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Worst manga you've read and why?

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Joined: 02 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:09 pm Reply with quote
I'm sure we all have had our bad experiences.

I had the misfortune of buying volumes 1 - 3 of Samurai Deeper Kyo. At a later time, I read volumes 4 - 8 at a friends house.

What a waste of printing paper that turned out to be.

The premise is not really that fresh, simply putting a small spin on what we saw Kenshin have to go through during the Kyoto Arc.

Everyone has to say this line before they go on their merry way. "Stay alive Demon Eye's Kyo, Because I'm going to be the one to kill you." Neutral Is that a mandatory phrase in today's Shounen?

Character development is slow, uninteresting, and quite non-existant for most part.

Aside from the fact the art style is quite nice, this has to be one of the worst things I've ever read. I'll just stick to Rurouni Kenshin thank you very much.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:28 pm Reply with quote
Yea, Kyo is pretty mediocre. But I'll have to think about the worst thing I've ever read, thats a tough one.
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:51 pm Reply with quote
I think that's the problem, comparing Kenshin (one of the best manga) to Deeper Kyo.
Kyo is a fun manga that doesn't take itself too seriously or get too deep. I thought the character were excellent. Red Tiger, you never know what to expect from him, and he's a good character with humor. And how Kyo and Kyoshiro personalites conflict with each other. Some of the technique use in defeating the character were done very well. You learn how important maii (distance between two figher) is.

Some clever lines:

Kyo: "The strong are strong...and the weak are dead"

I don't think it's deep, but I do still enjoy reading it, kind of like Ragnarok.

Last edited by darkhunter on Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:18 am Reply with quote
I would have to say Gundam Wing, although I only read the 3 first volumes, but it was enough for me.
The manga is bullcrap. Character development is... hell, there is no character development. The characters are all 2D with no real emotions or reasons to justify their actions. The plot is also semi interesting and the art - medicore. What a waste of perfectly good money.
But also Dear Boys. The anime wasn`t anything special but I LOVED the music, it was GREAT. so when I was in Japan I thought I would pick up a few volumes of DB. OMG, the charaters are terrible, ugly and have horrible hair styles, like from the 70`s Wink The action sequences like Slam Dunks are done soo bad imo that even I could do it better. But that`s just my view on it.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:41 am Reply with quote
There aren't a lot of Raijin titles I trash, but I'd have to say Bomber Girl, because it's not only lowbrow, but also anti-climactic. (Sort of like Dead Leaves.) Then there's Nemuri Kyoshiro, which decent art aside, is incredibly mysogynistic, and maybe a little blasphemous to Christians as well. I personally feel including it in Raijin was one of the company's biggest mistakes. And from the sampler I read, From Eroica with Love not only has fugly art, but boring characters. Not a lot I've hated, I guess.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:21 am Reply with quote
Hum...I tend to hate everything about CLAMP (well...maybe Tsubasa is better, but still nothing for me), so I shall say one of them. Probably, Suki Dakara Suki. For some stupid reason, I bought the first two volumes...and...huf...Told them goodbye. The story is awful, the characters don't have anything special, the drawing is kind of strange, the bodies aren't normal (with small faces, long bodies...). And if it wasn't enough, those teachers...Well, I don't know how exactly the serie continues, but looks like they were spoiler[spying the main character], and more things, of course, all without sense.

Guess it's that.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:43 am Reply with quote
Well, I do have to admit that you're probably in the vast minority since I've never heard anyone who's not liked CLAMP. Suki is probably one of the worst titles to start anyone off on with the group. It's a good series, but the whole concept is very odd. Mick Nekoi's style of art is an acquired taste - I think you either like it or you don't. Since you already bought the first 2 volumes you may as well get the third since the series is only three volumes. Everything is explained in that third one and things don't seem nearly as creepy once you are told what is going on.

Have you read Chobits? I really haven't run into anyone who has *hated* that title.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:04 am Reply with quote
Lianncoop wrote:
I do have to admit that you're probably in the vast minority since I've never heard anyone who's not liked CLAMP

Sure, but the world's big enough, and I know more people who also don't like it.

Lianncoop wrote:
Since you already bought the first 2 volumes you may as well get the third since the series is only three volumes.

That's the problem I have with CLAMP. I don't know how do they got it, but I'm always buying more and more of them. Well, Ok, I'll take your advice and have a look. This is probably the 99th chance I give to them Anime hyper.
Lianncoop wrote:
Have you read Chobits?

Yes, I did. However, first of all, the spanish release is very bad. It costs 8 € (9,84 $), which is a lot for us, it's release for the expensivest company here. Even more, there're a lot of bubbles saying "Falta tradu" (translation missing).

And I didn't find the story anything really great. I borrowed to my friends and all were loving it. Maybe I don't *hate* it, there are worst series. At least, Chobits doesn't include any racism and critical comments (differently than Tokyo Babylon), but I still think I could spend that money in something better. I don't get the joy of it.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:10 am Reply with quote
Read X/1999 and XXXholic. They are CLAMP's best series. Oh, also, racism?! In Tokyo Babalon?! Please explain.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:24 am Reply with quote
I know I'll probably get Flamed for this but, Hellsing. I bought The First Volume for $18.95 and what a waste, I didn't like the plot and there weren't too many action scenes and the ones in there were a little boring.
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:29 am Reply with quote
Destroyah wrote:
I know I'll probably get Flamed for this but, Hellsing. I bought The First Volume for $18.95 and what a waste, I didn't like the plot and there weren't too many action scenes and the ones in there were a little boring.
$18.95?! You must mean the anime, than. The anime of hellsing is horrible, but the manga the anime is based off of kicks ass. The manga is a must buy.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:33 am Reply with quote
Yeah the only store in my Town that sells Manga is over priced, but I thought it was worth it hearing all the greatness and all the praise it was getting. Next time I'll just read the Book at the store. Wink
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:37 am Reply with quote
It gets really good in vol.2 and vol.3. Read those and tell me what you think. I hope it changes your mind. PS-where do you live that whould sell a $13.95 volume of manga for $18.99?!
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Joined: 16 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:47 am Reply with quote
Ok, Rah-Rah, I'll go, unless the translators did a bad work.
CLAMP wrote:
The men should just exist for making the women use them at their will (It doesn't exactly say that, but there's a word I can translate Anime hyper)

CLAMP wrote:
The demons and spirits have become weak compared to the human's power. Pollution, the nuclear problem and disturbs at Eastern Europe aren't nothing compared to the young japanese girl insanity.

CLAMP wrote:
The echologist boom doesn't matter. Even those who think they're protecting the world, they also destroying it. They say that there's not enough water, but they still have a shower every day. And while they still cry when they see on the news how forests are disappearing, they still buy their own magazines and comics.

That's just with the first pages. Imagine, there're still six and a half volumes.

By this reason, they (CLAMP) and Japan is perfect. Japan's probably not a polluted country, isn't it? Japan probably doesn't use nuclear energy. So, aren't they using that electricity and that energy for their own businesses?? And disturbs at Eastern Europe...Well, that's more than awful. I don't want to say nothing with this, but if all japanese people were like them during Second World War, I think they were looking for those two bombs...

Oh! And of course, CLAMP doesn't have a shower every day, and they agaisnt the idea of buying magazines and comics. I could believe it from anyone, but not for people who lives of that.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 6:21 am Reply with quote
[quote="Sarki-Kun"]Ok, Rah-Rah, I'll go, unless the translators did a bad work.
CLAMP wrote:
The men should just exist for making the women use them at their will (It doesn't exactly say that, but there's a word I can translate Anime hyper)

translation wrote:

I swear, men exist only to trick women! If he thinks he can get away with sweet-talking a girl into sex and then dumping her he was born 300 light years too late!

You have taken the quote out of context. Hokuto is discussing a hypothetical situation based upon the most recent exorcism performed by Subaru. They're trying to prove that a man who DOES do something like that is a sleeze, not saying that all men ARE sleezes.

CLAMP wrote:
The demons and spirits have become weak compared to the human's power. Pollution, the nuclear problem and disturbs at Eastern Europe aren't nothing compared to the young japanese girl insanity.

translation wrote:
There are fairy spirits called Tsukumogami, which traditionally reside in tools and objects. But these days, as human grudges grow more and more powerful, the tsukumogami are running out of places to live.

That's right! Even ghosts and monsters are no match for human selfishness! Environmental destruction, turmoil in the middle east - stuff like that is no more than a lullaby to the young girls of Japan these days.

CLAMP wrote:
The echologist boom doesn't matter. Even those who think they're protecting the world, they also destroying it. They say that there's not enough water, but they still have a shower every day. And while they still cry when they see on the news how forests are disappearing, they still buy their own magazines and comics.

translation wrote:
I mean, everyone pays lip service to the ecology boom...but that's it. For example, women claim to be ecologically conscious about their fashion...but they still fix their hair with freon gas mousse! Even though there's a water shortage, we still can't live without our morning showers and even though we lament about declining forests, we still have to buy our fashion magazines and disposable manga! We are absolutely devoted to our cuteness!

Again, you have taken the quote out of context. Seishiro is talking about how the good spirits of today are weak because they have no place to live. Hokuto is listing off all of these "righteous" things people say need to be done and the problems of the world and then pitting them against the every day hypocrisies that occur. Then she pulls her "cutesy/sarcastic" mode and bodly says "as long as it's in the name of fashion, it's okay!" She doesn't mean it...she's just trying to act cute. Then if you turn to the next page, Seishiro brings the seriousness of the mood back when he says:
I still love Tokyo as it is now...where else on Earth do so many people enjoy their descent into destruction?

He's pointing out that Tokyo is full of hypocrites and they, more than anywhere else, are going to lie themselves into ultimate destruction. Japan is very aware of nature and the environment. He's not glorifying Tokyo at all in that respect. In fact, he's criticizing it and showing that Tokyo is basically a walking contradiction.

I can see how the sarcasm mixed in with truth can get lost in translation, but you completely missed the point that CLAMP was trying to get across.
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