make some kind of licensing deals with them. Pretty much there bating tactics are not through with.

Several people have "questioned" this claim. But its simpler and less confusing to just point out that its just a lie. This lie is likely relying on some outdated online information from the period when Crunchyroll had their first legit deals but before they pulled the plug on member uploads ~ but that's all history now. SInce 2009, Crunchyroll only accepts uploads from the rights owners.

Viperblocker wrote:
Jrittmayer wrote:
Yes, thats why TV Tokyo owns part of them... Rolling Eyes
They don't own Crunchyroll ...
They are not the majority owners, but they own a stake. That was announced on Anime News Network, among other places, early in 2010.

peachsncreamsoda wrote:
This whole thing, all of this, one big waste of time. No other way around it. They can't be seriously expecting actual dollars from this. Atleast not the amount they're thinking if any. I doubt they even are expecting any.

Rather than targetting little rats like Youtubers, shouldn't Crunchyroll be chasing after Illegal Anime distribution sites that gets 5 or 6 digit daily viewership and most importantly AD REVENUE?

They have to sue to enforce the take downs at YouTube. They are suing precisely those individuals who protested the takedowns by claiming to own the streaming rights. Success in the lawsuits likely means not only are those streams taken down, but also that those accounts are shut down, so all their illegal bootleg uploads get taken down in one shot.

And getting the machinery in place to take down videos on the big free video upload sites is how you attack the illegal Anime streaming sites, because none of them do their own streaming ~ they all leech off of the free video upload sites. They have to leech off the free video upload sites, because the low rent types of advertising they can attract can only cover page feed bandwith costs ~ it can't come close to covering streaming bandwidth costs.

Actually, it doesn't make any sense to attack the bootleg streaming sites at their own site, since the videos aren't at their site, and if they saved their database, they can get a new site up far faster than they can re-upload all of their bootleg uploads. The place to attack the bootleg streaming sites is at the free upload sites that they leech off of.

Youtube is the most sensible place to start, because a lot of people watching bootleg anime at YouTube will be relatively low-information internet users. But the leech streaming sites themselves tend to prefer MySpace, Megavideo and VEOH, so those three are the next three to look for next.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:20 pm Reply with quote
I'm not too knowledgeable on law and copyright mumbo jumbo. However, I would like to say that other than region locks, buffering and video quality, there is the question of subtitle quality, which hasn't been addressed by anyone yet. Strange, as I would consider the translation quality to be one of the most important factors when deciding where you watch your Anime from.

Personally, while there are some shows that have quality subtitles like Steins;Gate this past season, there are many other shows that don't do the original dialogue justice, leave out cultural references or simply have many grammatical errors here and there.

I'm not really sure who does the subtitles for the shows on CR and why the quality varies so greatly from show to show, but I do hope that they pull their act together.

While I am not going to say that all fansubbers have brilliant quality subtitles (as many don't), there is a general acceptance that fansubbers, being closer to the fans and being fans themselves, are able to cater more closely to the fans' tastes and preferences. (Not going to get into a debate of Literal vs. Liberal translations here.)
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:38 pm Reply with quote
Actar wrote:
I'm not too knowledgeable on law and copyright mumbo jumbo. However, I would like to say that other than region locks, buffering and video quality, there is the question of subtitle quality, which hasn't been addressed by anyone yet. Strange, as I would consider the translation quality to be one of the most important factors when deciding where you watch your Anime from.

Personally, while there are some shows that have quality subtitles like Steins;Gate this past season, there are many other shows that don't do the original dialogue justice, leave out cultural references or simply have many grammatical errors here and there.

I'm not really sure who does the subtitles for the shows on CR and why the quality varies so greatly from show to show, but I do hope that they pull their act together.

While I am not going to say that all fansubbers have brilliant quality subtitles (as many don't), there is a general acceptance that fansubbers, being closer to the fans and being fans themselves, are able to cater more closely to the fans' tastes and preferences. (Not going to get into a debate of Literal vs. Liberal translations here.)

And? The subtitle quality has nothing to do with the (il)legality of fansubs. It's completely within Crunchyroll's right to take down these videos.
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:50 pm Reply with quote
agila61 wrote:

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:15 pm Reply with quote
Sunday Silence wrote:
agila61 wrote:

Yup, seriously. Leech bootleggers don't care how popular the video sharing site it, since they are hoping that people will watch the stream on their own site and never realize that the stream itself is hosted by someone else.

And MySpace seems to be easy to leach from, and slower on the C&D trigger than Megavideo and VEOH.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:05 am Reply with quote
Sewingrose wrote:
Actar wrote:
I'm not too knowledgeable on law and copyright mumbo jumbo. However, I would like to say that other than region locks, buffering and video quality, there is the question of subtitle quality, which hasn't been addressed by anyone yet. Strange, as I would consider the translation quality to be one of the most important factors when deciding where you watch your Anime from.

Personally, while there are some shows that have quality subtitles like Steins;Gate this past season, there are many other shows that don't do the original dialogue justice, leave out cultural references or simply have many grammatical errors here and there.

I'm not really sure who does the subtitles for the shows on CR and why the quality varies so greatly from show to show, but I do hope that they pull their act together.

While I am not going to say that all fansubbers have brilliant quality subtitles (as many don't), there is a general acceptance that fansubbers, being closer to the fans and being fans themselves, are able to cater more closely to the fans' tastes and preferences. (Not going to get into a debate of Literal vs. Liberal translations here.)

And? The subtitle quality has nothing to do with the (il)legality of fansubs. It's completely within Crunchyroll's right to take down these videos.

Er, nothing? In the thread, people were talking about region locks and buffering and other reasons as to why Crunchyroll still isn't as good as it should be. Since subtitle quality wasn't mentioned, I just wanted to add it in. Simple as that.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:49 am Reply with quote
"great and irreparable injury that cannot fully be compensated or measured in money"

They always make it sound sooo dramatic man.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:28 pm Reply with quote
Shiroi Hane wrote:
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
So it' was perfectly okay when Crunchyroll uploaded anime illegally, but when all of the sudden, someone else does it, it's not.

Prior to "going legal" and after all the attention they received upon getting the venture capital investment swathes of videos were removed from Crunchyroll after CnDs from FUNi, ADV and Geneon etc.
Also, unlike Crunchyroll which is now 100% legal, YouTube is still hosting illegal videos and receiving ad revenue from them while at the same time cozying up with content producers.

Unless I'm mistaken a lot of the early US anime industry was also originally founded on a basis of VHS fansubs.

At the end of the day, this isn't that different to FUNi issuing CnDs on behalf of Gonzo and the like. Remember all the cries of "how dare they remove fansubs for something they haven't even licensed!!!!!11"?
A good example of the "poacher turned games keeper" trope. Still they had to have goose bumps writing it though. Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:40 pm Reply with quote
I always give my support to the companies who own such rights in that case and it seems like these were repeat offenders uploading whole series.

I have no trouble with AMV and Abridge users a they take part of America's "Parody Satire Clause". Heck, 4kids typically praises LittleKuriboh for how he actually boosted the Yu-gi-Oh! franchise's popularity.

In short as for the illegals, I buy my anime series box sets when they get released for my own satisfaction (as I like collecting things) and after dubbing. Also, because I support the industry; since i'm working to be involved in it over the next few year.

So yeah, just don't upload episodes is all i'm saying. Especially if its in an industry where I want to make a living. Wink
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