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INTEREST: Doujinshi Artist Claims Downloads of Work Are 10-Times Higher Than Sales

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Joined: 29 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:34 am Reply with quote
Virtually all the content was originally pirated by Japanese people...

we just use more efficient distribution systems. Share is a pile of shit and fails to even achieve it's primary goal (anonimity).

300,000 dollars has to be a lie. He'd have to sell 30,000 copies at 1000 and with 500,000 attendance, that's almost 1/10 attendants buying a copy.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:08 am Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
The method of using physical copies is primary cause of the basic complaint of the artists, which is that more people download scans than buy paid copies. Which means that the artists have caused their own problem.

It seems to me that it would be easier for people to upload illegal copies if the source was digital, because then they would not even need to scan a book.
They could just download the file, translate it, and upload it.
Or skip that translation and just download from the legal site and immediately upload to the illegal site.

Lavnovice9 wrote:
Banken wrote:
Most people don't care about owning physical copies of things anymore. Which is why things like Kindle and Steam are bigger than say, print magazines.

You Americans can speaking for yourselves.

I am an American and he does not speak for me.
I want a physical copy and I will not switch to digital unless physical books are no longer being made.

From my experience in web forums, and other places, I think that when a person says "Most people don't care ..." what he really means is "I don't care ..." People like to believe that they are in the majority.
In this case even if he is right about it being most people I think that it must be a slight majority.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:02 am Reply with quote
Lavnovice9 wrote:

Especially a country with such a healthy print and physical release industry like Japan.

Well, it's holding out better than most, but unfortunately not even Japan can stem the tide of technology. 1 out of 3 bookstores in Japan have already closed down.

“Buy from bookstores or they’ll disappear!” Frustrated bookseller implores crowd on final day of business

  • As you may have heard, e-books and the Internet are leading the charge to burn down libraries, destroying civilization, and generally ruin everyone’s day. While this may be a bit of an exaggeration, there’s no denying the impact that these disruptive technologies have had on how we read and where we buy our content.

    This is true even in Japan, which has a rather significant publishing industry and a large pool of eager readers, where physical books and magazines have had high sales well into the 21st century. While the country is known for its technology, Japanese consumers have been slow to adopt new modes of purchasing their texts.

    But all that’s starting to change.

    As we’ve seen in many locales, the rise of e-book readers and online retailers has opened up access to more and cheaper books for the average person. And with improved distribution, it’s a matter of days–at most–from the time you click “purchase” to the time your new books arrive on your doorstep.

    Japan, though initially resistant, has proven not much different. Amazon Japan and Rakuten both have e-book readers and both sell books at prices lower than what you’ll usually find in a store, especially small-to-mid-sized retailers and specialty stores.

    In fact, Mainichi Shinbun recently reported on the closing of some of these smaller stores, marking the shift in the retail landscape from brick-and-mortar stores to digital retailers. In the thirteen years between 2000 and 2013, 34 percent of the bookstores in Japan were shuttered.

  • "Amazon and convenience stores are good enough."

    "The extinct bookstores will live on in our hearts."

    "It’s natural selection. Sad as it may be, just give up!"

    "I like bookstores as places, but when it comes to actually buying books, I go online."

    "Specializing in a specific field and not bothering to sell country-wide online is no good. Make it so people can get your books online. Right now, Amazon is doing this, and that’s why they’re winning."

    "It’s bizarre how little business sense bookstore owners have. Read a book or something and learn a little!"

    "Does he not understand how business works?? No matter how you complain, it won’t change anything."

    "Do something about your distribution system! You’re taking way too long to deliver books."

    "What in the world is the merit of buying at a bookstore?"

    "Don’t just stand around crying! Create some reason for us to buy books at your store. If you can’t, you’re just going to go down and down, and it’s only natural that you go out of business."

    A harsh lot of folks, these commenters are! But it’s not difficult to understand their point, is it? If you can’t take the papercuts, get out of the book business.

Lavnovice9 wrote:

Howevering, I can say I have seen more and more artists refusing to sell to gaijin at cons and sites like Toranoana not accepting foreign transactions since gaijin are the ones that generally upload and distribute these works online.

This is untrue. Let's just say there's no honor among thieves. Wink
There's a whole business sector of bookscanning controversy brewering in Japan for years.

Asahi Shimbun: "Publishers fight book-scanning services over copyrights"
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Joined: 29 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:38 am Reply with quote
Touma wrote:

From my experience in web forums, and other places, I think that when a person says "Most people don't care ..." what he really means is "I don't care ..." People like to believe that they are in the majority.
In this case even if he is right about it being most people I think that it must be a slight majority.

Sorry, but the numbers prove my opinion; vastly more people download doujins than buy them. Therefore, more people care about reading doujins than owning them.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:54 am Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
Sorry, but the numbers prove my opinion; vastly more people download doujins than buy them. Therefore, more people care about reading doujins than owning them.

Doujins are a limited product, not everyone can buy them if they wished to. This isn't the same as going out and buying a manga from the bookstore, please understand this. The authors aren't trying to have a continuous print run because that sort of thing may actually piss off a publisher.
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Joined: 29 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:29 am Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
Banken wrote:
Sorry, but the numbers prove my opinion; vastly more people download doujins than buy them. Therefore, more people care about reading doujins than owning them.

Doujins are a limited product, not everyone can buy them if they wished to. This isn't the same as going out and buying a manga from the bookstore, please understand this. The authors aren't trying to have a continuous print run because that sort of thing may actually piss off a publisher.

If the artists willing selling out at every Comiket they would be printing more copies... and assuming you were right, there would be less downloads for every legitimate purchase, which I seriously doubt. Of course, if the theoretical maximum number of people all bought a copy of a given doujin, that would be 500,000 x 500 yen (guessing... they might cost more now) that would be 2.5 million dollars, which means Comiket would be shut down within months, which would be a huge blow to the industry as a whole.

And in reality, it's fair to assume that while people might download their doujins without paying, once an artist goes legit the people who were downloading the doujins are pretty likely to become paying costumers of their professional (non-doujin) work.

Which means that downloads of doujin are a good thing.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:56 am Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
Sorry, but the numbers prove my opinion; vastly more people download doujins than buy them. Therefore, more people care about reading doujins than owning them.

I cannot argue with that. The number of doujinshi that I have downloaded is much greater than the number of physical copies that I have purchased.
But you originally said:
Banken wrote:
Most people don't care about owning physical copies of things anymore. Which is why things like Kindle and Steam are bigger than say, print magazines.

If that was intended to refer only to doujinshi then I will agree with you, but the use of the phrase "of things" and the mention of Kindle made me think that you were talking about books and magazines of all types. And I am not ready to agree with that without a lot more evidence.
As walw6pK4ALo said, there is a big difference between a few doujinshi that are made available to a limited number of people for a short time and thousands of copies of other books and magazines being sold to anybody in stores and on the Internet.

In short, if we are staying on the topic of doujinshi then I do agree with you.
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Joined: 29 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:32 pm Reply with quote
People care more about being able to consume the content of books/magazines/TV/movies/games/et al than owning physical copies of the content, which is why sales of music downloads have surpassed sales of CDs.
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