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My complain of your X-Japan Best DVD/CD Review

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Joined: 08 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:59 pm Reply with quote
I was looking for some Toshi lyrics on google and I found your article, sincerely, I was kinda angry for some parts of it, I took part of my time registering here to post how wrong you are in your X-Japan Best article, as a fan, that just INSULTED me with all the senseless and lack of knowledge it has. I’ll do this part by part, I just can’t take when people talk ‘firmly’ without knowing a thing. Take this as a correction and something to learn more about them.

NOTE: In the past I haven't found the need to give age ratings for the products I review in my column. The X[JAPAN] CD/DVD set is an exception. With graphic violence, drugs, and occasional coarse language, this one is strictly for older teens and up.

First of all, the band’s called X-JAPAN, not X[JAPAN]. Now, you talk about violence, drugs, and occasional coarse language. I don’t see any violence in the DVD, at least you call smashing a guitar or a drumset “violence”, in that case I wouldn’t mind, but I’m insulted with the “drugs” comment. I bought it and I know what happens in all the DVD. Coarse language, sure it is, but what the heck it’s wrong with you saying they do drugs? WHERE’RE THE DRUGS??? TOTALLY FALSE AND WRONG.

Once upon a time, X[JAPAN] ruled the music world. Arguably the most influential band in Japan's history, they pioneered the "Visual Kei" style of the 1980s and merged top-quality rock music with a stunning visual style. Despite a worldwide record sales count of over five million, it's always been difficult to see or hear much of the group from the states. Two decades after X[JAPAN]'s debut, Tofu Records has stepped forward to give us a CD/DVD set that fills most of the gap.

Ok, this part is ok.

X[JAPAN] is heavy metal/punk rock in every sense of the label, but the beauty and passion of their music elevates them above almost every other band in the genre. Leave your punk prejudices at the door; X's music demands your attention and respect. It all starts with Yoshiki Hayashi's complex—and shockingly diverse—compositions. Reaching from slow ballads to maniac rock songs, Yoshiki's works are uniformly intense and cathartic. His piano skills are considerable, and his talent with the drums borders on the superhuman. Yoshiki is the epitome of a music prodigy, which is almost a requirement to lead a band like this.

X-JAPAN, or X, was Speed Metal with alternative and also had ballads, that’s all. NO Punk nor Punk/Rock here, your classification of the genres is wrong. Now, let’s talk about Yoshiki in his piano and drums, I consider him a better pianist that drummer, like I’m used to say, he has magic fingers and infinite talent, but in drums, yes, he is good, but not that much, he left to much to desire of his drum playing role, and I’m telling this even though he’s my idol, he’s better pianist than drummer, also as a drummer he’s good, but not like a god nor superhuman (he had and has back/neck problems and that’s why he couldn’t play THAT much drums).

The rest of the band complements Yoshiki's foundation well. Deyama Toshimitsu's voice is haunting and soothing when necessary, yet he still manages to belt out a few screams like a typical punk group. Heath, hide, and Pata lend their bass and guitar skills, and I can't imagine anyone playing their parts with more passion or proficiency.

Again, not punk, and Toshi can scream like that because he can sing til 3 octaves, that means, he can sing songs written for women. I agree with everything else.

Even with their exceptional music, X[JAPAN] is perhaps more notable for their wild on-stage appearance. Huge pastel-colored hairstyles and layer upon layer of gothic makeup dominate X's look and set the trend for every Visual Kei band after them. You've almost certainly seen over-the-top androgyny before, but few groups ever dared to reach X's extreme. And of course, their behavior on stage is just as unruly.

There’s no gothic makeup, that kind of makeup style has it bases on a Japanese traditional only-male teather called Kabuki, and X tried to project that, those are Visual’s bases. Androgyny, well, the only one was Yoshiki, and I think he made a good role. Now, their behavior on stage, it’s like every metal band, I don’t see any “extravagant” in that, screaming, jumping and running, what’s wrong with it?

The collection of nine DVD tracks and sixteen more on CD is suitably diverse. "Silent Jealousy" is the most complete of the selections, which begins with an innocent piano solo before exploding into a fantastic display of drumming and a simple, addictive vocal theme. "Endless Rain" starts in similar fashion, but it stays the course and turns out to be a wonderfully melancholic piano ballad.

Well, in this case it all depends on people’s taste, but for me, the most complete song of this DVD/CD is Kurenai, as I said, it all depends on the person, but I’ll agree with you, Silent Jealousy is a great song, also Endless Rain.

It's a blessing whenever a band like X[JAPAN] gets a domestic release. Unfortunately, a half-baked production effort from Tofu Records seriously mars the set. With the exception of the audio, a rich PCM presentation, the release is unacceptable given today's domestic anime/jpop standards. The most grievous error is the total omission of subtitles or lyric translations. The insert with romanjii lyrics is a nice bonus, but you simply can't release a foreign-language DVD in English-speaking countries without some kind of English translation. When people buy an import, they know it might not be in English. In this case, with a domestic DVD, it's downright misleading. There isn't even a note about the language on the back of the case. This is far too basic to overlook.

I couldn’t have expected more of Tofu Records, this record label only eases the buying of Japanese merchandise, I was surprised because I thought there won’t be any booklet, or if it was, it’ll be in Kana (Japanese writing). But yes, I think that’s a point less, they should have put a translation (on the booklet only) or at least Karaoke, maybe for people who likes to sing, but that’ll be all.

Equally unforgivable is the lack of any background info on X[JAPAN] or its members. This isn't a no-name band, it's is one of the most influential groups in Japan's history! How could you neglect to mention even their names? The third issue, albeit one that was out of Tofu's hands, is the sub-par video quality. Although the encoding is just fine, the source material looks like it came from a second generation VHS or VCD. It's not a huge problem, but with fuzziness and cross-coloration galore, it's far below average for a DVD released in 2004.

I have to agree in this one with you, I would have liked a little biography or info, BUT, this DVD is like a remastered version of the X Clips, as all X fan knows, they’re very alike, but the quality on this one is really good, I have nothing more to complain about it.

In the end, you're basically getting a good CD along with a domestic dump of a Japanese concert DVD. Looking at it that way, especially with the $20 retail tag, it's not a bad deal. After you get beyond the poor treatment, the actual content of the disc and CD is phenomenal.

Well it’s price is actually 17 USD, and I found it as really cheap, beside the “poor treatment”, because buying this kind of DVD, and with even more poor treatment as an Import from Japan would be like in 50 USD plus shipping, so I have nothing to complain about it’s price, I found it great and accessible.

X[JAPAN] broke up in 1997, and hide, one of the guitarists, took his own life a year later. Watching the DVD of their best performances feels almost like watching clips from a dusty old tribute to their success. It's fascinating to see what they were like when they were on top, but at the same time, knowing the self-destruction that followed makes the entire experience a little chilling. Somehow the feeling fits their music perfectly.

Yes, X-Japan disbanded alter their Last Live on December 31, 1997; but here it comes the comment I have ALWAYS to deal about with people, hide didn’t commit suicide, after his biopsy doctors said he was drunk that night, as you must know, a guitarist must carry his guitar with a very uncomfortable strap on his shoulders, that causes pain on shoulders and most of guitarists are used to take a special massage to relax those muscles, wich consists on lying on a special massage table where’s there’s a whole in the head part to lay the neck a little bit lower in a towel for a while. The night before hide died, he went to drink with his brother, when he got back to his department, his shoulders and neck started to hurt, and he was drunk so he didn’t knew what he was doing, he tied a towel on the door, sat down and felt asleep. It’s said he drowned with is own vomit or that with all the moves he made while sleeping he accidentally hanged himself; just come on think about it, his career was great, his personal life too, he was going to debut on U.S. with Zilch and going to be the singer of the new X, he had no reason to hung himself on purpose.
Sure it’s a shame that a band like this, one of the best in the world even though they weren’t recognized internationally, disbanded, but in all these years people from other countries, (just like me that I know them since I was like 8 years old, started listening, that is almost 10 years) liking and appreciating their music, and that’s also good, X will always be remembered as the most revolutionary band in Japan, and I also think, in the whole World.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:08 pm Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:45 pm Reply with quote
Ahaha, this is the funniest post ever, and Toboe went and made it even greater. Anime hyper
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Joined: 05 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 8:44 am Reply with quote
Seriously. I don't really see what the problem is. You're being nit-picky about the stupidest stuff, and attempting to use your own personal impressions, in many cases as absolute truth.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 8:47 am Reply with quote
Hmm, X-Japan... Fans of classical Noh face paint, or fans of KISS *which they were* Let me think on this...

Personally I would consider them claiming their face paint to be a tribute to Noh an insult to the artform.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:05 am Reply with quote
LEMONed wrote:
as you must know, a guitarist must carry his guitar with a very uncomfortable strap on his shoulders, that causes pain on shoulders and most of guitarists are used to take a special massage to relax those muscles, wich consists on lying on a special massage table where’s there’s a whole in the head part to lay the neck a little bit lower in a towel for a while.

Have you played guitar? It's not that uncomfortable. And most guitarists don't use a special massage to ease any discomfort because most guitarists aren't rich enough to waste money on a massage after every live performance.
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Joined: 08 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:18 pm Reply with quote
Seriously. I don't really see what the problem is. You're being nit-picky about the stupidest stuff, and attempting to use your own personal impressions, in many cases as absolute truth.

I'm sure you will be "insulted" if they made an almost totally wrong articule of your favourite band. And yes, I did use my opinion when I had to and I'm not saying it IS absolute truth, but I didn't made up the genres, or anything else. kksmaterkid

Hmm, X-Japan... Fans of classical Noh face paint, or fans of KISS *which they were* Let me think on this...

Personally I would consider them claiming their face paint to be a tribute to Noh an insult to the artform.

They were the fathers of VK in Japan, but first they were kinda glammy, before they went official with a record label. And yes, they liked KISS, but as we all can see they left that stile when they went X-JAPAN, they changed, as their music did. And I don't think they were inspired in the Noh teather, fist of al is because in Noh the only one who usually wears a mask is the principal character (and it usually it's a young lady or a demon) but in Kabuki they all were only male characters in, they all weared masks and if you go after a Kabuki teather mask and compare it to their makeups you'll see some kind of similarity.

Have you played guitar? It's not that uncomfortable. And most guitarists don't use a special massage to ease any discomfort because most guitarists aren't rich enough to waste money on a massage after every live performance.

Yes, I used to play guitar and my back and shoulders used to hurt after I played it for a while.
Maybe I misplaced the word most, but I know quite enough guitarist that do it =)

Now, why to post this? because in all the years I've been liking them I'd never seen VIOLENCE or DRUGS in their concerts, you want violence? Download any video of a japanese Punk band (now this IS real punk) called G.I.S.M., when the vocalist was mad he went to the croud and STABBED people with his knife, he went back to the stage and yelled with his knife full of blood in the air, as a triumph or something, and if people tried to help the one who was being stabbed, they got hit bit security or other fans, THAT IS VIOLENCE. And drugs, Japan is a very strict country with that stuff in lives, and I haven't seen any of them "weird" on scene. That's why I got mad, where the f**k is the evidence saying they do drugs, it's like useless, but any REAL fan would know that must of the stuff the author wrote is bs.
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Joined: 14 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:56 pm Reply with quote
LEMONed wrote:
X will always be remembered as the most revolutionary band in Japan, and I also think, in the whole World.

Congratulations, this completely ridiculous and totally laughable statement utterly invalidates anything you say.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:00 pm Reply with quote
and I don't give a damn because I am not the only one who thinks it =) my friends laughed at the article, sooo~~ work here's done, bye dum... oh wait, I can't be rude with newbies. Bai =D
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Joined: 27 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:48 pm Reply with quote
LEMONed wrote:
That's why I got mad, where the f**k is the evidence saying they do drugs, it's like useless, but any REAL fan would know that must of the stuff the author wrote is bs.
Wait. Didn't you get the memo? It seems that no one can please the 'REAL' fans. Especially, the venom spewing elitist.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:51 pm Reply with quote
LEMONed wrote:
and I don't give a damn because I am not the only one who thinks it =) my friends laughed at the article, sooo~~ work here's done, bye dum... oh wait, I can't be rude with newbies. Bai =D

What? Your friends laughed at the article, too? That means you MUST be right!!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:54 am Reply with quote
That's great. Gotta love the ROFL copter.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 am Reply with quote
Chill out man. It is only a review. You can't expect reviews to always go the way you want it to. Zac wrote a great post about this type of thread that complain about a review. I am sure the mods/columnists wouldn't mind having you write a review of it and sending it in to them to be placed on ANN.com.

None of the reviewers claim to be the number one source know-it-all. And it is 'complaint' in this context. Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:32 pm Reply with quote
Stop jumping on LEMONed.

(S)he made some reasonable comments regarding the review, its obvious that (s)he's very into X-Japan, and some of the comments were a bit nit-picky, but that doesn't invalidate what she has to say.

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Sword of Whedon

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:05 pm Reply with quote
Actually X[Japan] is correct. In America they are simply known as "X-Japan", but they have always made it a point to release stuff done when they were just "X" as "X". Therefore since this was an "X" era disc, and they wanted people to notice it under the name US fans were familiar with, they made a compromise.
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